100 research outputs found

    Analysing the predictions of a CNN-based replay spoofing detection system

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    Playing recorded speech samples of an enrolled speaker - "replay attack" - is a simple approach to bypass an automatic speaker verification (ASV) system. The vulnerability of ASV systems to such attacks has been acknowledged and studied, but there has been no research into what spoofing detection systems are actually learning to discriminate. In this paper, we analyse the local behaviour of a replay spoofing detection system based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) adapted from a state-of-the-art CNN (LCNN-FFT) submitted at the ASVspoof 2017 challenge. We generate temporal and spectral explanations for predictions of the model using the SLIME algorithm. Our findings suggest that in most instances of spoofing the model is using information in the first 400 milliseconds of each audio instance to make the class prediction. Knowledge of the characteristics that spoofing detection systems are exploiting can help build less vulnerable ASV systems, other spoofing detection systems, as well as better evaluation databases

    Restrictive Voting Technique for Faces Spoofing Attack

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    Face anti-spoofing has become widely used due to the increasing use of biometric authentication systems that rely on facial recognition. It is a critical issue in biometric authentication systems that aim to prevent unauthorized access. In this paper, we propose a modified version of majority voting that ensembles the votes of six classifiers for multiple video chunks to improve the accuracy of face anti-spoofing. Our approach involves sampling sub-videos of 2 seconds each with a one-second overlap and classifying each sub-video using multiple classifiers. We then ensemble the classifications for each sub-video across all classifiers to decide the complete video classification. We focus on the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) metric to highlight the importance of preventing unauthorized access. We evaluated our method using the Replay Attack dataset and achieved a zero FAR. We also reported the Half Total Error Rate (HTER) and Equal Error Rate (EER) and gained a better result than most state-of-the-art methods. Our experimental results show that our proposed method significantly reduces the FAR, which is crucial for real-world face anti-spoofing applications

    Uncovering the Deceptions: An Analysis on Audio Spoofing Detection and Future Prospects

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    Audio has become an increasingly crucial biometric modality due to its ability to provide an intuitive way for humans to interact with machines. It is currently being used for a range of applications, including person authentication to banking to virtual assistants. Research has shown that these systems are also susceptible to spoofing and attacks. Therefore, protecting audio processing systems against fraudulent activities, such as identity theft, financial fraud, and spreading misinformation, is of paramount importance. This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art techniques for detecting audio spoofing and discusses the current challenges along with open research problems. The paper further highlights the importance of considering the ethical and privacy implications of audio spoofing detection systems. Lastly, the work aims to accentuate the need for building more robust and generalizable methods, the integration of automatic speaker verification and countermeasure systems, and better evaluation protocols.Comment: Accepted in IJCAI 202

    Speech Replay Detection with x-Vector Attack Embeddings and Spectral Features

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    We present our system submission to the ASVspoof 2019 Challenge Physical Access (PA) task. The objective for this challenge was to develop a countermeasure that identifies speech audio as either bona fide or intercepted and replayed. The target prediction was a value indicating that a speech segment was bona fide (positive values) or "spoofed" (negative values). Our system used convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and a representation of the speech audio that combined x-vector attack embeddings with signal processing features. The x-vector attack embeddings were created from mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) using a time-delay neural network (TDNN). These embeddings jointly modeled 27 different environments and 9 types of attacks from the labeled data. We also used sub-band spectral centroid magnitude coefficients (SCMCs) as features. We included an additive Gaussian noise layer during training as a way to augment the data to make our system more robust to previously unseen attack examples. We report system performance using the tandem detection cost function (tDCF) and equal error rate (EER). Our approach performed better that both of the challenge baselines. Our technique suggests that our x-vector attack embeddings can help regularize the CNN predictions even when environments or attacks are more challenging.Comment: Presented at Interspeech 201

    Subband modeling for spoofing detection in automatic speaker verification

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    Spectrograms - time-frequency representations of audio signals - have found widespread use in neural network-based spoofing detection. While deep models are trained on the fullband spectrum of the signal, we argue that not all frequency bands are useful for these tasks. In this paper, we systematically investigate the impact of different subbands and their importance on replay spoofing detection on two benchmark datasets: ASVspoof 2017 v2.0 and ASVspoof 2019 PA. We propose a joint subband modelling framework that employs n different sub-networks to learn subband specific features. These are later combined and passed to a classifier and the whole network weights are updated during training. Our findings on the ASVspoof 2017 dataset suggest that the most discriminative information appears to be in the first and the last 1 kHz frequency bands, and the joint model trained on these two subbands shows the best performance outperforming the baselines by a large margin. However, these findings do not generalise on the ASVspoof 2019 PA dataset. This suggests that the datasets available for training these models do not reflect real world replay conditions suggesting a need for careful design of datasets for training replay spoofing countermeasures

    Voice biometric system security: Design and analysis of countermeasures for replay attacks.

