2 research outputs found

    Domination in Benzenoids

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    A benzenoid is a molecule that can be represented as a graph. This graph is a fragment of the hexagon lattice. A dominating set DD in a graph GG is a set of vertices such that each vertex of the graph is either in DD or adjacent to a vertex in DD. The domination number γ=γ(G)\gamma=\gamma(G) of a graph GG is the size of a minimum dominating set. We will find formulas and bounds for the domination number of various special benzenoids, namely, linear chains L(h)L(h), triangulenes TkT_k, and parallelogram benzenoids Bp,qB_{p,q}. The domination ratio of a graph GG is γ(G)n(G)\frac{\gamma(G)}{n(G)}, where n(G)n(G) is the number of vertices of GG. We will use the preceding results to prove that the domination ratio is no more than 13\frac{1}{3} for the considered benzenoids. We conjecture that is true for all benzenoids