7 research outputs found

    Amplitude Suppression and Chaos Control in Epileptic EEG Signals

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    In this paper we have proposed a novel amplitude suppression algorithm for EEG signals collected during epileptic seizure. Then we have proposed a measure of chaoticity for a chaotic signal, which is somewhat similar to measuring sensitive dependence on initial conditions by measuring Lyapunov exponent in a chaotic dynamical system. We have shown that with respect to this measure the amplitude suppression algorithm reduces chaoticity in a chaotic signal (EEG signal is chaotic). We have compared our measure with the estimated largest Lyapunov exponent measure by the largelyap function, which is similar to Wolf's algorithm. They fit closely for all but one of the cases. How the algorithm can help to improve patient specific dosage titration during vagus nerve stimulation therapy has been outlined

    Low-Power Implantable Device for Onset Detection and Subsequent Treatment of Epileptic Seizures: A Review

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    Over the past few years, there has been growing interest in neuro-responsive intracerebral local treatments of seizures, such as focal drug delivery, focal cooling, or electrical stimulation. This mode of treatment requires an effective intracerebral electroencephalographic acquisition system, seizure detector, brain stimulator, and wireless system that consume ultra-low power. This review focuses on alternative brain stimulation treatments for medically intractable epilepsy patients. We mainly discuss clinical studies of long-term responsive stimulation and suggest safer optimized therapeutic options for epilepsy. Finally, we conclude our study with the proposed low-power, implantable fully integrated device that automatically detects low-voltage fast activity ictal onsets and triggers focal treatment to disrupt seizure progression. The detection performance was verified using intracerebral electroencephalographic recordings from two patients with epilepsy. Further experimental validation of this prototype is underway

    Simulation of Abnormal/Normal Brain States Using the KIV Model

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    Recent studies have focused on the phenomena of abnormal electrical brain activity which may transition into a debilitating seizure state through the entrainment of large populations of neurons.Starting from the initial epileptogenisis of a small population of abnormally firing neurons, to the mobilization of mesoscopic neuron populations behaving in a synchronous manner, a model has been formulated that captures the initial epileptogenisis to the semi-periodic entrainment of distant neuron populations.The normal non-linear dynamic signal captured through EEG, moves into a semi-periodic state, which can be quantified as the seizure state.Capturing the asynchronous/synchronous behavior of the normal/pathological brain state will be discussed.This model will also demonstrate how electrical stimulation applied to the limbic system restores the seizure state of the brain back to its original normal condition.Human brain states are modeled using a biologically inspired neural network, the KIV model.The KIV model exhibits the noisy, chaotic attributes found in the limbic system of brains of higher forms of organisms, and in its normal basal state, represents the homogeneous activity of millions of neuron activations.The KIV can exhibit the ’unbalanced state’ of neural activity, whereas when a small cluster of abnormal firing neurons starts to exhibit periodic neural firings that eventually entrain all the neurons within the limbic system, the network has moved into the ‘seizure’ state.These attributes have been found in human EEG recordings and have been duplicated in this model of the brain.The discussion in this dissertation covers the attributes found in human EEG data and models these attributes.Additionally, this model proposes a methodology to restore the modeled ‘seizure’ state, and by doing so, proposes a manner for external electrical titration to restore the abnormal seizure state back to a normal chaotic EEG signal state.Quantification measurements of normal, abnormal, and restoration to normal brain states will be exhibited using the following approaches:Analysis of human EEG dataQuantification measurements of brain states.Development of models of the different brain states, i.e. fit parameters of the model on individual personal data/history.Implementation of quantitative measurements on “restored” simulated seizure state

