39 research outputs found

    Ultraspectral Sounding Retrieval Error Budget and Estimation

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    The ultraspectral infrared radiances obtained from satellite observations provide atmospheric, surface, and/or cloud information. The intent of the measurement of the thermodynamic state is the initialization of weather and climate models. Great effort has been given to retrieving and validating these atmospheric, surface, and/or cloud properties. Error Consistency Analysis Scheme (ECAS), through fast radiative transfer model (RTM) forward and inverse calculations, has been developed to estimate the error budget in terms of absolute and standard deviation of differences in both spectral radiance and retrieved geophysical parameter domains. The retrieval error is assessed through ECAS without assistance of other independent measurements such as radiosonde data. ECAS re-evaluates instrument random noise, and establishes the link between radiometric accuracy and retrieved geophysical parameter accuracy. ECAS can be applied to measurements of any ultraspectral instrument and any retrieval scheme with associated RTM. In this paper, ECAS is described and demonstration is made with the measurements of the METOP-A satellite Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI).

    How Well Can Infrared Sounders Observe the Atmosphere and Surface Through Clouds?

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    Infrared sounders, such as the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), and the Cross-track Infrared sounder (CrIS), have a cloud-impenetrable disadvantage in observing the atmosphere and surface under opaque cloudy conditions. However, recent studies indicate that hyperspectral, infrared sounders have the ability to detect cloud effective-optical and microphysical properties and to penetrate optically thin clouds in observing the atmosphere and surface to a certain degree. We have developed a retrieval scheme dealing with atmospheric conditions with cloud presence. This scheme can be used to analyze the retrieval accuracy of atmospheric and surface parameters under clear and cloudy conditions. In this paper, we present the surface emissivity results derived from IASI global measurements under both clear and cloudy conditions. The accuracy of surface emissivity derived under cloudy conditions is statistically estimated in comparison with those derived under clear sky conditions. The retrieval error caused by the clouds is shown as a function of cloud optical depth, which helps us to understand how well infrared sounders can observe the atmosphere and surface through clouds

    Surface Emissivity Retrieved with Satellite Ultraspectral IR Measurements for Monitoring Global Change

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    Surface and atmospheric thermodynamic parameters retrieved with advanced ultraspectral remote sensors aboard Earth observing satellites are critical to general atmospheric and Earth science research, climate monitoring, and weather prediction. Ultraspectral resolution infrared radiance obtained from nadir observations provide atmospheric, surface, and cloud information. Presented here is the global surface IR emissivity retrieved from Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) measurements under "clear-sky" conditions. Fast radiative transfer models, applied to the cloud-free (or clouded) atmosphere, are used for atmospheric profile and surface parameter (or cloud parameter) retrieval. The inversion scheme, dealing with cloudy as well as cloud-free radiances observed with ultraspectral infrared sounders, has been developed to simultaneously retrieve atmospheric thermodynamic and surface (or cloud microphysical) parameters. Rapidly produced surface emissivity is initially evaluated through quality control checks on the retrievals of other impacted atmospheric and surface parameters. Surface emissivity and surface skin temperature from the current and future operational satellites can and will reveal critical information on the Earth s ecosystem and land surface type properties, which can be utilized as part of long-term monitoring for the Earth s environment and global climate change

    Cloud and Thermodynamic Parameters Retrieved from Satellite Ultraspectral Infrared Measurements

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    Atmospheric-thermodynamic parameters and surface properties are basic meteorological parameters for weather forecasting. A physical geophysical parameter retrieval scheme dealing with cloudy and cloud-free radiance observed with satellite ultraspectral infrared sounders has been developed and applied to the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) and the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS). The retrieved parameters presented herein are from radiance data gathered during the Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment (JAIVEx). JAIVEx provided intensive aircraft observations obtained from airborne Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) systems, in-situ measurements, and dedicated dropsonde and radiosonde measurements for the validation of the IASI products. Here, IASI atmospheric profile retrievals are compared with those obtained from dedicated dropsondes, radiosondes, and the airborne FTS system. The IASI examples presented here demonstrate the ability to retrieve fine-scale horizontal features with high vertical resolution from satellite ultraspectral sounder radiance spectra

    A High-performance Atmospheric Radiation Package: with applications to the radiative energy budgets of giant planets

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    A High-performance Atmospheric Radiation Package (HARP) is developed for studying multiple-scattering planetary atmospheres. HARP is an open-source program written in C++ that utilizes high-level data structure and parallel-computing algorithms. It is generic in three aspects. First, the construction of the model atmospheric profile is generic. The program can either take in an atmospheric profile or construct an adiabatic thermal and compositional profile, taking into account the clouds and latent heat release due to condensation. Second, the calculation of opacity is generic, based on line-by-line molecular transitions and tabulated continuum data, along with a table of correlated-k opacity provided as an option to speed up the calculation of energy fluxes. Third, the selection of the solver for the radiative transfer equation is generic. The solver is not hardwired in the program. Instead, based on the purpose, a variety of radiative transfer solvers can be chosen to couple with the atmosphere model and the opacity model. We use the program to investigate the radiative heating and cooling rates of all four giant planets in the Solar System. Our Jupiter's result is consistent with previous publications. Saturn has a nearly perfect balance between the heating rate and cooling rate. Uranus has the least radiative fluxes because of the lack of CH4 and its photochemical products. Both Uranus and Neptune suffer from a severe energy deficit in their stratospheres. Possible ways to resolve this issue are discussed. Finally, we recalculate the radiative time constants of all four giant planet atmospheres and find that the traditional values from (Conrath BJ, Gierasch PJ, Leroy SS. Temperature and Circulation in the Stratosphere of the Outer Planets. Icar. 1990;83:255-81) are significantly overestimated.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Retrieval validation during the European Aqua Thermodynamic Experiment

