62 research outputs found

    ABAW: Valence-Arousal Estimation, Expression Recognition, Action Unit Detection & Multi-Task Learning Challenges

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    This paper describes the third Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW) Competition, held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022. The 3rd ABAW Competition is a continuation of the Competitions held at ICCV 2021, IEEE FG 2020 and IEEE CVPR 2017 Conferences, and aims at automatically analyzing affect. This year the Competition encompasses four Challenges: i) uni-task Valence-Arousal Estimation, ii) uni-task Expression Classification, iii) uni-task Action Unit Detection, and iv) Multi-Task-Learning. All the Challenges are based on a common benchmark database, Aff-Wild2, which is a large scale in-the-wild database and the first one to be annotated in terms of valence-arousal, expressions and action units. In this paper, we present the four Challenges, with the utilized Competition corpora, we outline the evaluation metrics and present the baseline systems along with their obtained results

    Spatio-Temporal AU Relational Graph Representation Learning For Facial Action Units Detection

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    This paper presents our Facial Action Units (AUs) recognition submission to the fifth Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild Competition (ABAW). Our approach consists of three main modules: (i) a pre-trained facial representation encoder which produce a strong facial representation from each input face image in the input sequence; (ii) an AU-specific feature generator that specifically learns a set of AU features from each facial representation; and (iii) a spatio-temporal graph learning module that constructs a spatio-temporal graph representation. This graph representation describes AUs contained in all frames and predicts the occurrence of each AU based on both the modeled spatial information within the corresponding face and the learned temporal dynamics among frames. The experimental results show that our approach outperformed the baseline and the spatio-temporal graph representation learning allows our model to generate the best results among all ablated systems. Our model ranks at the 4th place in the AU recognition track at the 5th ABAW Competition
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