21 research outputs found

    Eventness: Object Detection on Spectrograms for Temporal Localization of Audio Events

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of Eventness for audio event detection, which can, in part, be thought of as an analogue to Objectness from computer vision. The key observation behind the eventness concept is that audio events reveal themselves as 2-dimensional time-frequency patterns with specific textures and geometric structures in spectrograms. These time-frequency patterns can then be viewed analogously to objects occurring in natural images (with the exception that scaling and rotation invariance properties do not apply). With this key observation in mind, we pose the problem of detecting monophonic or polyphonic audio events as an equivalent visual object(s) detection problem under partial occlusion and clutter in spectrograms. We adapt a state-of-the-art visual object detection model to evaluate the audio event detection task on publicly available datasets. The proposed network has comparable results with a state-of-the-art baseline and is more robust on minority events. Provided large-scale datasets, we hope that our proposed conceptual model of eventness will be beneficial to the audio signal processing community towards improving performance of audio event detection.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ICASSP 201

    CNN Architectures for Large-Scale Audio Classification

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have proven very effective in image classification and show promise for audio. We use various CNN architectures to classify the soundtracks of a dataset of 70M training videos (5.24 million hours) with 30,871 video-level labels. We examine fully connected Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), AlexNet [1], VGG [2], Inception [3], and ResNet [4]. We investigate varying the size of both training set and label vocabulary, finding that analogs of the CNNs used in image classification do well on our audio classification task, and larger training and label sets help up to a point. A model using embeddings from these classifiers does much better than raw features on the Audio Set [5] Acoustic Event Detection (AED) classification task.Comment: Accepted for publication at ICASSP 2017 Changes: Added definitions of mAP, AUC, and d-prime. Updated mAP/AUC/d-prime numbers for Audio Set based on changes of latest Audio Set revision. Changed wording to fit 4 page limit with new addition

    Modelling of Sound Events with Hidden Imbalances Based on Clustering and Separate Sub-Dictionary Learning

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    This paper proposes an effective modelling of sound event spectra with a hidden data-size-imbalance, for improved Acoustic Event Detection (AED). The proposed method models each event as an aggregated representation of a few latent factors, while conventional approaches try to find acoustic elements directly from the event spectra. In the method, all the latent factors across all events are assigned comparable importance and complexity to overcome the hidden imbalance of data-sizes in event spectra. To extract latent factors in each event, the proposed method employs clustering and performs non-negative matrix factorization to each latent factor, and learns its acoustic elements as a sub-dictionary. Separate sub-dictionary learning effectively models the acoustic elements with limited data-sizes and avoids over-fitting due to hidden imbalances in training data. For the task of polyphonic sound event detection from DCASE 2013 challenge, an AED based on the proposed modelling achieves a detection F-measure of 46.5%, a significant improvement of more than 19% as compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods

    Acoustic Based Footstep Detection in Pervasive Healthcare

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    Passive detection of footsteps in domestic settings can allow the development of assistive technologies that can monitor mobility patterns of older adults in their home environment. Acoustic footstep detection is a promising approach for nonintrusive detection of footsteps. So far there has been limited work in developing robust acoustic footstep detection systems that can operate in noisy home environments. In this paper, we propose a novel application of the Attention based Recurrent Deep Neural Network to detect human footsteps in noisy overlapping audio streams. The model is trained on synthetic data which simulates the acoustic scene in a home environment. To evaluate performance, we reproduced two footstep detection models from literature and compared them using the newly developed Polyphonic Sound Detection Scores (PSDS). Our model achieved the highest PSDS and is close to the highest score achieved by generic indoor AED models in DCASE. The proposed system is designed to both detect and track footsteps within a home setting, and to enhance state-of-the-art digital health-care solutions for empowering older adults to live autonomously in their own homes

    A Closer Look at Weak Label Learning for Audio Events

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    —Audio content analysis in terms of sound events is an important research problem for a variety of applications. Recently, the development of weak labeling approaches for audio or sound event detection (AED) and availability of large scale weakly labeled dataset have finally opened up the possibility of large scale AED. However, a deeper understanding of how weak labels affect the learning for sound events is still missing from literature. In this work, we first describe a CNN based approach for weakly supervised training of audio events. The approach follows some basic design principle desirable in a learning method relying on weakly labeled audio. We then describe important characteristics, which naturally arise in weakly supervised learning of sound events. We show how these aspects of weak labels affect the generalization of models. More specifically, we study how characteristics such as label density and corruption of labels affects weakly supervised training for audio events. We also study the feasibility of directly obtaining weak labeled data from the web without any manual label and compare it with a dataset which has been manually labeled. The analysis and understanding of these factors should be taken into picture in the development of future weak label learning methods. Audioset, a large scale weakly labeled dataset for sound events is used in our experiments