4 research outputs found

    Otimização multiobjetivo para a operação de sistemas urbanos de abastecimento de agua

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    Orientador : Paulo Sergio Franco BarbosaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia CivilResumo: A operação adequada dos sistemas urbanos de abastecimento de água está diretamente relacionada à qualidade da oferta do produto água à população. A otimização desses sistemas surge como alternativa para buscar soluções eficientes e também eficazes e garantindo assim a gestão dos sistemas. Na literatura relacionada ao assunto, verifica-se o desenvolvimento de muitos trabalhos com a aplicação e o desenvolvimento de rotinas computacionais de otimização específicas para redes hidráulicas. Contudo, observam-se dificuldades nas ações dos decisores dos sistemas, pois, na realidade, existem objetivos operacionais conflitantes e que merecem atenção. Diante desse quadro, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para aplicação de otimização multiobjetivo ao problema da operação de redes hidráulicas. A metodologia utiliza o software de programação linear GAMS/CONOPT com recursos iterativos e a abordagem multiobjetivo do problema se faz com a aplicação do Método dos Pesos. O estudo de caso é feito sobre o setor alça leste do sistema adutor metropolitano da grande São Paulo. Como resultados, apresentam-se curvas de soluções nãodominadas para as funções objetivo aplicadas aos sistemas de abastecimento em estudoAbstract: The proper operation of the urban water supply systems has a direct impact on the water to be provided to the quality consumers. The optimization of these systems appears as an alternative to search efficient and also efficient solutions, thus guaranteeing the management of the systems. Many research works have been reported in the literature describing applications and specific computational routines for optimization of hydraulics networks. However, some difficulties for taking decisions have also been reported since there are conflicting objectives in the real word context, which deserve proper attention. A multiobjective approach for operation planning of hydraulic networks is developed considering that context. The methodology uses the software of linear programming GAMS/CONOPT with iterative procedures. The multiobjective formulation of the problem uses the Weighting Method. The case study is made on the East sector of the metropolitan system of the great São Paulo. The results present solutions as the typical non-dominated curvesDoutoradoRecursos HidricosDoutor em Engenharia Civi


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    System Modeling And Optimization Under Vector-valued Criteria

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    The integrated problem of optimization and parameter estimation of a given system is addressed in the context of vector-valued optimization techniques. The validity of the existing convergence properties of the basic two-step approach for solving the joint problem of scalar optimization and parameter estimation is extended for the vector-valued case under adequate conditions. Some elements of decision analysis are incorporated into the joint problem in order to reflect conflicting situations derived from the simultaneous consideration of multiple performance criteria. To illustrate the main aspects of the approach proposed, the problem of optimization and parameter estimation of a nonlinear dynamic batch reactor is considered. The results attest the computational feasiblity of the procedure and its usefulness as a qualitative tool for the synthesis of integrated control policies. © 1994.302331336Borges, Ferreira, Joint optimization and identification (1991) Internal Report n. 01/91, , UNICAMP, (in Portuguese)Brdys, Roberts, Optimal structures for steady-state adaptive optimizing control of large-scale industrial processes (1986) Int. J. Systems Sci., 17, pp. 1449-1474Chankong, Haimes, On the characterization of noninferior solutions of the vector optimization problem (1982) Automatica, 18, pp. 697-707Cohon, Church, Sheer, Generating multiobjective trade-offs: an algorithm for bicriteria problems (1979) Water Resources Research, 15, pp. 1001-1009Denbigh, Turner, (1984) Chemical Reactor Theory: An Introduction, , 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, CambridgeEllis, Roberts, Measurement and modelling trade-offs for integrated system optimization and parameter estimation (1982) Large Scale Systems, 3, pp. 191-204Ferreira, Geromel, An interactive projection method for multicriteria optimization problems (1990) IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 20 SMC, pp. 596-605Foss, Critique of chemical process control theory (1973) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 18 AC, pp. 646-652Geoffrion, Solving Bicriterion Mathematical Programs (1967) Operations Research, 5, pp. 39-54Haimes, Wismer, A computational approach to the combined problem of optimization and parameter identification (1972) Automatica, 8, pp. 337-347Hwang, Masud, Multiobjective decision-making methods and applications (1979) Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, , Springer, BerlinKümmel, Seborg, A contemplative stance for chemical process control (1987) Automatica, 23, pp. 801-802Luenberger, (1984) Linear and Nonlinear Programming, , Addison Wesley, MALuyben, (1973) Process Modeling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers, , McGraw-Hill Chemical Engineers Series, NYMcGrew, Haimes, Parametric solution to the joint system identification and optimization problem (1974) J. of Optimization Theory and Applications, 3, pp. 583-605Payne, Polak, Collins, Miesel, An algorithm for bicriteria optimization based on the sensitivity function (1975) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 20 AC, pp. 546-548Rarig, Haimes, Risk/dispersion index method (1983) IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 13 SMC, pp. 317-328Roberts, An algorithm for steady-state system optimization and parameter estimation (1979) Int. J. Systems Sci., 10, pp. 719-734Sorenson, Parameter estimation (1980) Control and Systems Theory, 9. , Marcel Dekker, NYTatjewski, Roberts, Newton-like algorithm for integrated system optimization and parameter estimation technique (1987) Int. J. Systems Sci., 46, pp. 1155-1170Vachtsevanos, Lp-convergence of a process identification algorithm (1979) International Journal of Systems Science, 6, pp. 401-407Yu, (1985) Multiple-Criteria Decision Making: Concepts, Techniques and Extensions, , Plenum, N

