66 research outputs found

    A study on fairness and latency issues over high speed networks and data center networks

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    Newly emerging computer networks, such as high speed networks and data center networks, have characteristics of high bandwidth and high burstiness which make it difficult to address issues such as fairness, queuing latency and link utilization. In this study, we first conduct extensive experimental evaluation of the performance of 10Gbps high speed networks. We found inter-protocol unfairness and larger queuing latency are two outstanding issues in high speed networks and data center networks. There have been several proposals to address fairness and latency issues at switch level via queuing schemes. These queuing schemes have been fairly successful in addressing either fairness issue or large latency but not both at the same time. We propose a new queuing scheme called Approximated-Fair and Controlled-Delay (AFCD) queuing scheme that meets following goals for high speed networks: approximated fairness, controlled low queuing delay, high link utilization and simple implementation. The design of AFCD utilizes a novel synergistic approach by forming an alliance between approximated fair queuing and controlled delay queuing. AFCD maintains very small amount of state information in sending rate estimation of flows and makes drop decision based on a target delay of individual flow. We then present FaLL, a Fair and Low Latency queuing scheme that meets stringent performance requirements of data center networks: fair share of bandwidth, low queuing latency, high throughput, and ease of deployment. FaLL uses an efficiency module, a fairness module and a target delay based dropping scheme to meet these goals. Through rigorous experiments on real testbed, we show that FaLL outperforms various peer solutions in variety of network conditions over data center networks

    Study on the Performance of TCP over 10Gbps High Speed Networks

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    Internet traffic is expected to grow phenomenally over the next five to ten years. To cope with such large traffic volumes, high-speed networks are expected to scale to capacities of terabits-per-second and beyond. Increasing the role of optics for packet forwarding and transmission inside the high-speed networks seems to be the most promising way to accomplish this capacity scaling. Unfortunately, unlike electronic memory, it remains a formidable challenge to build even a few dozen packets of integrated all-optical buffers. On the other hand, many high-speed networks depend on the TCP/IP protocol for reliability which is typically implemented in software and is sensitive to buffer size. For example, TCP requires a buffer size of bandwidth delay product in switches/routers to maintain nearly 100\% link utilization. Otherwise, the performance will be much downgraded. But such large buffer will challenge hardware design and power consumption, and will generate queuing delay and jitter which again cause problems. Therefore, improve TCP performance over tiny buffered high-speed networks is a top priority. This dissertation studies the TCP performance in 10Gbps high-speed networks. First, a 10Gbps reconfigurable optical networking testbed is developed as a research environment. Second, a 10Gbps traffic sniffing tool is developed for measuring and analyzing TCP performance. New expressions for evaluating TCP loss synchronization are presented by carefully examining the congestion events of TCP. Based on observation, two basic reasons that cause performance problems are studied. We find that minimize TCP loss synchronization and reduce flow burstiness impact are critical keys to improve TCP performance in tiny buffered networks. Finally, we present a new TCP protocol called Multi-Channel TCP and a new congestion control algorithm called Desynchronized Multi-Channel TCP (DMCTCP). Our algorithm implementation takes advantage of a potential parallelism from the Multi-Path TCP in Linux. Over an emulated 10Gbps network ruled by routers with only a few dozen packets of buffers, our experimental results confirm that bottleneck link utilization can be much better improved by DMCTCP than by many other TCP variants. Our study is a new step towards the deployment of optical packet switching/routing networks

