5 research outputs found

    An overview of signal processing issues in chemical sensing

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    International audienceThis tutorial paper aims at summarizing some problems, ranging from analytical chemistry to novel chemical sensors, that can be addressed with classical or advanced methods of signal and image processing. We gather them under the denomination of "chemical sensing". It is meant to introduce the special session "Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing" with a large overview of issues which have been and remain to be addressed in this application domain, including chemical analysis leading to PARAFAC/tensor methods, hyper spectral imaging, ion-sensitive sensors, artificial nose, chromatography, mass spectrometry, etc. For enlarging and illustrating the points of view of this tutorial, the invited papers of the session consider other applications (NMR, Raman spectroscopy, recognition of explosive compounds, etc.) addressed by various methods, e.g. source separation, Bayesian, and exploiting typical chemical signal priors like positivity, linearity, unit-concentration or sparsity

    An overview of signal processing issues in chemical sensing

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    Source Separation in Chemical Analysis : Recent Achievements and Perspectives

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    International audienceSource separation is one of the most relevant estimation problems found in chemistry. Indeed, dealing with mixtures is paramount in different kinds of chemical analysis. For instance, there are some cases where the analyte is a chemical mixture of different components, e.g., in the analysis of rocks and heterogeneous materials through spectroscopy. Moreover, a mixing process can also take place even when the components are not chemically mixed. For instance, in ionic analysis of liquid samples, the ions are not chemically connected, but, due to the lack of selectivity of the chemical sensors, the acquired responses may be influenced by ions that are not the desired ones. Finally, there are some situations where the pure components cannot be isolated chemically since they appear only in the presence of other components. In this case, BSS may provide these components that cannot be retrieved otherwise. In this paper, our aim is to shed some light on the use of BSS in chemical analysis. In this context, we firstly provide a brief overview on source separation (Section II), with particular attention to the classes of linear and nonlinear mixing models (Sections III and IV, respectively). Then, (in Section V), we will give some conclusions and focus on challenging aspects that are found in chemical analysis. Although dealing with a relatively new field of applications, this article is not an exhaustive survey of source separation methods and algorithms, since there are solutions originated in closely related domains (e.g. remote sensing and hyperspectral imaging) that suit well several problems found in chemical analysis. Moreover, we do not discuss the supervised source separation methods, which are basically multivariate regression techniques, that one can find in chemometrics

    An Overview Of Signal Processing Issues In Chemical Sensing

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    This tutorial paper1 aims at summarizing some problems, ranging from analytical chemistry to novel chemical sensors, that can be addressed with classical or advanced methods of signal and image processing. We gather them under the denomination of 'chemical sensing'. It is meant to introduce the special session 'Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing' with a large overview of issues which have been and remain to be addressed in this application domain, including chemical analysis leading to PARAFAC/tensor methods, hyper spectral imaging, ion-sensitive sensors, artificial nose, chromatography, mass spectrometry, etc. For enlarging and illustrating the points of view of this tutorial, the invited papers of the session consider other applications (NMR, Raman spectroscopy, recognition of explosive compounds, etc.) addressed by various methods, e.g. source separation, Bayesian, and exploiting typical chemical signal priors like positivity, linearity, unit-concentration or sparsity. © 2013 IEEE.87428746IEE Signal Processing SocietyAmigo, J.M., Skov, T., Bro, R., Chromathography: Solving chromatographic issues with mathematical models and intuitive graphics (2010) Chem. Rev., 110 (8), pp. 4582-4605Bro, R., PARAFAC. 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Mag., pp. 21-30Holland, D.J., Bostock, M.J., Gladden, L.F., Nietlispach, D., Fast multidimensional NMR spectroscopy using compressed sensing (2011) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50 (29), pp. 6548-6551Kazimierczuk, K., Orekhov, V.Y., Accelerated nmr spectroscopy by using compressed sensing (2011) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50 (24), pp. 5556-5559Qu, X., Guo, D., Cao, X., Cai, S., Chen, Z., Reconstruction of self-sparse 2d nmr spectra from undersampled data in the indirect dimension (2011) Sensors, 11, pp. 8888-8909Grob, R.L., Barry, E.F., (2004) Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography, , Wiley-Interscience, 4th editionMcNulty, D.A., Macfie, H.J.H., The effect of different baseline estimators on the limit of quantification in chromatography (1997) J. Chemometrics, 11 (1), pp. 1-11Mazet, V., Carteret, C., Brie, D., Idier, J., Humbert, B., Background removal from spectra by designing and minimising a non-quadratic cost function (2005) Chemometr. Intell. Lab. 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