1,831 research outputs found

    Extracting semantic entities and events from sports tweets

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    Large volumes of user-generated content on practically every major issue and event are being created on the microblogging site Twitter. This content can be combined and processed to detect events, entities and popular moods to feed various knowledge-intensive practical applications. On the downside, these content items are very noisy and highly informal, making it difficult to extract sense out of the stream. In this paper, we exploit various approaches to detect the named entities and significant micro-events from users’ tweets during a live sports event. Here we describe how combining linguistic features with background knowledge and the use of Twitter-specific features can achieve high, precise detection results (f-measure = 87%) in different datasets. A study was conducted on tweets from cricket matches in the ICC World Cup in order to augment the event-related non-textual media with collective intelligence

    Crowdsourcing Linked Data on listening experiences through reuse and enhancement of library data

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    Research has approached the practice of musical reception in a multitude of ways, such as the analysis of professional critique, sales figures and psychological processes activated by the act of listening. Studies in the Humanities, on the other hand, have been hindered by the lack of structured evidence of actual experiences of listening as reported by the listeners themselves, a concern that was voiced since the early Web era. It was however assumed that such evidence existed, albeit in pure textual form, but could not be leveraged until it was digitised and aggregated. The Listening Experience Database (LED) responds to this research need by providing a centralised hub for evidence of listening in the literature. Not only does LED support search and reuse across nearly 10,000 records, but it also provides machine-readable structured data of the knowledge around the contexts of listening. To take advantage of the mass of formal knowledge that already exists on the Web concerning these contexts, the entire framework adopts Linked Data principles and technologies. This also allows LED to directly reuse open data from the British Library for the source documentation that is already published. Reused data are re-published as open data with enhancements obtained by expanding over the model of the original data, such as the partitioning of published books and collections into individual stand-alone documents. The database was populated through crowdsourcing and seamlessly incorporates data reuse from the very early data entry phases. As the sources of the evidence often contain vague, fragmentary of uncertain information, facilities were put in place to generate structured data out of such fuzziness. Alongside elaborating on these functionalities, this article provides insights into the most recent features of the latest instalment of the dataset and portal, such as the interlinking with the MusicBrainz database, the relaxation of geographical input constraints through text mining, and the plotting of key locations in an interactive geographical browser

    A crowdsourcing recommendation model for image annotations in cultural heritage platforms

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    Cultural heritage is one of many fields that has seen a significant digital transformation in the form of digitization and asset annotations for heritage preservation, inheritance, and dissemination. However, a lack of accurate and descriptive metadata in this field has an impact on the usability and discoverability of digital content, affecting cultural heritage platform visitors and resulting in an unsatisfactory user experience as well as limiting processing capabilities to add new functionalities. Over time, cultural heritage institutions were responsible for providing metadata for their collection items with the help of professionals, which is expensive and requires significant effort and time. In this sense, crowdsourcing can play a significant role in digital transformation or massive data processing, which can be useful for leveraging the crowd and enriching the metadata quality of digital cultural content. This paper focuses on a very important challenge faced by cultural heritage crowdsourcing platforms, which is how to attract users and make such activities enjoyable for them in order to achieve higher-quality annotations. One way to address this is to offer personalized interesting items based on each user preference, rather than making the user experience random and demanding. Thus, we present an image annotation recommendation system for users of cultural heritage platforms. The recommendation system design incorporates various technologies intending to help users in selecting the best matching images for annotations based on their interests and characteristics. Different classification methods were implemented to validate the accuracy of our work on Egyptian heritage.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TIN2017-87604-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2020/3

