1 research outputs found

    Analysing Communication In The Context Of A Software Production Organisation

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    While quality has been widely stressed in literature as a goal of the software design methodologies, quality as a result of the interaction among the actors involved in the design and development processes has not received the same attention. This work aims to investigate the software production process by addressing the communication among work groups in the organisation. Our focus is on understanding the communication process that takes place among the groups, considering that the computational artefact emerges as a result of the communicational acts issued between people with different roles in the process. We base our understanding of communication in semiotic foundations, to propose a framework for analysing communication in the whole process of system design and development. The design process of a real organisation that produces commercial software illustrates our main ideas.2562569Andersen, P.B., (1997) A Theory of Computer Semiotics, , Cambridge University Press, CambridgeBeyer, H.B., Holtzblatt, K., (1998) Contextual Design: Defining Customer-centered Systems, , Morgan Kaufmann PublishersEhn, P., Lowgren, J., Design for quality-in-use: Human-computer interaction meets information systems development (1997) Handbook of Human-computer Interaction, , Helander et al eds., Elsevier ScienceFisk, J., (1990) Introduction to Communication Studies, , Routledge, LondonGrudin, J., Markus, M.L., (1997) Handbook of Human-computer Interaction, , aOrganizational Issues in Development and Implementation of Interactive Systems, In: Helander et al eds., Elsevier ScienceHix, D., Hartson, H.R., (1993) Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring Usability Through Product and Process, , John Wiley and Sons, New YorkJakobson, R., Closing statement: Linguistics and poetics (1960) Style in Language, , Sebeok, A. ed. :, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MassLiu, K., (2000) Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering, , Cambridge University PressMuller, M., Participatory practices in the software lifecycle (1997) Handbook of Human-computer Interaction, , Helander et al eds., Elsevier Science, New YorkNadin, M., Interface design and evaluation - Semiotic implications (1998) Advances in Human-computer Interaction, 2. , Hartson, H. R and Hix, D, eds. :, Ablex Publishing CorporationNorman, D.A., (1998) The Invisible Computer, , The MIT Press, Cambridge, MassachusettsSalles, J.P., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Bigonha, R.S., A communication model for the interface design process (2000) Workshop on Semiotic Approaches to User Interface Design, , CHI2000Schön, D., Bennet, J., Reflective conversation with materials (1996) Bringing Design to Software, , Winograd, T, ed., ACM PressShannon, C.L., Weaver, W., (1949) The Mathematical Theory of Communication, , Urbana, Univ. of Illinois PressStamper, R.K., (1973) Information in Business and Administrative Systems, , John Wiley and Sons, New YorkWestley, B.H., MacLehan, M.S., Un modelo conceptual para la investigacíon en comunicaciones (1972) Comunicacíon y Cultura, , Smith G, ed. :, Nueva Visión, Buenos Aires 1972Winograd, T., (1996) Bringing Design to Software, , ACM Pres