5,121 research outputs found

    An interactive web-based tool for breast reduction surgery simulation

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    In this work, we present a 3D web-based interactive tool for numerical modeling and simulation approach to breast reduction surgery simulation, to assist surgeons in planning all aspects related to breast reduction surgery before the actual procedure takes place, thereby avoiding unnecessary risks. In particular, it allows the modeling of the initial breast geometry, the definition of all aspects related to the surgery and the visualization of the post-surgery breast shape in a realistic environment.This work was supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, through the project EXPL/MAT-NAN/0606/20132. The researchers also acknowledge LISP – Laboratory of Informatics, Systems and Parallelism and the Computer Science Department of Universidade de ´Evora for providing the conditions to accomplish the work described herein

    A 3D Web interface for plastic surgery simulation

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    In the Plastic Surgery domain, one of the most important things to know before the surgery takes place is the impact of the incisions made in the aesthetic aspect and in the patient comfort. Breast reduction surgery is not an exception, since it is a very sensitive procedure that may cause functional and aesthetic problems to the patient after the surgery. The work described in this thesis presents a web interface for breast reduction surgeries simulation based on a research project that developed a mathematical approach to model the women breast [21, 19]. This research also developed a set of computer tools, which are the basis for the work presented in this thesis. In this thesis we present an interactive tool to simulate breast reduction surgeries, providing a simple interface that allows an intuitive planning of real surgeries. It is designed for surgeons to simulate all aspects related to breast reduction before performing the real surgery; Interface Web 3D para Simula ção de Cirurgias Plásticas Sum ário: No dom ínio da cirurgia plástica, um dos aspetos mais importantes a saber antes da cirurgia, e o impacto das incisões feitas no aspecto e no conforto do paciente. A cirurgia de redu çãoo mam ária não é uma exceção, dado que e um processo muito delicado que poder a causar problemas estéticos e funcionais ao paciente depois da cirurgia. O trabalho descrito nesta tese apresenta uma interface web para simula ção de cirurgias de redu ção mam ária, baseado num projeto de investiga ção ainda em desenvolvimento, que desenvolveu uma abordagem matem ática para modelar a mama da mulher [21, 19]. Esta investiga ção tambéem desenvolveu um conjunto de ferramentas inform áticas, que são a base do trabalho apresentado nesta tese. Esta tese apresenta uma ferramenta interativa para a simula c~ao de cirurgias de redução mam ária, contendo uma interface simples que permite aos cirurgiões fazer um planeamento das cirurgias reais de uma forma intuitiva. Foi desenhada de modo a simular todos os aspectos relacionados com a cirurgia de redu ção mam ária antes da cirurgia real

    A perspective on the Healthgrid initiative

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    This paper presents a perspective on the Healthgrid initiative which involves European projects deploying pioneering applications of grid technology in the health sector. In the last couple of years, several grid projects have been funded on health related issues at national and European levels. A crucial issue is to maximize their cross fertilization in the context of an environment where data of medical interest can be stored and made easily available to the different actors in healthcare, physicians, healthcare centres and administrations, and of course the citizens. The Healthgrid initiative, represented by the Healthgrid association (http://www.healthgrid.org), was initiated to bring the necessary long term continuity, to reinforce and promote awareness of the possibilities and advantages linked to the deployment of GRID technologies in health. Technologies to address the specific requirements for medical applications are under development. Results from the DataGrid and other projects are given as examples of early applications.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by the Second International Workshop on Biomedical Computations on the Grid, at the 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2004). Chicago USA, April 200

    Focal Spot, Winter 2005/2006

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