3 research outputs found

    Mobile Service Clouds: A self-managing infrastructure for autonomic mobile computing services

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    Abstract. We recently introduced Service Clouds, a distributed infrastructure designed to facilitate rapid prototyping and deployment of autonomic communication services. In this paper, we propose a model that extends Service Clouds to the wireless edge of the Internet. This model, called Mobile Service Clouds, enables dynamic instantiation, composition, configuration, and reconfiguration of services on an overlay network to support mobile computing. We have implemented a prototype of this model and applied it to the problem of dynamically instantiating and migrating proxy services for mobile hosts. We conducted a case study involving data streaming across a combination of PlanetLab nodes, local proxies, and wireless hosts. Results are presented demonstrating the effectiveness of the prototype in establishing new proxies and migrating their functionality in response to node failures.

    A Component-based Configuration And Management Framework For Open, Distributed Multimedia Systems

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    Distributed multimedia systems should deal with a diversity of hardware devices and operating systems issues. In such a context, this paper presents a component-based framework for configuration and management of resources of open, distributed multimedia systems. In order to provide a generic and reusable approach, the framework explores the concept of properties to establish configuration agreements among component requirements and platform features.2465469Li, B., Xu, D., Nahrstedt, K., An integrated runtime QoS-aware middleware framework for distributed multimedia applications (2002) Multimedia Systems, 8, pp. 420-430. , Springer-VeralagShenoy, P., Kasan, S., Kulkami, P., Ramamriham, K., Middleware versus native OS support: Architectural considerations for supporting multimedia applications (2002) Real-time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, pp. 23-32Herman, I., Reynold, G., PREMO: An emerging standard for multimedia presentation (1988) IEEE Multimedia Systems, 6Property service, v. 1.0 Technical Report, , http://www.omg.org, formal-2000-06-22Duran-Limon, H., Blair, G.S., Reconfiguration of resources in middleware (2002) IEEE International Workshop on Object Real-time Dependable System, pp. 219-226. , San Diego, JanuaryMeandzija, B., Manageability of Java-based digital TV receivers (2000) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, pp. 795-805. , MayBlair, G.S., Cuolson, G., The design and implementation of open ORB version 2 (2001) IEEE Distributed Journal, 2 (6)Kon, F., Adaptive middleware: The case for reflective middleware (2002) Communications of the ACM, 45 (6), pp. 33-38. , JuneSzyperski, C., (1997) Component Software: Beyond Object-oriented Programming, , Addison-WesleyCORBA Services: Common Object Services Specification, , http://www.omg.org/technology/documentsThe audio/video streams specification - V1.0 Technical Report, , http://www.omg.org, formal-2000-01-0