11 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Circuits for Autonomous Learning: A simulation study

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    Modern machine learning is based on powerful algorithms running on digital computing platforms and there is great interest in accelerating the learning process and making it more energy efficient. In this paper we present a fully autonomous probabilistic circuit for fast and efficient learning that makes no use of digital computing. Specifically we use SPICE simulations to demonstrate a clockless autonomous circuit where the required synaptic weights are read out in the form of analog voltages. Such autonomous circuits could be particularly of interest as standalone learning devices in the context of mobile and edge computing

    Non-Ideal Program-Time Conservation in Charge Trap Flash for Deep Learning

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    Training deep neural networks (DNNs) is computationally intensive but arrays of non-volatile memories like Charge Trap Flash (CTF) can accelerate DNN operations using in-memory computing. Specifically, the Resistive Processing Unit (RPU) architecture uses the voltage-threshold program by stochastic encoded pulse trains and analog memory features to accelerate vector-vector outer product and weight update for the gradient descent algorithms. Although CTF, offering high precision, has been regarded as an excellent choice for implementing RPU, the accumulation of charge due to the applied stochastic pulse trains is ultimately of critical significance in determining the final weight update. In this paper, we report the non-ideal program-time conservation in CTF through pulsing input measurements. We experimentally measure the effect of pulse width and pulse gap, keeping the total ON-time of the input pulse train constant, and report three non-idealities: (1) Cumulative V_T shift reduces when total ON-time is fragmented into a larger number of shorter pulses, (2) Cumulative V_T shift drops abruptly for pulse widths < 2 {\mu}s, (3) Cumulative V_T shift depends on the gap between consecutive pulses and the V_T shift reduction gets recovered for smaller gaps. We present an explanation based on a transient tunneling field enhancement due to blocking oxide trap-charge dynamics to explain these non-idealities. Identifying and modeling the responsible mechanisms and predicting their system-level effects during learning is critical. This non-ideal accumulation is expected to affect algorithms and architectures relying on devices for implementing mathematically equivalent functions for in-memory computing-based acceleration

    Training LSTM Networks with Resistive Cross-Point Devices

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    In our previous work we have shown that resistive cross point devices, so called Resistive Processing Unit (RPU) devices, can provide significant power and speed benefits when training deep fully connected networks as well as convolutional neural networks. In this work, we further extend the RPU concept for training recurrent neural networks (RNNs) namely LSTMs. We show that the mapping of recurrent layers is very similar to the mapping of fully connected layers and therefore the RPU concept can potentially provide large acceleration factors for RNNs as well. In addition, we study the effect of various device imperfections and system parameters on training performance. Symmetry of updates becomes even more crucial for RNNs; already a few percent asymmetry results in an increase in the test error compared to the ideal case trained with floating point numbers. Furthermore, the input signal resolution to device arrays needs to be at least 7 bits for successful training. However, we show that a stochastic rounding scheme can reduce the input signal resolution back to 5 bits. Further, we find that RPU device variations and hardware noise are enough to mitigate overfitting, so that there is less need for using dropout. We note that the models trained here are roughly 1500 times larger than the fully connected network trained on MNIST dataset in terms of the total number of multiplication and summation operations performed per epoch. Thus, here we attempt to study the validity of the RPU approach for large scale networks.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Mixed-precision deep learning based on computational memory

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and have achieved unprecedented success in cognitive tasks such as image and speech recognition. Training of large DNNs, however, is computationally intensive and this has motivated the search for novel computing architectures targeting this application. A computational memory unit with nanoscale resistive memory devices organized in crossbar arrays could store the synaptic weights in their conductance states and perform the expensive weighted summations in place in a non-von Neumann manner. However, updating the conductance states in a reliable manner during the weight update process is a fundamental challenge that limits the training accuracy of such an implementation. Here, we propose a mixed-precision architecture that combines a computational memory unit performing the weighted summations and imprecise conductance updates with a digital processing unit that accumulates the weight updates in high precision. A combined hardware/software training experiment of a multilayer perceptron based on the proposed architecture using a phase-change memory (PCM) array achieves 97.73% test accuracy on the task of classifying handwritten digits (based on the MNIST dataset), within 0.6% of the software baseline. The architecture is further evaluated using accurate behavioral models of PCM on a wide class of networks, namely convolutional neural networks, long-short-term-memory networks, and generative-adversarial networks. Accuracies comparable to those of floating-point implementations are achieved without being constrained by the non-idealities associated with the PCM devices. A system-level study demonstrates 173x improvement in energy efficiency of the architecture when used for training a multilayer perceptron compared with a dedicated fully digital 32-bit implementation

    Analog CMOS-based Resistive Processing Unit for Deep Neural Network Training

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    Recently we have shown that an architecture based on resistive processing unit (RPU) devices has potential to achieve significant acceleration in deep neural network (DNN) training compared to today&apos;s software-based DNN implementations running on CPU/GPU. However, currently available device candidates based on non-volatile memory technologies do not satisfy all the requirements to realize the RPU concept. Here, we propose an analog CMOS-based RPU design (CMOS RPU) which can store and process data locally and can be operated in a massively parallel manner. We analyze various properties of the CMOS RPU to evaluate the functionality and feasibility for acceleration of DNN training.1