539 research outputs found

    Efficient Intrinsically Motivated Robotic Grasping with Learning-Adaptive Imagination in Latent Space

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    Combining model-based and model-free deep reinforcement learning has shown great promise for improving sample efficiency on complex control tasks while still retaining high performance. Incorporating imagination is a recent effort in this direction inspired by human mental simulation of motor behavior. We propose a learning-adaptive imagination approach which, unlike previous approaches, takes into account the reliability of the learned dynamics model used for imagining the future. Our approach learns an ensemble of disjoint local dynamics models in latent space and derives an intrinsic reward based on learning progress, motivating the controller to take actions leading to data that improves the models. The learned models are used to generate imagined experiences, augmenting the training set of real experiences. We evaluate our approach on learning vision-based robotic grasping and show that it significantly improves sample efficiency and achieves near-optimal performance in a sparse reward environment.Comment: In: Proceedings of the Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), Oslo, Norway, Aug. 19-22, 201

    Effective offline training and efficient online adaptation

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    Developing agents that behave intelligently in the world is an open challenge in machine learning. Desiderata for such agents are efficient exploration, maximizing long term utility, and the ability to effectively leverage prior data to solve new tasks. Reinforcement learning (RL) is an approach that is predicated on learning by directly interacting with an environment through trial-and-error, and presents a way for us to train and deploy such agents. Moreover, combining RL with powerful neural network function approximators – a sub-field known as “deep RL” – has shown evidence towards achieving this goal. For instance, deep RL has yielded agents that can play Go at superhuman levels, improve the efficiency of microchip designs, and learn complex novel strategies for controlling nuclear fusion reactions. A key issue that stands in the way of deploying deep RL is poor sample efficiency. Concretely, while it is possible to train effective agents using deep RL, the key successes have largely been in environments where we have access to large amounts of online interaction, often through the use of simulators. However, in many real-world problems, we are confronted with scenarios where samples are expensive to obtain. As has been alluded to, one way to alleviate this issue is through accessing some prior data, often termed “offline data”, which can accelerate how quickly we learn such agents, such as leveraging exploratory data to prevent redundant deployments, or using human-expert data to quickly guide agents towards promising behaviors and beyond. However, the best way to incorporate this data into existing deep RL algorithms is not straightforward; naïvely pre-training using RL algorithms on this offline data, a paradigm called “offline RL” as a starting point for subsequent learning is often detrimental. Moreover, it is unclear how to explicitly derive useful behaviors online that are positively influenced by this offline pre-training. With these factors in mind, this thesis follows a 3-pronged strategy towards improving sample-efficiency in deep RL. First, we investigate effective pre-training on offline data. Then, we tackle the online problem, looking at efficient adaptation to environments when operating purely online. Finally, we conclude with hybrid strategies that use offline data to explicitly augment policies when acting online

    Towards efficient and robust reinforcement learning via synthetic environments and offline data

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    Over the past decade, Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has driven many advances in sequential decision-making, including remarkable applications in superhuman Go-playing, robotic control, and automated algorithm discovery. However, despite these successes, deep RL is also notoriously sample-inefficient, usually generalizes poorly to settings beyond the original environment, and can be unstable during training. Moreover, the conventional RL setting still relies on exploring and learning tabula-rasa in new environments and does not make use of pre-existing data. This thesis investigates two promising directions to address these challenges. First, we explore the use of synthetic data and environments in order to broaden an agent's experience. Second, we propose principled techniques to leverage pre-existing datasets, thereby reducing or replacing the need for costly online data collection. The first part of the thesis focuses on the generation of synthetic data and environments to train RL agents. While there is a rich history in model-based RL of leveraging a learned dynamics model to improve sample efficiency, these methods are usually restricted to single-task settings. To overcome this limitation, we propose Augmented World Models, a novel approach designed for offline-to-online transfer where the test dynamics may differ from the training data. Our method augments a learned dynamics model with simple transformations that seek to capture potential changes in the physical properties of a robot, leading to more robust policies. Additionally, we train the agent with the sampled augmentation as context for test-time inference, significantly improving zero-shot generalization to novel dynamics. Going beyond commonly used forward dynamics models, we propose an alternative paradigm, Synthetic Experience Replay, which uses generative modeling to directly model and upsample the agent's training data distribution. Leveraging recent advances in diffusion generative models, our approach outperforms and is composable with standard data augmentation, and is particularly effective in low-data regimes. Furthermore, our method opens the door for certain RL agents to train stably with much larger networks than before. In the second part of the thesis, we explore a complementary direction to data efficiency where we can leverage pre-existing data. While adjacent fields of machine learning, such as computer vision and natural language processing, have made significant progress in scaling data and model size, traditional RL algorithms can find it difficult to incorporate additional data due to the need for on-policy data. We begin by investigating a principled method for incorporating expert demonstrations to accelerate online RL, KL-regularization to a behavioral prior, and identify a pathology stemming from the behavioral prior having uncalibrated uncertainties. We show that standard parameterizations of the behavioral reference policy can lead to unstable training dynamics, and propose a solution, Non-Parametric Prior Actor–Critic, that represents the new state-of-the-art in locomotion and dexterous manipulation tasks. Furthermore, we make advances in offline reinforcement learning, with which agents can be trained without any online data collection at all. In this domain, we elucidate the design space of offline model-based RL algorithms and highlight where prior methods use suboptimal heuristics and choices for hyperparameters. By rigorously searching through this space, we show that we can vastly improve standard algorithms and provide insights into which design choices are most important. Finally, we make progress towards extending offline RL to pixel-based environments by presenting Vision Datasets for Deep Data-Driven RL, the first comprehensive and publicly available evaluation suite for this field, alongside simple model-based and model-free baselines for assessing future progress in this domain. In conclusion, this thesis represents explorations toward making RL algorithms more efficient and readily deployable in the real world. Further progress along these directions may bring us closer to the ultimate goal of more generally capable agents, that are able to both generate appropriate learning environments for themselves and bootstrap learning from vast quantities of pre-existing data

    Safe DreamerV3: Safe Reinforcement Learning with World Models

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    The widespread application of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in real-world situations is yet to come to fruition, largely as a result of its failure to satisfy the essential safety demands of such systems. Existing safe reinforcement learning (SafeRL) methods, employing cost functions to enhance safety, fail to achieve zero-cost in complex scenarios, including vision-only tasks, even with comprehensive data sampling and training. To address this, we introduce Safe DreamerV3, a novel algorithm that integrates both Lagrangian-based and planning-based methods within a world model. Our methodology represents a significant advancement in SafeRL as the first algorithm to achieve nearly zero-cost in both low-dimensional and vision-only tasks within the Safety-Gymnasium benchmark. Our project website can be found in: https://sites.google.com/view/safedreamerv3

    ENTL: Embodied Navigation Trajectory Learner

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    We propose Embodied Navigation Trajectory Learner (ENTL), a method for extracting long sequence representations for embodied navigation. Our approach unifies world modeling, localization and imitation learning into a single sequence prediction task. We train our model using vector-quantized predictions of future states conditioned on current states and actions. ENTL's generic architecture enables the sharing of the the spatio-temporal sequence encoder for multiple challenging embodied tasks. We achieve competitive performance on navigation tasks using significantly less data than strong baselines while performing auxiliary tasks such as localization and future frame prediction (a proxy for world modeling). A key property of our approach is that the model is pre-trained without any explicit reward signal, which makes the resulting model generalizable to multiple tasks and environments
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