15 research outputs found

    A Stackelberg Solution to Joint Optimization Problems: A Case Study of Green Design

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    AbstractDesign of complex engineered systems often involves optimization of multiple competing problems that are supposed to compromise to arrive at equilibrium optima, entailing a joint optimization problem. This paper reveals the leader-follower decision structure inherent in joint optimization problems. A Stackelberg game solution is formulated to model a leader-follower joint optimization problem as a two-level optimization problem between two decision makers, implicating a mathematical program that contains sub-optimization problems as its constraints. A case study of coffee grinder green design demonstrates the potential of Stackelberg solution to joint optimization of modularity subject with conflicting goals

    Optimal Vaccine Distribution Strategy for Different Age Groups of Population: A Differential Evolution Algorithm Approach

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    Vaccination is one of the effective ways for protecting susceptible individuals from infectious diseases. Different age groups of population have different vulnerability to the disease and different contact frequencies. In order to achieve the maximum effects, the distribution of vaccine doses to the groups of individuals needs to be optimized. In this paper, a differential evolution (DE) algorithm is proposed to address the problem. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested by a classical infectious disease transmission model and a series of simulations have been made. The results show that the proposed algorithm can always obtain the best vaccine distribution strategy which can minimize the number of infectious individuals during the epidemic outbreak. Furthermore, the effects of vaccination on different days and the vaccine coverage percentages have also been discussed

    Solving bilevel multi-objective optimization problems using evolutionary algorithms

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    Bilevel optimization problems require every feasible upper-level solution to satisfy optimality of a lower-level optimization problem. These problems commonly appear in many practical problem solving tasks including optimal control, process optimization, game-playing strategy development, transportation problems, and others. In the context of a bilevel single objective problem, there exists a number of theoretical, numerical, and evolutionary optimization results. However, there does not exist too many studies in the context of having multiple objectives in each level of a bilevel optimization problem. In this paper, we address bilevel multi-objective optimization issues and propose a viable algorithm based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) principles. Proof-of-principle simulation results bring out the challenges in solving such problems and demonstrate the viability of the proposed EMO technique for solving such problems. This paper scratches the surface of EMO-based solution methodologies for bilevel multi-objective optimization problems and should motivate other EMO researchers to engage more into this important optimization task of practical importance

    An Evolutionary Algorithm Using Duality-Base-Enumerating Scheme for Interval Linear Bilevel Programming Problems

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    Interval bilevel programming problem is hard to solve due to its hierarchical structure as well as the uncertainty of coefficients. This paper is focused on a class of interval linear bilevel programming problems, and an evolutionary algorithm based on duality bases is proposed. Firstly, the objective coefficients of the lower level and the right-hand-side vector are uniformly encoded as individuals, and the relative intervals are taken as the search space. Secondly, for each encoded individual, based on the duality theorem, the original problem is transformed into a single level program simply involving one nonlinear equality constraint. Further, by enumerating duality bases, this nonlinear equality is deleted, and the single level program is converted into several linear programs. Finally, each individual can be evaluated by solving these linear programs. The computational results of 7 examples show that the algorithm is feasible and robust

    Solving a type of biobjective bilevel programming problem using NSGA-II

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    AbstractThis paper considers a type of biobjective bilevel programming problem, which is derived from a single objective bilevel programming problem via lifting the objective function at the lower level up to the upper level. The efficient solutions to such a model can be considered as candidates for the after optimization bargaining between the decision-makers at both levels who retain the original bilevel decision-making structure. We use a popular multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, NSGA-II, to solve this type of problem. The algorithm is tested on some small-dimensional benchmark problems from the literature. Computational results show that the NSGA-II algorithm is capable of solving the problems efficiently and effectively. Hence, it provides a promising visualization tool to help the decision-makers find the best trade-off in bargaining

    Solving Bilevel Multiobjective Programming Problem by Elite Quantum Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization

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    An elite quantum behaved particle swarm optimization (EQPSO) algorithm is proposed, in which an elite strategy is exerted for the global best particle to prevent premature convergence of the swarm. The EQPSO algorithm is employed for solving bilevel multiobjective programming problem (BLMPP) in this study, which has never been reported in other literatures. Finally, we use eight different test problems to measure and evaluate the proposed algorithm, including low dimension and high dimension BLMPPs, as well as attempt to solve the BLMPPs whose theoretical Pareto optimal front is not known. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is a feasible and efficient method for solving BLMPPs

    Software Quality Evaluation Model Based on Weighted Mutation Rate Correction Incompletion G1 Combination Weights

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    Aiming at the common problems of quality evaluation method, this paper first establishes a fuzzy software quality evaluation model according to the relationship of software quality subcharacteristics and indicators; furthermore, considering the uncertainty and individual deviations of expert judgment results, this paper corrects and tests the consistency of the incomplete information sorting given by the experts and obtains an integration sorting of gathering different expert opinions through the idea of circling modification; at last, this paper proposes the weighted mutation rate which is used to measure the development balance degree and determines weights of evaluation indicators via weighted mutation rate correction incompletion G1 method, which avoids the problem of integration of subjective and objective weights

    A solution to bi/tri-level programming problems using particle swarm optimization

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    © 2016 Elsevier Inc. Multilevel (including bi-level and tri-level) programming aims to solve decentralized decision-making problems that feature interactive decision entities distributed throughout a hierarchical organization. Since the multilevel programming problem is strongly NP-hard and traditional exact algorithmic approaches lack efficiency, heuristics-based particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms have been used to generate an alternative for solving such problems. However, the existing PSO algorithms are limited to solving linear or small-scale bi-level programming problems. This paper first develops a novel bi-level PSO algorithm to solve general bi-level programs involving nonlinear and large-scale problems. It then proposes a tri-level PSO algorithm for handling tri-level programming problems that are more challenging than bi-level programs and have not been well solved by existing algorithms. For the sake of exploring the algorithms' performance, the proposed bi/tri-level PSO algorithms are applied to solve 62 benchmark problems and 810 large-scale problems which are randomly constructed. The computational results and comparison with other algorithms clearly illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed PSO algorithms in solving bi-level and tri-level programming problems