    Model based analysis of some high speed network issues

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    The study of complex problems in science and engineering today typically involves large scale data, huge number of large-scale scientific breakthroughs critically depends on large multi-disciplinary and geographically-dispersed research teams, where the high speed network becomes the integral part. To serve the ongoing bandwidth requirement and scalability of these networks, there has been a continuous evolution of different TCPs for high speed networks. Testing these protocols on a real network would be expensive, time consuming and more over not easily available to the researchers worldwide. Network simulation is well accepted and widely used method for performance evaluation, it is well known that packet-based simulators like NS2 and Opnet are not adequate in high speed also in large scale networks because of its inherent bottlenecks in terms of message overhead and execution time. In that case model based approach with the help of a set of coupled differential equations is preferred for simulations. This dissertation is focused on the key challenges on research and development of TCPs on high-speed network. To address these issues/challenges this thesis has three objectives: design an analytical simulation methodology; model behaviors of high speed networks and other components including TCP flows and queue using the analytical simulation method; analyze them and explore impacts and interrelationship among them. To decrease the simulation time and speed up the process of testing and development of high speed TCP, we present a scalable simulation methodology for high speed network. We present the fluid model equations for various high-speed TCP variants. With the help of these fluid model equations, the behavior of high-speed TCP variants under various scenarios and its effect on queue size variations are presented. High speed network is not feasible unless we understand effect of bottleneck buffer size on performance of these high-speed TCP variants. A fluid model is introduced to accommodate the new observations of synchronization and de-synchronization phenomena of packet losses at bottleneck link and a microscopic analysis is presented on different buffer sizes at drop-tail queuing scheme. The proposed model based methods promotes principal understanding of the future heterogeneous networks and accelerates protocol developments

    Enhanced FAST TCP by Solving Rerouting Problem

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    Delay-based congestion control algorithms inability to recognize increased RTT related to rerouting from increased RTT related to congestion is their most serious problem which has serious effect on their throughput. FAST TCP is one of delay-based TCP variants that although outperforms other TCP variants in high bandwidth-delay product networks, but suffers from several problems that inhere in its procedure to estimate trip delay. The most serious of these problems is rerouting. When rerouting occurs and round-trip time (RTT) of the new path is longer than RTT of the old path, the throughput of FAST TCP decreases sharply. Because FAST misinterprets the increased RTT as result of the network congestion and consequently decreases its own window size. This paper solves this problem by considering the relationship between sending rate and observed RTT. The simulation results show the effectiveness of proposed solution to solve rerouting problem while simultaneously preserves FAST TCP prominent primitive features

    Analysis of Multiple Flows using Different High Speed TCP protocols on a General Network

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    We develop analytical tools for performance analysis of multiple TCP flows (which could be using TCP CUBIC, TCP Compound, TCP New Reno) passing through a multi-hop network. We first compute average window size for a single TCP connection (using CUBIC or Compound TCP) under random losses. We then consider two techniques to compute steady state throughput for different TCP flows in a multi-hop network. In the first technique, we approximate the queues as M/G/1 queues. In the second technique, we use an optimization program whose solution approximates the steady state throughput of the different flows. Our results match well with ns2 simulations.Comment: Submitted to Performance Evaluatio


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    Delay and bandwidth-based alternatives to TCP congestion-control have been around for nearly three decades and have seen a recent surge in interest. However, such designs have faced significant resistance in being deployed on a wide-scale across the Internet—this has been mostly due to serious concerns about noise in delay measurements, pacing inter-packet gaps, and required changes to the standard TCP stack. With the advent of high-speed networking, some of these concerns become even more significant. This thesis considers Rapid, a recent proposal for ultra-high speed congestion control, which perhaps stretches each of these challenges to the greatest extent. Rapid adopts a framework of continuous fine-scale bandwidth probing and rate adapting. It requires finely-controlled inter-packet gaps, high-precision timestamping of received packets, and reliance on fine-scale changes in interpacket gaps. While simulation-based evaluations of Rapid show that it has outstanding performance gains along several important dimensions, these will not translate to the real-world unless the above challenges are addressed. This thesis identifies the key challenges TCP Rapid faces on real high-speed networks, including deployability in standard protocol stacks, precise inter-packet gap creation, achieving robust bandwidth estimation in the presence of noise, and a stability/adaptability trade-off. A Linux implementation of Rapid is designed and developed after carefully considering each of these challenges. The evaluations on a 10Gbps testbed confirm that the implementation can indeed achieve the claimed performance gains, and that it would not have been possible unless each of the above challenges was addressed.Doctor of Philosoph