    Multiple-criterion Control: A Convex Programming Approach

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    The performance of linear dynamic systems with respect to a non-linear increasing value function that aggregates convex functionals is investigated within a convex programming framework. The methodology developed in this paper combines fundamental properties of convex sets in order to decompose the multicriterion control problem into a two-level structure. The upper level of this structure comprises only decision-making aspects of the problem, and involves the solution of a relaxed and static multicriterion problem. The lower level of the structure comprises, in turn, only optimal control aspects of the problem. The overall procedure is easily implemented. The solution of the aggregated problem is obtained as the limit of a sequence of optimal control problems that preserve their original solution properties. Relationships between the approach adopted here and existing solution techniques are discussed. The solutions of the classical minimax and Salukvadze problems are obtained as special cases of the proposed approach. © 1995.31710251029Athans, Falb, (1966) Optimal Control, , MacGraw-Hill, NYBoyd, Barratt, (1991) Linear Controller Design-Limits of Performance, , Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJCohon, Marks, A review and evaluation of multiobjective programming techniques (1975) Water Resources Research, 11, pp. 208-220Ferreira, Geromel, An interactive projection method for multicriteria optimization problems (1990) IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybernetics, 20 SMC, pp. 596-605Geoffrion, Duality in nonlinear programming a simplified applicationsâ oriented development (1971) SIAM Review, 13, pp. 1-37Haimes, Hall, Freedman, (1975) Multiobjective Optimization in Water Resources Systems, , Elsevier, AmsterdamHwang, Masud, Multiple Objective Decision-Making Methods and Applications (1979) Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 164. , Springer-Verlag, BerlinKhargonekar, Rotea, Multiple objective optimal control of linear systems: the quadratic norm case (1991) IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 36, pp. 14-24Kirk, (1970) Optimal Control Theory—An Introduction, , Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJKoussoulas, Leondes, The multiobjective linear quadratic Gaussian problem (1986) Int. J. Control, 43, pp. 337-347Kresselmeier, Steinhauser, Application of vector performance optimization to a robust control loop design of a fighter aircraft (1983) International Journal of Control, 37, pp. 251-284Kuvshinov, Salyuchenko, Practical multiobjective design method for aircraft control system (1991) Proc. 1st IFAC Symp. on Design Methods of Control Systems, pp. 637-641. , ZurichLasdon, (1970) Optimization Theory for Large Systems, , Macmillan, LondonLi, On the minimax solution of multiple linear-quadratic problem (1990) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 35 AC, pp. 1153-1156Li, A new solution approach to Salukvadze problem (1990) Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 409-414. , San Diego, CALi, On general multiple linear-quadratic control problems (1993) IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 38 AC, pp. 1722-1727Li, Hierarchical control of large-scale systems with general multiple linear-quadratic structure (1993) Automatica, 29, pp. 1451-1461Medanić, Andjelić, On a class of differential games without saddle-point solution (1971) J. Optim. Theory Applies, 8, pp. 413-430MedaniÄ , Andjelić, Minimax solution of the multiple-target problem (1972) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 17 AC, pp. 597-604Salukvadze, An approach to the solution of the vector optimization problem of dynamic systems (1982) J. Optim. Theory Applies, 38, pp. 409-422Toivonen, A multiobjective linear quadratic Gaussian control problem (1984) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 29 AC, pp. 279-280Toivonen, Mäkilä, Computer-aided design procedure for multiobjective LQG control problems (1989) Int. J. Control, 49, pp. 655-666Yu, (1985) Multiple Criteria Decision Making, , Plenum Press, NYZadeh, Optimality and non-scalar valued performance criteria (1963) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 8 AC, pp. 59-6