103 research outputs found

    A New Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with Sufficient Descent Property for Unconstrained Optimization

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    A new nonlinear conjugate gradient formula, which satisfies the sufficient descent condition, for solving unconstrained optimization problem is proposed. The global convergence of the algorithm is established under weak Wolfe line search. Some numerical experiments show that this new WWPNPRP+ algorithm is competitive to the SWPPRP+ algorithm, the SWPHS+ algorithm, and the WWPDYHS+ algorithm

    The Mini-batch Stochastic Conjugate Algorithms with the unbiasedness and Minimized Variance Reduction

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    We firstly propose the new stochastic gradient estimate of unbiasedness and minimized variance in this paper. Secondly, we propose the two algorithms: Algorithml and Algorithm2 which apply the new stochastic gradient estimate to modern stochastic conjugate gradient algorithms SCGA 7and CGVR 8. Then we prove that the proposed algorithms can obtain linearconvergence rate under assumptions of strong convexity and smoothness. Finally, numerical experiments show that the new stochastic gradient estimatecan reduce variance of stochastic gradient effectively. And our algorithms compared SCGA and CGVR can convergent faster in numerical experimentson ridge regression model.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    An extended Dai-Liao conjugate gradient method with global convergence for nonconvex functions

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    Using an extension of some previously proposed modified secant equations in the Dai-Liao approach, a modified nonlinear conjugate gradient method is proposed. As interesting features, the method employs the objective function values in addition to the gradient information and satisfies the sufficient descent property with proper choices for its parameter. Global convergence of the method is established without convexity assumption on the objective function. Results of numerical comparisons are reported. They demonstrate efficiency of the proposed method in the sense of the Dolan-Moré performance profile