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    PhD ThesisVoice biometric systems use automatic speaker veri cation (ASV) technology for user authentication. Even if it is among the most convenient means of biometric authentication, the robustness and security of ASV in the face of spoo ng attacks (or presentation attacks) is of growing concern and is now well acknowledged by the research community. A spoo ng attack involves illegitimate access to personal data of a targeted user. Replay is among the simplest attacks to mount | yet di cult to detect reliably and is the focus of this thesis. This research focuses on the analysis and design of existing and novel countermeasures for replay attack detection in ASV, organised in two major parts. The rst part of the thesis investigates existing methods for spoo ng detection from several perspectives. I rst study the generalisability of hand-crafted features for replay detection that show promising results on synthetic speech detection. I nd, however, that it is di cult to achieve similar levels of performance due to the acoustically di erent problem under investigation. In addition, I show how class-dependent cues in a benchmark dataset (ASVspoof 2017) can lead to the manipulation of class predictions. I then analyse the performance of several countermeasure models under varied replay attack conditions. I nd that it is di cult to account for the e ects of various factors in a replay attack: acoustic environment, playback device and recording device, and their interactions. Subsequently, I developed and studied a convolutional neural network (CNN) model that demonstrates comparable performance to the one that ranked rst in the ASVspoof 2017 challenge. Here, the experiment analyses what the CNN has learned for replay detection using a method from interpretable machine learning. The ndings suggest that the model highly attends at the rst few milliseconds of test recordings in order to make predictions. Then, I perform an in-depth analysis of a benchmark dataset (ASVspoof 2017) for spoo ng detection and demonstrate that any machine learning countermeasure model can still exploit the artefacts I identi ed in this dataset. The second part of the thesis studies the design of countermeasures for ASV, focusing on model robustness and avoiding dataset biases. First, I proposed an ensemble model combining shallow and deep machine learning methods for spoo ng detection, and then demonstrate its e ectiveness on the latest benchmark datasets (ASVspoof 2019). Next, I proposed the use of speech endpoint detection for reliable and robust model predictions on the ASVspoof 2017 dataset. For this, I created a publicly available collection of hand-annotations of speech endpoints for the same dataset, and new benchmark results for both frame-based and utterance-based countermeasures are also developed. I then proposed spectral subband modelling using CNNs for replay detection. My results indicate that models that learn subband-speci c information substantially outperform models trained on complete spectrograms. Finally, I proposed to use variational autoencoders | deep unsupervised generative models | as an alternative backend for spoo ng detection and demonstrate encouraging results when compared with the traditional Gaussian mixture mode

    Unmasking the imposters: towards improving the generalisation of deep learning methods for face presentation attack detection.

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    Identity theft has had a detrimental impact on the reliability of face recognition, which has been extensively employed in security applications. The most prevalent are presentation attacks. By using a photo, video, or mask of an authorized user, attackers can bypass face recognition systems. Fake presentation attacks are detected by the camera sensors of face recognition systems using face presentation attack detection. Presentation attacks can be detected using convolutional neural networks, commonly used in computer vision applications. An in-depth analysis of current deep learning methods is used in this research to examine various aspects of detecting face presentation attacks. A number of new techniques are implemented and evaluated in this study, including pre-trained models, manual feature extraction, and data aggregation. The thesis explores the effectiveness of various machine learning and deep learning models in improving detection performance by using publicly available datasets with different dataset partitions than those specified in the official dataset protocol. Furthermore, the research investigates how deep models and data aggregation can be used to detect face presentation attacks, as well as a novel approach that combines manual features with deep features in order to improve detection accuracy. Moreover, task-specific features are also extracted using pre-trained deep models to enhance the performance of detection and generalisation further. This problem is motivated by the need to achieve generalization against new and rapidly evolving attack variants. It is possible to extract identifiable features from presentation attack variants in order to detect them. However, new methods are needed to deal with emerging attacks and improve the generalization capability. This thesis examines the necessary measures to detect face presentation attacks in a more robust and generalised manner
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