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    Atmospheric and surface thermodynamic parameters retrieved with advanced hyperspectral remote sensors aboard Earth observing satellites are critical to weather prediction and scientific research. The retrieval algorithms and retrieved parameters from satellite sounders must be validated to demonstrate the capability and accuracy of both observation and data processing systems. The European Aqua Thermodynamic Experiment (EAQUATE) was conducted not only for validation of the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder on the Aqua satellite, but also for assessment of validation systems of both ground-based and aircraft-based instruments that will be used for other satellite systems, such as the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer on the European MetOp satellite, the Cross-track Infrared Sounder from the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project and the continuing series of NPOESS satellites. Detailed intercomparisons were conducted and presented using different retrieval methodologies: measurements from airborne ultraspectral Fourier transform spectrometers, aircraft in situ instruments, dedicated dropsondes and radiosondes, ground-based Raman lidar, as well as the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting modelled thermal structures. The results of this study not only illustrate the quality of the measurements and retrieval products, but also demonstrate the capability of the validation systems put in place to validate current and future hyperspectral sounding instruments and their scientific products

    Early results from AIRS on the EOS

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    The Atmospheric IR Sounder (AIRS) on the EOS Aqua spacecraft is an IR spectrometer/radiometer which covers the 650-2700 cm^(-1) region of the spectrum with 2378 spectral channels. The EOS Aqua was launched on 4 May 2002 from Vandenburg AFB, California, in to a 705km high, sun synchronous orbit. First test of the radiometric calibration using the analysis of (observed-calculated) for data from a single, relatively cloud free 2500×2500 km area of the subtropical Atlantic ocean confirm absolute radiometric accuracy of better than 0.5K. The spectral information in the data also suggests that the analyzed region contained more moisture than the NCEP analysis. Based on these results we expect that the assimilation of AIRS data into the forecast to result in major medium range weather forecast improvements and that the data set recorded by AIRS during its nominal seven year lifetime will be a major resource for climate studies

    Atmospheric validation of high accuracy CO_2 absorption coefficients for the OCO-2 mission

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    We describe atmospheric validation of View the MathML source and View the MathML source CO_2 absorption coefficient databases for use by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2). The OCO-2 mission will collect the measurements needed to estimate column-averaged CO_2 dry air mole fraction within 1 ppm accuracy without the region- or airmass-dependent biases that would significantly degrade efforts to understand carbon sources and sinks on a global scale. To accomplish this, the forward radiative transfer model used to generate synthetic atmospheric spectra for retrievals must achieve unprecedented spectroscopic fidelity within the short wave infrared CO_2 bands sampled by the sensors. The failure of Voigt line shapes and conventional line mixing formulations for such objectives has motivated significant revisions to line shape models used to generate the gas absorption cross sections for the OCO-2 forward model. In this paper, we test line mixing and speed dependent line shapes combined with improved experimental line parameters. We evaluate pre-computed absorption coefficients in the two spectral regions of CO_2 absorbtion using high resolution FT-IR laboratory spectra, atmospheric spectra from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON), and medium resolution soundings from the space-based Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT)

    Deep convective clouds at the tropopause

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    Data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on the EOS Aqua spacecraft each day show tens of thousands of Cold Clouds (CC) in the tropical oceans with 10 μm window channel brightness temperatures colder than 225 K. These clouds represent a mix of cold anvil clouds and Deep Convective Clouds (DCC). This mix can be separated by computing the difference between two channels, a window channel and a channel with strong CO<sub>2</sub> absorption: for some cold clouds this difference is negative, i.e. the spectra for some cold clouds are inverted. We refer to cold clouds with spectra which are more than 2 K inverted as DCCi2. Associated with DCCi2 is a very high rain rate and a local upward displacement of the tropopause, a cold "bulge", which can be seen directly in the brightness temperatures of AIRS and Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) temperature sounding channels in the lower stratosphere. The very high rain rate and the local distortion of the tropopause indicate that DCCi2 objects are associated with severe storms. Significant long-term trends in the statistical properties of DCCi2 could be interesting indicators of climate change. While the analysis of the nature and physical conditions related to DCCi2 requires hyperspectral infrared and microwave data, the identification of DCCi2 requires only one good window channel and one strong CO<sub>2</sub> sounding channel. This suggests that improved identification of severe storms with future advanced geostationary satellites could be accomplished with the addition of one or two narrow band channels

    Radiative Transfer and Inversion codes for characterizing planetary atmospheres: an overview

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    The study of planetary atmospheres is crucial for understanding the origin, evolution, and processes that shape celestial bodies like planets, moons and comets. The interpretation of planetary spectra requires a detailed understanding of radiative transfer (RT) and its application through computational codes. With the advancement of observations, atmospheric modelling, and inference techniques, diverse RT and retrieval codes in planetary science have been proliferated. However, the selection of the most suitable code for a given problem can be challenging. To address this issue, we present a comprehensive mini-overview of the different RT and retrieval codes currently developed or available in the field of planetary atmospheres. This study serves as a valuable resource for the planetary science community by providing a clear and accessible list of codes, and offers a useful reference for researchers and practitioners in their selection and application of RT and retrieval codes for planetary atmospheric studies.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, published in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspas.2023.117674