2 research outputs found

    Determinaci贸n experimental de la permitividad como funci贸n de la frecuencia

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    Objective: To determine the behavior of dielectric permittivity of class II ceramic capacitor in function of frequency up to 10MHz. Context:  in telecommunications and high frequency circuits is necessary to take into account the diminishing of permittivity on dielectrics of ceramic capacitors with the frequency growth, two quantitative methods are proposed to determine this behavior. Method: First, the impedance meter bridge FLUKE PM5306 was used in the frequency range from 10^2 Hz to 10^5 Hz; and second, a novel low-cost electronic circuit for the frequency range between 10^4 Hz to 10^7. Results:  The results from the circuit were validated using the impedance meter bridge RLC FLUKE PM 6306. The measure of the complex capacitance from three capacitors and their loss tangent were obtained. Conclusions: The capacitance decreasing with the increment of the frequency was observed in the impedance meter bridge and the implemented circuit, finding a convergence between both methods in the common frequency region.Contexto: En telecomunicaciones y los circuitos en alta frecuencia es necesario tener en cuenta la disminuci贸n de la permitividad de los diel茅ctricos en capacitores cer谩micos con el aumento de la frecuencia, se proponen 2 m茅todos cuantitativos para determinar el comportamiento. M茅todo: Primero se utiliz贸 el puente medidor de impedancias FLUKE PM6306 en el rango de frecuencias entre  Hz hasta  Hz, y segundo, un circuito electr贸nico novedoso de bajo costo para frecuencias entre  Hz hasta  Hz. Resultados: Se validaron los resultados obtenidos con el circuito contrast谩ndolo con el puente de impedancias RLC FLUKE PM6306. Se obtuvo la medici贸n de la capacitancia compleja de tres diferentes condensadores, as铆 como la tangente de p茅rdidas asociada. Conclusiones: Se observ贸 la disminuci贸n de la capacitancia con el aumento de la frecuencia a trav茅s del puente de impedancias, as铆 como con el circuito implementado, encontrando convergencia entre los dos m茅todos en la regi贸n com煤n de frecuencia

    In-Situ Real Time Monitoring and Control of Mold Making and Filling Processes: Final Report

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    This project presents a model for addressing several objectives envisioned by the metal casting industries through the integration of research and educational components. It provides an innovative approach to introduce technologies for real time characterization of sand molds, lost foam patterns and monitoring of the mold filling process. The technology developed will enable better control over the casting process. It is expected to reduce scrap and variance in the casting quality. A strong educational component is integrated into the research plan to utilize increased awareness of the industry professional, the potential benefits of the developed technology, and the potential benefits of cross cutting technologies