3,449 research outputs found

    Process Improvement Based on External Knowledge Context

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    The external environment of an organization is characterized by significant changes that occur in the social, economical, political and technological fields. The organization should know this setting and act effectively. A major challenge is how to define significant information in its diverse contexts. In a business process scenario, context could be defined as the minimum set of variables containing all relevant information impacting the design and implementation of a business process. Although there are a few proposals that deal with context associated to business process (Nunes et al. 2009)(Rosemann et al. 2008)(Saidani and Nurcan 2007), they still miss an explicit method that supports the identification of relevant external contexts that impact on specific activities during a business process execution. In this paper we describe a method for supporting the identification and prioritization of variables to be considered in the context of the external environment that impacts process activities execution

    AVOIDIT IRS: An Issue Resolution System To Resolve Cyber Attacks

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    Cyber attacks have greatly increased over the years and the attackers have progressively improved in devising attacks against specific targets. Cyber attacks are considered a malicious activity launched against networks to gain unauthorized access causing modification, destruction, or even deletion of data. This dissertation highlights the need to assist defenders with identifying and defending against cyber attacks. In this dissertation an attack issue resolution system is developed called AVOIDIT IRS (AIRS). AVOIDIT IRS is based on the attack taxonomy AVOIDIT (Attack Vector, Operational Impact, Defense, Information Impact, and Target). Attacks are collected by AIRS and classified into their respective category using AVOIDIT.Accordingly, an organizational cyber attack ontology was developed using feedback from security professionals to improve the communication and reusability amongst cyber security stakeholders. AIRS is developed as a semi-autonomous application that extracts unstructured external and internal attack data to classify attacks in sequential form. In doing so, we designed and implemented a frequent pattern and sequential classification algorithm associated with the five classifications in AVOIDIT. The issue resolution approach uses inference to educate the defender on the plausible cyber attacks. The AIRS can work in conjunction with an intrusion detection system (IDS) to provide a heuristic to cyber security breaches within an organization. AVOIDIT provides a framework for classifying appropriate attack information, which is fundamental in devising defense strategies against such cyber attacks. The AIRS is further used as a knowledge base in a game inspired defense architecture to promote game model selection upon attack identification. Future work will incorporate honeypot attack information to improve attack identification, classification, and defense propagation.In this dissertation, 1,025 common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) and over 5,000 lines of log files instances were captured in the AIRS for analysis. Security experts were consulted to create rules to extract pertinent information and algorithms to correlate identified data for notification. The AIRS was developed using the Codeigniter [74] framework to provide a seamless visualization tool for data mining regarding potential cyber attacks relative to web applications. Testing of the AVOIDIT IRS revealed a recall of 88%, precision of 93%, and a 66% correlation metric

    Emotion AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis: A Survey, Future Research Directions, and Open Issues

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    The essential use of natural language processing is to analyze the sentiment of the author via the context. This sentiment analysis (SA) is said to determine the exactness of the underlying emotion in the context. It has been used in several subject areas such as stock market prediction, social media data on product reviews, psychology, judiciary, forecasting, disease prediction, agriculture, etc. Many researchers have worked on these areas and have produced significant results. These outcomes are beneficial in their respective fields, as they help to understand the overall summary in a short time. Furthermore, SA helps in understanding actual feedback shared across di erent platforms such as Amazon, TripAdvisor, etc. The main objective of this thorough survey was to analyze some of the essential studies done so far and to provide an overview of SA models in the area of emotion AI-driven SA. In addition, this paper o ers a review of ontology-based SA and lexicon-based SA along with machine learning models that are used to analyze the sentiment of the given context. Furthermore, this work also discusses di erent neural network-based approaches for analyzing sentiment. Finally, these di erent approaches were also analyzed with sample data collected from Twitter. Among the four approaches considered in each domain, the aspect-based ontology method produced 83% accuracy among the ontology-based SAs, the term frequency approach produced 85% accuracy in the lexicon-based analysis, and the support vector machine-based approach achieved 90% accuracy among the other machine learning-based approaches.Ministerio de Educación (MOE) en Taiwán N/

    Mapping Big Data into Knowledge Space with Cognitive Cyber-Infrastructure

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    Big data research has attracted great attention in science, technology, industry and society. It is developing with the evolving scientific paradigm, the fourth industrial revolution, and the transformational innovation of technologies. However, its nature and fundamental challenge have not been recognized, and its own methodology has not been formed. This paper explores and answers the following questions: What is big data? What are the basic methods for representing, managing and analyzing big data? What is the relationship between big data and knowledge? Can we find a mapping from big data into knowledge space? What kind of infrastructure is required to support not only big data management and analysis but also knowledge discovery, sharing and management? What is the relationship between big data and science paradigm? What is the nature and fundamental challenge of big data computing? A multi-dimensional perspective is presented toward a methodology of big data computing.Comment: 59 page

    Generic Architecture for Predictive Computational Modelling with Application to Financial Data Analysis: Integration of Semantic Approach and Machine Learning

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    The PhD thesis introduces a Generic Architecture for Predictive Computational Modelling capable of automating analytical conclusions regarding quantitative data structured as a data frame. The model involves heterogeneous data mining based on a semantic approach, graph-based methods (ontology, knowledge graphs, graph databases) and advanced machine learning methods. The main focus of my research is data pre-processing aimed at a more efficient selection of input features to the computational model. Since the model I propose is generic, it can be applied for data mining of all quantitative datasets (containing two-dimensional, size-mutable, heterogeneous tabular data); however, it is best suitable for highly interconnected data. To adapt this generic model to a specific use case, an Ontology as the formal conceptual representation for the relevant domain knowledge is needed. I have determined to use financial/market data for my use cases. In the course of practical experiments, the effectiveness of the PCM model application for the UK companies’ financial risk analysis and the FTSE100 market index forecasting was evaluated. The tests confirmed that the PCM model has more accurate outcomes than stand-alone traditional machine learning methods. By critically evaluating this architecture, I proved its validity and suggested directions for future research

