7 research outputs found

    C-1-Cubic Quasi-Interpolation Splines over a CT Refinement of a Type-1 Triangulation

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    C1 continuous quasi-interpolating splines are constructed over Clough–Tocher refinement of a type-1 triangulation. Their Bernstein–Bézier coefficients are directly defined from the known values of the function to be approximated, so that a set of appropriate basis functions is not required. The resulting quasi-interpolation operators reproduce cubic polynomials. Some numerical tests are given in order to show the performance of the approximation scheme

    Quasi-interpolation by C1 quartic splines on type-1 triangulations

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    This work was initiated during the visiting on 2017, March of the first and third authors to the Department of Mathematics of the University of Torino, and partially realized during the visiting of the fourth author to the Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Granada on 2017, November. They thank the financial support of both institutions and the Gruppo Nazionale per il Calcolo Scientifico (GNCS) - INdAM.In this paper we construct two new families of C1 quartic quasi-interpolating splines on type-1 triangulations approximating regularly distributed data. The splines are directly determined by setting their Bernstein–Bézier coefficients to appropriate combinations of the given data values instead of defining the approximating splines as linear combinations of compactly supported bivariate spanning functions and do not use prescribed derivatives at any point of the domain. The quasi-interpolation operators provided by the proposed schemes interpolate the data values at the vertices of the triangulation, reproduce cubic polynomials and yield approximation order four for smooth functions. We also propose some numerical tests that confirm the theoretical results

    High-order adaptive methods for computing invariant manifolds of maps

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    The author presents efficient and accurate numerical methods for computing invariant manifolds of maps which arise in the study of dynamical systems. In order to decrease the number of points needed to compute a given curve/surface, he proposes using higher-order interpolation/approximation techniques from geometric modeling. He uses B´ezier curves/triangles, fundamental objects in curve/surface design, to create adaptive methods. The methods are based on tolerance conditions derived from properties of B´ezier curves/triangles. The author develops and tests the methods for an ordinary parametric curve; then he adapts these methods to invariant manifolds of planar maps. Next, he develops and tests the method for parametric surfaces and then he adapts this method to invariant manifolds of three-dimensional maps

    Trivariate C1-Splines auf gleichmäßigen Partitionen

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    In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Splines auf gleichmäßigen Partitionen untersucht. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Analyse von multivariaten Splineräumen und die Entwicklung von neuen Methoden zur Lösung von Interpolations- und Approximationsproblemen mit trivariaten C1-Splines. Die entwickelten Methoden werden in Hinblick auf Lokalität, Stabilität und Approximationsordnung untersucht und die Ergebnisse dem Stand der Technik gegenübergestellt. Erstmalig kann dabei eine Quasi-Interpolationsmethode für trivariate C1-Splines vom totalen Grad zwei entwickelt werden und zur interaktiven Volumenvisualisierung mit Raycasting Techniken effizient eingesetzt werden

    Lagrange interpolation and quasi-interpolation using trivariate splines on a uniform partition

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    We develop quasi-interpolation methods and a Lagrange interpolation method for trivariate splines on a regular tetrahedral partition, based on the Bernstein-BĂ©zier representation of polynomials. The partition is based on the bodycentered cubic grid. Our quasi-interpolation operators use quintic C2 splines and are defined by giving explicit formulae for each coefficient. One operator satisfies a certain convexity condition, but has sub-optimal approximation order. A second operator has optimal approximation order, while a third operator interpolates the provided data values. The first two operators are defined by a small set of computation rules which can be applied independently to all tetrahedra of the underlying partition. The interpolating operator is more complex while maintaining the best-possible approximation order for the spline space. It relies on a decomposition of the partition into four classes, for each of which a set of computation rules is provided. Moreover, we develop algorithms that construct blending operators which are based on two quasi-interpolation operators defined for the same spline space, one of which is convex. The resulting blending operator satisfies the convexity condition for a given data set. The local Lagrange interpolation method is based on cubic C1 splines and focuses on low locality. Our method is 2-local, while comparable methods are at least 4-local. We provide numerical tests which confirm the results, and high-quality visualizations of both artificial and real-world data sets