    STCP: A New Transport Protocol for High-Speed Networks

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    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the dominant transport protocol today and likely to be adopted in future high‐speed and optical networks. A number of literature works have been done to modify or tune the Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) principle in TCP to enhance the network performance. In this work, to efficiently take advantage of the available high bandwidth from the high‐speed and optical infrastructures, we propose a Stratified TCP (STCP) employing parallel virtual transmission layers in high‐speed networks. In this technique, the AIMD principle of TCP is modified to make more aggressive and efficient probing of the available link bandwidth, which in turn increases the performance. Simulation results show that STCP offers a considerable improvement in performance when compared with other TCP variants such as the conventional TCP protocol and Layered TCP (LTCP)

    Application-level optimization of end-to-end data transfer throughput

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    For large-scale distributed applications, effective use of available network throughput and optimization of data transfer speed is crucial for end-to-end application performance. Today, many regional and national optical networking initiatives such as LONI, ESnet and Teragrid provide high speed network connectivity to their users. However, majority of the users fail to obtain even a fraction of the theoretical speeds promised by these networks due to issues such as sub-optimal protocol tuning, disk bottleneck on the sending and/or receiving ends, and processor limitations. This implies that having high speed networks in place is important but not sufficient for the improvement of end-to-end data transfer throughput. Being able to effectively use these high speed networks is becoming more and more important. Optimization of the underlying protocol parameters at the application layer (i.e. opening multiple parallel TCP streams, tuning the TCP buffer size and I/O block size) is one way of improving the network transfer throughput. On the other hand, end-to-end data transfer throughput bottleneck on high performance networking systems occur mostly at the participating storage systems rather than the network. The performance of a storage system heavily depends on the speed of its disk and CPU subsystems. Thus, it is critical to estimate the storage system\u27s bandwidth at both endpoints in addition to the network bandwidth. Disk bottleneck can be eliminated by the use of multiple disks (data striping), and CPU bottleneck can be eliminated by the use of multiple processors (parallelism). In this dissertation, we develop application-level models to predict the best combination of protocol parameters for optimal network performance, including the number of parallel data streams, protocol buffer size; and integration of disk and CPU speed parameters into the performance model to predict the optimal number of disk and CPU striping for the best end-to-end data throughput. These models will be made available to the community for use in data transfer tools, schedulers, and high-level planners

    An Efficient Framework of Congestion Control for Next-Generation Networks

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    The success of the Internet can partly be attributed to the congestion control algorithm in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). However, with the tremendous increase in the diversity of networked systems and applications, TCP performance limitations are becoming increasingly problematic and the need for new transport protocol designs has become increasingly important.Prior research has focused on the design of either end-to-end protocols (e.g., CUBIC) that rely on implicit congestion signals such as loss and/or delay or network-based protocols (e.g., XCP) that use precise per-flow feedback from the network. While the former category of schemes haveperformance limitations, the latter are hard to deploy, can introduce high per-packet overhead, and open up new security challenges. This dissertation explores the middle ground between these designs and makes four contributions. First, we study the interplay between performance and feedback in congestion control protocols. We argue that congestion feedback in the form of aggregate load can provide the richness needed to meet the challenges of next-generation networks and applications. Second, we present the design, analysis, and evaluation of an efficient framework for congestion control called Binary Marking Congestion Control (BMCC). BMCC uses aggregate load feedback to achieve efficient and fair bandwidth allocations on high bandwidth-delaynetworks while minimizing packet loss rates and average queue length. BMCC reduces flow completiontimes by up to 4x over TCP and uses only the existing Explicit Congestion Notification bits.Next, we consider the incremental deployment of BMCC. We study the bandwidth sharing properties of BMCC and TCP over different partial deployment scenarios. We then present algorithms for ensuring safe co-existence of BMCC and TCP on the Internet. Finally, we consider the performance of BMCC over Wireless LANs. We show that the time-varying nature of the capacity of a WLAN can lead to significant performance issues for protocols that require capacity estimates for feedback computation. Using a simple model we characterize the capacity of a WLAN and propose the usage of the average service rate experienced by network layer packets as an estimate for capacity. Through extensive evaluation, we show that the resulting estimates provide good performance