252 research outputs found

    Fast Damage Recovery in Robotics with the T-Resilience Algorithm

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    Damage recovery is critical for autonomous robots that need to operate for a long time without assistance. Most current methods are complex and costly because they require anticipating each potential damage in order to have a contingency plan ready. As an alternative, we introduce the T-resilience algorithm, a new algorithm that allows robots to quickly and autonomously discover compensatory behaviors in unanticipated situations. This algorithm equips the robot with a self-model and discovers new behaviors by learning to avoid those that perform differently in the self-model and in reality. Our algorithm thus does not identify the damaged parts but it implicitly searches for efficient behaviors that do not use them. We evaluate the T-Resilience algorithm on a hexapod robot that needs to adapt to leg removal, broken legs and motor failures; we compare it to stochastic local search, policy gradient and the self-modeling algorithm proposed by Bongard et al. The behavior of the robot is assessed on-board thanks to a RGB-D sensor and a SLAM algorithm. Using only 25 tests on the robot and an overall running time of 20 minutes, T-Resilience consistently leads to substantially better results than the other approaches

    Efficient and elastic LiDAR reconstruction for large-scale exploration tasks

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    High-quality reconstructions and understanding the environment are essential for robotic tasks such as localisation, navigation and exploration. Applications like planners and controllers can make decisions based on them. International competitions such as the DARPA Subterranean Challenge demonstrate the difficulties that reconstruction methods must address in the real world, e.g. complex surfaces in unstructured environments, accumulation of localisation errors in long-term explorations, and the necessity for methods to be scalable and efficient in large-scale scenarios. Guided by these motivations, this thesis presents a multi-resolution volumetric reconstruction system, supereight-Atlas (SE-Atlas). SE-Atlas efficiently integrates long-range LiDAR scans with high resolution, incorporates motion undistortion, and employs an Atlas of submaps to produce an elastic 3D reconstruction. These features address limitations of conventional reconstruction techniques that were revealed in real-world experiments of an initial active perceptual planning prototype. Our experiments with SE-Atlas show that it can integrate LiDAR scans at 60m range with ∼5 cm resolution at ∼3 Hz, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in integration speed and memory efficiency. Reconstruction accuracy evaluation also proves that SE-Atlas can correct the map upon SLAM loop closure corrections, maintaining global consistency. We further propose four principled strategies for spawning and fusing submaps. Based on spatial analysis, SE-Atlas spawns new submaps when the robot transitions into an isolated space, and fuses submaps of the same space together. We focused on developing a system which scales against environment size instead of exploration length. A new formulation is proposed to compute relative uncertainties between poses in a SLAM pose graph, improving submap fusion reliability. Our experiments show that the average error in a large-scale map is approximately 5 cm. A further contribution was incorporating semantic information into SE-Atlas. A recursive Bayesian filter is used to maintain consistency in per-voxel semantic labels. Semantics is leveraged to detect indoor-outdoor transitions and adjust reconstruction parameters online

    Supervised Autonomous Locomotion and Manipulation for Disaster Response with a Centaur-like Robot

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    Mobile manipulation tasks are one of the key challenges in the field of search and rescue (SAR) robotics requiring robots with flexible locomotion and manipulation abilities. Since the tasks are mostly unknown in advance, the robot has to adapt to a wide variety of terrains and workspaces during a mission. The centaur-like robot Centauro has a hybrid legged-wheeled base and an anthropomorphic upper body to carry out complex tasks in environments too dangerous for humans. Due to its high number of degrees of freedom, controlling the robot with direct teleoperation approaches is challenging and exhausting. Supervised autonomy approaches are promising to increase quality and speed of control while keeping the flexibility to solve unknown tasks. We developed a set of operator assistance functionalities with different levels of autonomy to control the robot for challenging locomotion and manipulation tasks. The integrated system was evaluated in disaster response scenarios and showed promising performance.Comment: In Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, October 201

    Challenges and solutions for autonomous ground robot scene understanding and navigation in unstructured outdoor environments: A review

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    The capabilities of autonomous mobile robotic systems have been steadily improving due to recent advancements in computer science, engineering, and related disciplines such as cognitive science. In controlled environments, robots have achieved relatively high levels of autonomy. In more unstructured environments, however, the development of fully autonomous mobile robots remains challenging due to the complexity of understanding these environments. Many autonomous mobile robots use classical, learning-based or hybrid approaches for navigation. More recent learning-based methods may replace the complete navigation pipeline or selected stages of the classical approach. For effective deployment, autonomous robots must understand their external environments at a sophisticated level according to their intended applications. Therefore, in addition to robot perception, scene analysis and higher-level scene understanding (e.g., traversable/non-traversable, rough or smooth terrain, etc.) are required for autonomous robot navigation in unstructured outdoor environments. This paper provides a comprehensive review and critical analysis of these methods in the context of their applications to the problems of robot perception and scene understanding in unstructured environments and the related problems of localisation, environment mapping and path planning. State-of-the-art sensor fusion methods and multimodal scene understanding approaches are also discussed and evaluated within this context. The paper concludes with an in-depth discussion regarding the current state of the autonomous ground robot navigation challenge in unstructured outdoor environments and the most promising future research directions to overcome these challenges