    A distributional and syntactic approach to fine-grained opinion mining

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    This thesis contributes to a larger social science research program of analyzing the diffusion of IT innovations. We show how to automatically discriminate portions of text dealing with opinions about innovations by finding {source, target, opinion} triples in text. In this context, we can discern a list of innovations as targets from the domain itself. We can then use this list as an anchor for finding the other two members of the triple at a ``fine-grained'' level---paragraph contexts or less. We first demonstrate a vector space model for finding opinionated contexts in which the innovation targets are mentioned. We can find paragraph-level contexts by searching for an ``expresses-an-opinion-about'' relation between sources and targets using a supervised model with an SVM that uses features derived from a general-purpose subjectivity lexicon and a corpus indexing tool. We show that our algorithm correctly filters the domain relevant subset of subjectivity terms so that they are more highly valued. We then turn to identifying the opinion. Typically, opinions in opinion mining are taken to be positive or negative. We discuss a crowd sourcing technique developed to create the seed data describing human perception of opinion bearing language needed for our supervised learning algorithm. Our user interface successfully limited the meta-subjectivity inherent in the task (``What is an opinion?'') while reliably retrieving relevant opinionated words using labour not expert in the domain. Finally, we developed a new data structure and modeling technique for connecting targets with the correct within-sentence opinionated language. Syntactic relatedness tries (SRTs) contain all paths from a dependency graph of a sentence that connect a target expression to a candidate opinionated word. We use factor graphs to model how far a path through the SRT must be followed in order to connect the right targets to the right words. It turns out that we can correctly label significant portions of these tries with very rudimentary features such as part-of-speech tags and dependency labels with minimal processing. This technique uses the data from the crowdsourcing technique we developed as training data. We conclude by placing our work in the context of a larger sentiment classification pipeline and by describing a model for learning from the data structures produced by our work. This work contributes to computational linguistics by proposing and verifying new data gathering techniques and applying recent developments in machine learning to inference over grammatical structures for highly subjective purposes. It applies a suffix tree-based data structure to model opinion in a specific domain by imposing a restriction on the order in which the data is stored in the structure

    EXP-Crowd: A Gamified Crowdsourcing Framework for Explainability

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    The spread of AI and black-box machine learning models made it necessary to explain their behavior. Consequently, the research field of Explainable AI was born. The main objective of an Explainable AI system is to be understood by a human as the final beneficiary of the model. In our research, we frame the explainability problem from the crowds point of view and engage both users and AI researchers through a gamified crowdsourcing framework. We research whether it's possible to improve the crowds understanding of black-box models and the quality of the crowdsourced content by engaging users in a set of gamified activities through a gamified crowdsourcing framework named EXP-Crowd. While users engage in such activities, AI researchers organize and share AI- and explainability-related knowledge to educate users. We present the preliminary design of a game with a purpose (G.W.A.P.) to collect features describing real-world entities which can be used for explainability purposes. Future works will concretise and improve the current design of the framework to cover specific explainability-related needs

    Empirical Methodology for Crowdsourcing Ground Truth

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    The process of gathering ground truth data through human annotation is a major bottleneck in the use of information extraction methods for populating the Semantic Web. Crowdsourcing-based approaches are gaining popularity in the attempt to solve the issues related to volume of data and lack of annotators. Typically these practices use inter-annotator agreement as a measure of quality. However, in many domains, such as event detection, there is ambiguity in the data, as well as a multitude of perspectives of the information examples. We present an empirically derived methodology for efficiently gathering of ground truth data in a diverse set of use cases covering a variety of domains and annotation tasks. Central to our approach is the use of CrowdTruth metrics that capture inter-annotator disagreement. We show that measuring disagreement is essential for acquiring a high quality ground truth. We achieve this by comparing the quality of the data aggregated with CrowdTruth metrics with majority vote, over a set of diverse crowdsourcing tasks: Medical Relation Extraction, Twitter Event Identification, News Event Extraction and Sound Interpretation. We also show that an increased number of crowd workers leads to growth and stabilization in the quality of annotations, going against the usual practice of employing a small number of annotators.Comment: in publication at the Semantic Web Journa

    Entity Recognition at First Sight: Improving NER with Eye Movement Information

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    Previous research shows that eye-tracking data contains information about the lexical and syntactic properties of text, which can be used to improve natural language processing models. In this work, we leverage eye movement features from three corpora with recorded gaze information to augment a state-of-the-art neural model for named entity recognition (NER) with gaze embeddings. These corpora were manually annotated with named entity labels. Moreover, we show how gaze features, generalized on word type level, eliminate the need for recorded eye-tracking data at test time. The gaze-augmented models for NER using token-level and type-level features outperform the baselines. We present the benefits of eye-tracking features by evaluating the NER models on both individual datasets as well as in cross-domain settings.Comment: Accepted at NAACL-HLT 201
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