98,010 research outputs found

    Numerical approximation of phase field based shape and topology optimization for fluids

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    We consider the problem of finding optimal shapes of fluid domains. The fluid obeys the Navier--Stokes equations. Inside a holdall container we use a phase field approach using diffuse interfaces to describe the domain of free flow. We formulate a corresponding optimization problem where flow outside the fluid domain is penalized. The resulting formulation of the shape optimization problem is shown to be well-posed, hence there exists a minimizer, and first order optimality conditions are derived. For the numerical realization we introduce a mass conserving gradient flow and obtain a Cahn--Hilliard type system, which is integrated numerically using the finite element method. An adaptive concept using reliable, residual based error estimation is exploited for the resolution of the spatial mesh. The overall concept is numerically investigated and comparison values are provided

    Power Load Management as a Computational Market

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    Power load management enables energy utilities to reduce peak loads and thereby save money. Due to the large number of different loads, power load management is a complicated optimization problem. We present a new decentralized approach to this problem by modeling direct load management as a computational market. Our simulation results demonstrate that our approach is very efficient with a superlinear rate of convergence to equilibrium and an excellent scalability, requiring few iterations even when the number of agents is in the order of one thousand. Aframework for analysis of this and similar problems is given which shows how nonlinear optimization and numerical mathematics can be exploited to characterize, compare, and tailor problem-solving strategies in market-oriented programming