    Vision-based Situational Graphs Generating Optimizable 3D Scene Representations

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    3D scene graphs offer a more efficient representation of the environment by hierarchically organizing diverse semantic entities and the topological relationships among them. Fiducial markers, on the other hand, offer a valuable mechanism for encoding comprehensive information pertaining to environments and the objects within them. In the context of Visual SLAM (VSLAM), especially when the reconstructed maps are enriched with practical semantic information, these markers have the potential to enhance the map by augmenting valuable semantic information and fostering meaningful connections among the semantic objects. In this regard, this paper exploits the potential of fiducial markers to incorporate a VSLAM framework with hierarchical representations that generates optimizable multi-layered vision-based situational graphs. The framework comprises a conventional VSLAM system with low-level feature tracking and mapping capabilities bolstered by the incorporation of a fiducial marker map. The fiducial markers aid in identifying walls and doors in the environment, subsequently establishing meaningful associations with high-level entities, including corridors and rooms. Experimental results are conducted on a real-world dataset collected using various legged robots and benchmarked against a Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR)-based framework (S-Graphs) as the ground truth. Consequently, our framework not only excels in crafting a richer, multi-layered hierarchical map of the environment but also shows enhancement in robot pose accuracy when contrasted with state-of-the-art methodologies.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Inertial learning and haptics for legged robot state estimation in visually challenging environments

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    Legged robots have enormous potential to automate dangerous or dirty jobs because they are capable of traversing a wide range of difficult terrains such as up stairs or through mud. However, a significant challenge preventing widespread deployment of legged robots is a lack of robust state estimation, particularly in visually challenging conditions such as darkness or smoke. In this thesis, I address these challenges by exploiting proprioceptive sensing from inertial, kinematic and haptic sensors to provide more accurate state estimation when visual sensors fail. Four different methods are presented, including the use of haptic localisation, terrain semantic localisation, learned inertial odometry, and deep learning to infer the evolution of IMU biases. The first approach exploits haptics as a source of proprioceptive localisation by comparing geometric information to a prior map. The second method expands on this concept by fusing both semantic and geometric information, allowing for accurate localisation on diverse terrain. Next, I combine new techniques in inertial learning with classical IMU integration and legged robot kinematics to provide more robust state estimation. This is further developed to use only IMU data, for an application entirely different from robotics: 3D reconstruction of bone with a handheld ultrasound scanner. Finally, I present the novel idea of using deep learning to infer the evolution of IMU biases, improving state estimation in exteroceptive systems where vision fails. Legged robots have the potential to benefit society by automating dangerous, dull, or dirty jobs and by assisting first responders in emergency situations. However, there remain many unsolved challenges to the real-world deployment of legged robots, including accurate state estimation in vision-denied environments. The work presented in this thesis takes a step towards solving these challenges and enabling the deployment of legged robots in a variety of applications

    Vision-based legged robot navigation: localisation, local planning, learning

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    The recent advances in legged locomotion control have made legged robots walk up staircases, go deep into underground caves, and walk in the forest. Nevertheless, autonomously achieving this task is still a challenge. Navigating and acomplishing missions in the wild relies not only on robust low-level controllers but also higher-level representations and perceptual systems that are aware of the robot's capabilities. This thesis addresses the navigation problem for legged robots. The contributions are four systems designed to exploit unique characteristics of these platforms, from the sensing setup to their advanced mobility skills over different terrain. The systems address localisation, scene understanding, and local planning, and advance the capabilities of legged robots in challenging environments. The first contribution tackles localisation with multi-camera setups available on legged platforms. It proposes a strategy to actively switch between the cameras and stay localised while operating in a visual teach and repeat context---in spite of transient changes in the environment. The second contribution focuses on local planning, effectively adding a safety layer for robot navigation. The approach uses a local map built on-the-fly to generate efficient vector field representations that enable fast and reactive navigation. The third contribution demonstrates how to improve local planning in natural environments by learning robot-specific traversability from demonstrations. The approach leverages classical and learning-based methods to enable online, onboard traversability learning. These systems are demonstrated via different robot deployments on industrial facilities, underground mines, and parklands. The thesis concludes by presenting a real-world application: an autonomous forest inventory system with legged robots. This last contribution presents a mission planning system for autonomous surveying as well as a data analysis pipeline to extract forestry attributes. The approach was experimentally validated in a field campaign in Finland, evidencing the potential that legged platforms offer for future applications in the wild

    Evolving a Behavioral Repertoire for a Walking Robot

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    Numerous algorithms have been proposed to allow legged robots to learn to walk. However, the vast majority of these algorithms is devised to learn to walk in a straight line, which is not sufficient to accomplish any real-world mission. Here we introduce the Transferability-based Behavioral Repertoire Evolution algorithm (TBR-Evolution), a novel evolutionary algorithm that simultaneously discovers several hundreds of simple walking controllers, one for each possible direction. By taking advantage of solutions that are usually discarded by evolutionary processes, TBR-Evolution is substantially faster than independently evolving each controller. Our technique relies on two methods: (1) novelty search with local competition, which searches for both high-performing and diverse solutions, and (2) the transferability approach, which com-bines simulations and real tests to evolve controllers for a physical robot. We evaluate this new technique on a hexapod robot. Results show that with only a few dozen short experiments performed on the robot, the algorithm learns a repertoire of con-trollers that allows the robot to reach every point in its reachable space. Overall, TBR-Evolution opens a new kind of learning algorithm that simultaneously optimizes all the achievable behaviors of a robot.Comment: 33 pages; Evolutionary Computation Journal 201
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