90 research outputs found

    Distributed task rescheduling with time constraints for the optimization of total task allocations in a multirobot system

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    This paper considers the problem of maximizing the number of task allocations in a distributed multirobot system under strict time constraints, where other optimization objectives need also be considered. It builds upon existing distributed task allocation algorithms, extending them with a novel method for maximizing the number of task assignments. The fundamental idea is that a task assignment to a robot has a high cost if its reassignment to another robot creates a feasible time slot for unallocated tasks. Multiple reassignments among networked robots may be required to create a feasible time slot and an upper limit to this number of reassignments can be adjusted according to performance requirements. A simulated rescue scenario with task deadlines and fuel limits is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method compared with existing methods, the consensus-based bundle algorithm and the performance impact (PI) algorithm. Starting from existing (PI-generated) solutions, results show up to a 20% increase in task allocations using the proposed method.EPSRC Grant EP/J011525/

    A review on maintenance optimization

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    To this day, continuous developments of technical systems and increasing reliance on equipment have resulted in a growing importance of effective maintenance activities. During the last couple of decades, a substantial amount of research has been carried out on this topic. In this study we review more than two hundred papers on maintenance modeling and optimization that have appeared in the period 2001 to 2018. We begin by describing terms commonly used in the modeling process. Then, in our classification, we first distinguish single-unit and multi-unit systems. Further sub-classification follows, based on the state space of the deterioration process modeled. Other features that we discuss in this review are discrete and continuous condition monitoring, inspection, replacement, repair, and the various types of dependencies that may exist between units within systems. We end with the main developments during the review period and with potential future research directions

    How community innovation works : a material-semiotic analysis of the wireless Leiden Wi-Fi network

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    Het doel van dit proefschrift is op basis van empirisch onderzoek op het terrein\ud van informatie- en communicatietechnologie een bijdrage te leveren aan\ud theorievorming over innovatiepraktijken door gebruikers. Dat doe ik door innovatie\ud door gebruikers vanuit een materieel-semiotisch perspectief te analyseren\ud als gemeenschapsinnovatie. In dit proefschrift staat de vraag centraal hoe\ud gemeenschapsinnovatie in de praktijk werkt

    The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal

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    Repair, reuse and disposal are closely interlinked phenomena related to the service lives and persistence of technologies. When technical artefacts become old and worn out, decisions have to be taken: is it necessary, worthwhile or even possible to maintain and repair, reuse or dismantle them - or must they be discarded? These decisions depend on factors such as the availability of second-hand markets, repair infrastructures and dismantling or disposal facilities. In telling the stories of China's power grid, Canadian telephones, German automobiles and India's shipbreaking business, among others, the contributions in this volume highlight the persistence of technologies and show that maintenance and repair are not obsolete in modern industries and consumer societies

    Cooperative resource pooling games:with applications to the railway sector

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