90,627 research outputs found

    Block Sensitivity of Minterm-Transitive Functions

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    Boolean functions with symmetry properties are interesting from a complexity theory perspective; extensive research has shown that these functions, if nonconstant, must have high `complexity' according to various measures. In recent work of this type, Sun gave bounds on the block sensitivity of nonconstant Boolean functions invariant under a transitive permutation group. Sun showed that all such functions satisfy bs(f) = Omega(N^{1/3}), and that there exists such a function for which bs(f) = O(N^{3/7}ln N). His example function belongs to a subclass of transitively invariant functions called the minterm-transitive functions (defined in earlier work by Chakraborty). We extend these results in two ways. First, we show that nonconstant minterm-transitive functions satisfy bs(f) = Omega(N^{3/7}). Thus Sun's example function has nearly minimal block sensitivity for this subclass. Second, we give an improved example: a minterm-transitive function for which bs(f) = O(N^{3/7}ln^{1/7}N).Comment: 10 page

    Low-Sensitivity Functions from Unambiguous Certificates

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    We provide new query complexity separations against sensitivity for total Boolean functions: a power 33 separation between deterministic (and even randomized or quantum) query complexity and sensitivity, and a power 2.222.22 separation between certificate complexity and sensitivity. We get these separations by using a new connection between sensitivity and a seemingly unrelated measure called one-sided unambiguous certificate complexity (UCminUC_{min}). We also show that UCminUC_{min} is lower-bounded by fractional block sensitivity, which means we cannot use these techniques to get a super-quadratic separation between bs(f)bs(f) and s(f)s(f). We also provide a quadratic separation between the tree-sensitivity and decision tree complexity of Boolean functions, disproving a conjecture of Gopalan, Servedio, Tal, and Wigderson (CCC 2016). Along the way, we give a power 1.221.22 separation between certificate complexity and one-sided unambiguous certificate complexity, improving the power 1.1281.128 separation due to G\"o\"os (FOCS 2015). As a consequence, we obtain an improved Ω(log1.22n)\Omega(\log^{1.22} n) lower-bound on the co-nondeterministic communication complexity of the Clique vs. Independent Set problem.Comment: 25 pages. This version expands the results and adds Pooya Hatami and Avishay Tal as author

    Lower Bounds on Quantum Query Complexity

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    Shor's and Grover's famous quantum algorithms for factoring and searching show that quantum computers can solve certain computational problems significantly faster than any classical computer. We discuss here what quantum computers_cannot_ do, and specifically how to prove limits on their computational power. We cover the main known techniques for proving lower bounds, and exemplify and compare the methods.Comment: survey, 23 page

    Average Sensitivity of Graph Algorithms

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    In modern applications of graphs algorithms, where the graphs of interest are large and dynamic, it is unrealistic to assume that an input representation contains the full information of a graph being studied. Hence, it is desirable to use algorithms that, even when only a (large) subgraph is available, output solutions that are close to the solutions output when the whole graph is available. We formalize this idea by introducing the notion of average sensitivity of graph algorithms, which is the average earth mover's distance between the output distributions of an algorithm on a graph and its subgraph obtained by removing an edge, where the average is over the edges removed and the distance between two outputs is the Hamming distance. In this work, we initiate a systematic study of average sensitivity. After deriving basic properties of average sensitivity such as composition, we provide efficient approximation algorithms with low average sensitivities for concrete graph problems, including the minimum spanning forest problem, the global minimum cut problem, the minimum ss-tt cut problem, and the maximum matching problem. In addition, we prove that the average sensitivity of our global minimum cut algorithm is almost optimal, by showing a nearly matching lower bound. We also show that every algorithm for the 2-coloring problem has average sensitivity linear in the number of vertices. One of the main ideas involved in designing our algorithms with low average sensitivity is the following fact; if the presence of a vertex or an edge in the solution output by an algorithm can be decided locally, then the algorithm has a low average sensitivity, allowing us to reuse the analyses of known sublinear-time algorithms and local computation algorithms (LCAs). Using this connection, we show that every LCA for 2-coloring has linear query complexity, thereby answering an open question.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Beyond Reuse Distance Analysis: Dynamic Analysis for Characterization of Data Locality Potential

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    Emerging computer architectures will feature drastically decreased flops/byte (ratio of peak processing rate to memory bandwidth) as highlighted by recent studies on Exascale architectural trends. Further, flops are getting cheaper while the energy cost of data movement is increasingly dominant. The understanding and characterization of data locality properties of computations is critical in order to guide efforts to enhance data locality. Reuse distance analysis of memory address traces is a valuable tool to perform data locality characterization of programs. A single reuse distance analysis can be used to estimate the number of cache misses in a fully associative LRU cache of any size, thereby providing estimates on the minimum bandwidth requirements at different levels of the memory hierarchy to avoid being bandwidth bound. However, such an analysis only holds for the particular execution order that produced the trace. It cannot estimate potential improvement in data locality through dependence preserving transformations that change the execution schedule of the operations in the computation. In this article, we develop a novel dynamic analysis approach to characterize the inherent locality properties of a computation and thereby assess the potential for data locality enhancement via dependence preserving transformations. The execution trace of a code is analyzed to extract a computational directed acyclic graph (CDAG) of the data dependences. The CDAG is then partitioned into convex subsets, and the convex partitioning is used to reorder the operations in the execution trace to enhance data locality. The approach enables us to go beyond reuse distance analysis of a single specific order of execution of the operations of a computation in characterization of its data locality properties. It can serve a valuable role in identifying promising code regions for manual transformation, as well as assessing the effectiveness of compiler transformations for data locality enhancement. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach using a number of benchmarks, including case studies where the potential shown by the analysis is exploited to achieve lower data movement costs and better performance.Comment: Transaction on Architecture and Code Optimization (2014