59 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Algorithm for Synchronization in Diffusively Coupled Systems

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    We present an adaptive algorithm that guarantees synchronization in diffusively coupled systems. We first consider compartmental systems of ODEs, where each compartment represents a spatial domain of components interconnected through diffusion terms with like components in different compartments. Each set of like components may have its own weighted undirected graph describing the topology of the interconnection between compartments. The link weights are updated adaptively according to the magnitude of the difference between neighboring agents connected by the link. We next consider reaction-diffusion PDEs with Neumann boundary conditions, and derive an analogous algorithm guaranteeing spatial homogenization of solutions. We provide a numerical example demonstrating the results

    Conditions for synchronizability in arrays of coupled linear systems

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    Synchronization control in arrays of identical output-coupled continuous-time linear systems is studied. Sufficiency of new conditions for the existence of a synchronizing feedback law are analyzed. It is shown that for neutrally stable systems that are detectable form their outputs, a linear feedback law exists under which any number of coupled systems synchronize provided that the (directed, weighted) graph describing the interconnection is fixed and connected. An algorithm generating one such feedback law is presented. It is also shown that for critically unstable systems detectability is not sufficient, whereas full-state coupling is, for the existence of a linear feedback law that is synchronizing for all connected coupling configurations
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