3 research outputs found

    A Multi-Attribute Group Decision Approach Based on Rough Set Theory and Application in Supply Chain Partner Selection

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    In multi-attribute group decision, decision makers (DMs) are willing or able to provide only incomplete information because of time pressure, lack of knowledge or data, and their limited expertise related with problem domain, so the alternative sets judged by different decision makers are inconsistent in allusion to a certain decision problem, how to form consistent alternative sets becomes a very important problem. There have been a few studies considering incomplete information in group settings, but few papers consider the adjustment of inconsistent alternative sets. We suggest a method, utilizing individual decision results to form consistent alternative sets based on Rough Set theory. The method can be depicted as follows: (1) decision matrix of every decision maker is transformed to decision table through an new discretization algorithm of condition attributes ; (2) we analyze the harmony of decision table of every DM in order to filter some extra alternatives with the result that new alternative sets are formed; (3) if the new alternative sets of different DMs are inconsistent all the same, learning quality of DMs for any inconsistent alternative is a standard of accepting the alternative

    Procedimiento de soluci贸n compromiso para la agregaci贸n de informaci贸n parcial sobre pesos.

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    En el presente trabajo proponemos un procedimiento interactivo para problemas de decisi贸n en grupo con m煤ltiples criterios. El procedimiento est谩 especialmente indicado para aquellas situaciones en las que cada decisor ofrece informaci贸n sobre la importancia relativa de los criterios de manera imprecisa. La informaci贸n parcial sobre los pesos que deben asignarse a los criterios es transformada en informaci贸n ordinal sobre las alternativas, determinando para cada una de ellas, un rango de valores que representa las posibles posiciones que ocupar铆a en una ordenaci贸n de alternativas. A partir de dichos intervalos, se determina una soluci贸n compromiso mediante modelos basados en distancia. El procedimiento incorpora, para refinar los resultados obtenidos, una etapa interactiva en cada paso

    An Interactive Approach Based on Alternative Achievement Scale and Alternative Comprehensive Scale for Multiple Attribute Decision Making under Linguistic Environment

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    The aim of this paper is to develop an interactive approach for multiple attribute decision making with incomplete weight information under linguistic environment. Some of the concepts are defined, such as the distance between two 2-tuple linguistic variables, the expectation level of alternative, the achievement scale, the alternative comprehensive scale under linguistic environment. Based on these concepts, we establish some linear programming models, through which the decision maker interacts with the analyst. Furthermore, we establish a practical interactive approach for selecting the most desirable alternative(s). The interactive process can be realized by giving and revising the achievement scale and comprehensive scale of alternatives till the achievement scale and the comprehensive scale are achieved to the decision maker鈥檚 request. Finally, an illustrative example is also given.The author is very grateful to the associated editor and two anonymous referees for their insightful and constructive comments and suggestions that have led to an improved version of this paper. This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90924027, No. 71101043), National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, No. 2010C B951104), Key Program of National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 10AJY005), College Philosophy and Social Science Research Project of Jiangsu Province under Grant 2011SJD630007.Xu, Y.; Wang, H.; Palacios Marqu茅s, D. (2013). An Interactive Approach Based on Alternative Achievement Scale and Alternative Comprehensive Scale for Multiple Attribute Decision Making under Linguistic Environment. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 6(1):87-95. https://doi.org/10.1080/18756891.2013.756226S87956