    Implantable Micro-Device for Epilepsy Seizure Detection and Subsequent Treatment

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    RÉSUMÉ L’émergence des micro-dispositifs implantables est une voie prometteuse pour le traitement de troubles neurologiques. Ces systĂšmes biomĂ©dicaux ont Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ©s comme traitements non-conventionnels sur des patients chez qui les remĂšdes habituels sont inefficaces. Les rĂ©cents progrĂšs qui ont Ă©tĂ© faits sur les interfaces neuronales directes ont permis aux chercheurs d’analyser l’activitĂ© EEG intracĂ©rĂ©brale (icEEG) en temps rĂ©el pour des fins de traitements. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente un dispositif implantable Ă  base de microsystĂšmes pouvant capter efficacement des signaux neuronaux, dĂ©tecter des crises d’épilepsie et y apporter un traitement afin de l’arrĂȘter. Les contributions principales prĂ©sentĂ©es ici ont Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©es dans cinq articles scientifiques, publiĂ©s ou acceptĂ©s pour publication dans les revues IEEE, et plusieurs autres tels que «Low Power Electronics» et «Emerging Technologies in Computing». Le microsystĂšme proposĂ© inclus un circuit intĂ©grĂ© (CI) Ă  faible consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique permettant la dĂ©tection de crises d’épilepsie en temps rĂ©el. Cet CI comporte une prĂ©-amplification initiale et un dĂ©tecteur de crises d’épilepsie. Le prĂ©-amplificateur est constituĂ© d’une nouvelle topologie de stabilisateur d’hacheur rĂ©duisant le bruit et la puissance dissipĂ©e. Les CI fabriquĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s sur des enregistrements d’icEEG provenant de sept patients Ă©pileptiques rĂ©fractaires au traitement antiĂ©pileptique. Le dĂ©lai moyen de la dĂ©tection d’une crise est de 13,5 secondes, soit avant le dĂ©but des manifestations cliniques Ă©videntes. La consommation totale d’énergie mesurĂ©e de cette puce est de 51 ÎŒW. Un neurostimulateur Ă  boucle fermĂ©e (NSBF), quant Ă  lui, dĂ©tecte automatiquement les crises en se basant sur les signaux icEEG captĂ©s par des Ă©lectrodes intracrĂąniennes et permet une rĂ©troaction par une stimulation Ă©lectrique au mĂȘme endroit afin d’interrompre ces crises. La puce de dĂ©tection de crises et le stimulateur Ă©lectrique Ă  base sur FPGA ont Ă©tĂ© assemblĂ©s Ă  des Ă©lectrodes afin de complĂ©ter la prothĂšse proposĂ©e. Ce NSBF a Ă©tĂ© validĂ© en utilisant des enregistrements d’icEEG de dix patients souffrant d’épilepsie rĂ©fractaire. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent une performance excellente pour la dĂ©tection prĂ©coce de crises et pour l’auto-dĂ©clenchement subsĂ©quent d’une stimulation Ă©lectrique. La consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique totale du NSBF est de 16 mW. Une autre alternative Ă  la stimulation Ă©lectrique est l’injection locale de mĂ©dicaments, un traitement prometteur de l’épilepsie. Un systĂšme local de livraison de mĂ©dicament basĂ© sur un nouveau dĂ©tecteur asynchrone des crises est prĂ©sentĂ©.----------ABSTRACT Emerging implantable microdevices hold great promise for the treatment of patients with neurological conditions. These biomedical systems have been exploited as unconventional treatment for the conventionally untreatable patients. Recent progress in brain-machine-interface activities has led the researchers to analyze the intracerebral EEG (icEEG) recording in real-time and deliver subsequent treatments. We present in this thesis a long-term safe and reliable low-power microsystem-based implantable device to perform efficient neural signal recording, seizure detection and subsequent treatment for epilepsy. The main contributions presented in this thesis are reported in five journal manuscripts, published or accepted for publication in IEEE Journals, and many others such as Low Power Electronics, and Emerging Technologies in Computing. The proposed microsystem includes a low-power integrated circuit (IC) intended for real-time epileptic seizure detection. This IC integrates a front-end preamplifier and epileptic seizure detector. The preamplifier is based on a new chopper stabilizer topology that reduces noise and power dissipation. The fabricated IC was tested using icEEG recordings from seven patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. The average seizure detection delay was 13.5 sec, well before the onset of clinical manifestations. The measured total power consumption of this chip is 51 ”W. A closed-loop neurostimulator (CLNS) is next introduced, which is dedicated to automatically detect seizure based on icEEG recordings from intracranial electrode contacts and provide an electrical stimulation feedback to the same contacts in order to disrupt these seizures. The seizure detector chip and a dedicated FPGA-based electrical stimulator were assembled together with common recording electrodes to complete the proposed prosthesis. This CLNS was validated offline using recording from ten patients with refractory epilepsy, and showed excellent performance for early detection of seizures and subsequent self-triggering electrical stimulation. Total power consumption of the CLNS is 16 mW. Alternatively, focal drug injection is the promising treatment for epilepsy. A responsive focal drug delivery system based on a new asynchronous seizure detector is also presented. The later system with data-dependent computation reduces up to 49% power consumption compared to the previous synchronous neurostimulator