    Knowledge graphs for covid-19: An exploratory review of the current landscape

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    Background: Searching through the COVID-19 research literature to gain actionable clinical insight is a formidable task, even for experts. The usefulness of this corpus in terms of improving patient care is tied to the ability to see the big picture that emerges when the studies are seen in conjunction rather than in isolation. When the answer to a search query requires linking together multiple pieces of information across documents, simple keyword searches are insufficient. To answer such complex information needs, an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technology named a knowledge graph (KG) could prove to be effective. Methods: We conducted an exploratory literature review of KG applications in the context of COVID-19. The search term used was "covid-19 knowledge graph". In addition to PubMed, the first five pages of search results for Google Scholar and Google were considered for inclusion. Google Scholar was used to include non-peer-reviewed or non-indexed articles such as pre-prints and conference proceedings. Google was used to identify companies or consortiums active in this domain that have not published any literature, peer-reviewed or otherwise. Results: Our search yielded 34 results on PubMed and 50 results each on Google and Google Scholar. We found KGs being used for facilitating literature search, drug repurposing, clinical trial mapping, and risk factor analysis. Conclusions: Our synopses of these works make a compelling case for the utility of this nascent field of research

    Monitoring E-commerce Adoption from Online Data

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    [EN] The purpose of this paper is to propose an intelligent system to automatically monitor the firms¿ engagement in e-commerce by analyzing online data retrieved from their corporate websites. The design of the proposed system combines web content mining and scraping techniques with learning methods for Big Data. Corporate websites are scraped to extract more than 150 features related to the e-commerce adoption, such as the presence of some keywords or a private area. Then, these features are taken as input by a classification model that includes dimensionality reduction techniques. The system is evaluated with a data set consisting of 426 corporate websites of firms based in France and Spain. The system successfully classified most of the firms into those that adopted e-commerce and those that did not, reaching a classification accuracy of 90.6%. This demonstrates the feasibility of monitoring e-commerce adoption from online data. Moreover, the proposed system represents a cost-effective alternative to surveys as method for collecting e-commerce information from companies, and is capable of providing more frequent information than surveys and avoids the non-response errors. This is the first research work to design and evaluate an intelligent system to automatically detect e-commerce engagement from online data. This proposal opens up the opportunity to monitor e-commerce adoption at a large scale, with highly granular information that otherwise would require every firm to complete a survey. In addition, it makes it possible to track the evolution of this activity in real time, so that governments and institutions could make informed decisions earlier.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with Grant TIN2013-43913-R, and by the Spanish Ministry of Education with Grant FPU14/02386.Blazquez, D.; Domenech, J.; Gil, JA.; Pont Sanjuan, A. (2018). Monitoring E-commerce Adoption from Online Data. Knowledge and Information Systems. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-018-1233-7S119Arias M, Arratia A, Xuriguera R (2013) Forecasting with Twitter data. ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol 5:1–24. https://doi.org/10.1145/2542182.2542190Arora SK, Youtie J, Shapira P, Gao L, Ma T (2013) Entry strategies in an emerging technology: a pilot web-based study of graphene firms. Scientometrics 95:1189–1207. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-013-0950-7Barcaroli G, Nurra A, Scarnò M, Summa D (2014) Use of web scraping and text mining techniques in the istat survey on information and communication technology in enterprises. In: Proceedings of quality conference, pp 33–38Barcaroli G, Nurra A, Salamone S, Scannapieco M, Scarnò M, Summa D (2015) Internet as data source in the istat survey on ict in enterprises. Austrian J Stat 44:31. https://doi.org/10.17713/ajs.v44i2.53Blazquez D, Domenech J (2014) Inferring export orientation from corporate websites. 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    Exploiting Semantics from Widely Available Ontologies to Aid the Model Building Process

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    This dissertation attempts to address the changing needs of data science and analytics: making it easier to produce accurate models opening up opportunities and perspectives for novices to make sense of existing data. This work aims to incorporate semantics of data in addressing classical machine learning problems, which is one way to tame the deluge of data. The increased availability of data and the existence of easy-to-use procedures for regression and classification in commodity software allows anyone to search for correlations amongst a large set of variables with scant regard of their meaning. Consequently, people tend to use data indiscriminately, leading to the practice of data dredging. It is easy to use sophisticated tools to produce specious models, which generalize poorly and may lead to wrong conclusions. Despite much effort having been placed on advancing learning algorithms, current tools do little to shield people from using data in a semantically lax fashion. By examining the entire model building process and supplying semantic information derived from high-level knowledge in the form of an ontology, the machine can assist in exercising discretion to help the model builder avoid the pitfalls of data dredging. This work introduces a metric, called conceptual distance, to incorporate semantic information into the model building process. The conceptual distance is shown to be practically computed from large-scale existing ontologies. This metric is exploited in feature selection to enable a machine to take semantics of features into consideration when choosing them to build a model. Experiments with ontologies and real world datasets show the comparable performance of this metric in selecting a feature subset to the traditional data-driven measurements, in spite of using only labels of features, not the associated measures. Further, a new end-to-end model building process is developed by using the conceptual distance as a guideline to explore an ontological structure and retrieve relevant features automatically, making it convenient for a novice to build a semantically pertinent model. Experiments show that the proposed model building process can help a user to produce a model with performance comparable to that built by a domain expert. This work offers a tool to help the common man battle the hazard of data dredging that comes from the indiscriminate use of data. The tool results in models with improved generalization and easy to interpret, leading to better decisions or implications
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