4 research outputs found

    Robust approach to DEA technique for supplier selection problem: A case study at Supplying Automotive Parts Company (SAPCO)

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    Abstract In many industries such as automotive industry, there are a lot of suppliers dealing with the final products manufacturer. With growing numbers of suppliers, the suppliers' efficiency measurement often becomes the most significant concern for manufacturers. Therefore, various performance measurement models such as DEA, AHP, TOPSIS, are developed to support supplier selection decisions. After an exhaustive review of the supplier selection methods, we employ data envelopment analysis (DEA) for computing the relative efficiency of the suppliers and introducing the most efficient supplier as a benchmark. In reality, there are large amounts of uncertainty regarding the suppliers' measurements; therefore, we propose the robust optimization approach to the real application of DEA (RDEA). In this approach, uncertainties about incomes and outcomes of decision making units (DMUs) are involved in the relative suppliers' efficiencies. The proposed RDEA approach is utilized for the selection of suppliers which manufacture the automotive safety components in Supplying Automotive Parts Company (SAPCO), an Iranian leading automotive enterprise. Numerical example will illustrate how our proposed approach can be used in the real supplier selection problem when considerable uncertainty exists regarding the suppliers' input and output dat

    A New Method for Analysis of Complex Decision Making Problems Based on the Analytic Network Process and the Social Network Analysis

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    Prilikom odlučivanja potrebno je modelirati utjecaje (zavisnosti) medu elementima strukture problema odlučivanja kako bismo obuhvatili što više informacija o problemu odlučivanja i donijeli ispravnu odluku. Medu metodama za všekriterijsko odlučivanje tek pokoja prilikom izračuna težina kriterija u obzir uzima utjecaje. Te metode su vrlo kompleksne pa se u praksi rijetko koriste, a najpoznatija medu njima jest ANP. U istraživanju ovog doktorskog rada razvijena je nova metoda za višekriterijsko odlučivanje i analizu složenih problema odlučivanja koja je temeljena na analitičkom mrežnom procesu (ANP) i analizi društvenih mreža (PageRank centralitetu). Metoda se zove SNAP (engl. social network analytic process). Prilikom izrade nove metode korišten je pristup znanosti o dizajniranju. Osim na teorijskoj razini i na studijama slučajeva, nova metoda je provjerena softverskom simulacijom, usporedujući rezultate primjene metode s rezultatima primjene referentne metode, metoda ANP. Nova metoda ima nižu korisničku složenost od metode ANP što je čini jednostavnijom za primjenu. Prilikom izračuna težina kriterija, nova metoda u obzir uzima važnost kriterija za cilj odlučivanja kao i utjecaje medu kriterijima. Nova metoda ne relativizira problem odlučivanja po elementima (stupcima matrice utjecaja) kao metoda ANP. Može se primijeniti i u situacijama kada alternative nisu poznate (što je bila poteškoća u metodi ANP). Sukladno zadnjoj fazi korištenog istraživačkog pristupa, nova metoda je diseminirana kroz znanstvene radove u časopisima i na konferencijama.When making decisions, it is necessary to model influences (dependencies) between decision-making elements to cover as much information about the decision-making problem as possible and make the right decision. Among multi-criteria decision-making methods, only a few of them take into account the influences between the elements when determining the criteria weights. Those methods are very complex and are rarely used in practice. Among them, the most well-known method is the Analytic Network Process (ANP). A new method for multi-criteria decision-making and analysis of complex decision-making has been developed in the research of this PhD thesis. It is based on the ANP and the Social Network Analysis (SNA) (PageRank centrality). The method is called SNAP (Social Network Analytic Process). When designing a new method, the design science research process was used. In addition to theoretical analysis and case studies, the new method was evaluated by software simulation, comparing the results of the method with the results of the reference method, ANP. The new method has a lower user complexity than the ANP which makes it simpler to apply. When calculating the weights of the criteria, the new method takes into account the importance of criteria for decision-making goal as well as the influences between the criteria. The new method does not relativise the decision-making problem by elements (columns of impact matrix) as an ANP. It can also be applied in situations where alternatives are not known (which was a problem in the ANP). According to the last phase of the research approach, the new method was disseminated through scientific papers in journals and conferences

    College of Arts and Sciences summary of research and creative activities, July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981

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    Summary of research and creative activities of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Central Florida, July 1, 1980 - June 30, 1981

    Metai ir dienos. VGTU 2017 m.

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    Leidinyje aprašomi VGTU 2017 metų svarbiausieji įvykiai, mokslo ir studijų plėtotė, tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas, dalyvavimas tarptautinėse konferencijose, senato ir rektorato priimti spren­dimai ir kt. Taip pat pateikiama žinių apie universiteto padalinius: fakultetus, katedras, centrus, institutus ir kt. Leidinys skirtas plačiajai visuomenei