8,357 research outputs found

    Mobility traces and spreading of COVID-19

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    We use human mobility models, for which we are experts, and attach a virus infection dynamics to it, for which we are not experts but have taken it from the literature, including recent publications. This results in a virus spreading dynamics model. The results should be verified, but because of the current time pressure, we publish them in their current state. Recommendations for improvement are welcome. We come to the following conclusions: 1. Complete lockdown works. About 10 days after lockdown, the infection dynamics dies down. This assumes that lockdown is complete, which can be guaranteed in the simulation, but not in reality. Still, it gives strong support to the argument that it is never too late for complete lockdown. 2. As a rule of thumb, we would suggest complete lockdown no later than once 10% of hospital capacities available for COVID-19 are in use, and possibly much earlier. This is based on the following insights: a. Even after lockdown, the infection dynamics continues at home, leading to another tripling of the cases before the dynamics is slowed. b. There will be many critical cases coming from people who were infected before lockdown. Because of the exponential growth dynamics, their number will be large. c. Researchers with more detailed disease progression models should improve upon these statements. 3. Our simulations say that complete removal of infections at child care, primary schools, workplaces and during leisure activities will not be enough to sufficiently slow down the infection dynamics. It would have been better, but still not sufficient, if initiated earlier. 4. Infections in public transport play an important role. In the simulations shown later, removing infections in the public transport system reduces the infection speed and the height of the peak by approximately 20%. Evidently, this depends on the infection parameters, which are not well known. – This does not point to reducing public transport capacities as a reaction to the reduced demand, but rather use it for lower densities of passengers and thus reduced infection rates. 5. In our simulations, removal of infections at child care, primary schools, workplaces, leisure activities, and in public transport may barely have been sufficient to control the infection dynamics if implemented early on. Now according to our simulations it is too late for this, and (even) harsher measures will have to be initiated until possibly a return to such a restrictive, but still somewhat functional regime will again be possible. Evidently, all of these results have to be taken with care. They are based on preliminary infection parameters taken from the literature, used inside a model that has more transport/movement details than all others that we are aware of but still not enough to describe all aspects of reality, and suffer from having to write computer code under time pressure. Optimally, they should be confirmed independently. Short of that, given current knowledge we believe that they provide justification for “complete lockdown” at the latest when about 10% of available hospital capacities for COVID-19 are in use (and possibly earlier; we are no experts of hospital capabilities). What was not investigated in detail in our simulations was contact tracing, i.e. tracking down the infection chains and moving all people along infection chains into quarantine. The case of Singapore has so far shown that this may be successful. Preliminary simulation of that tactic shows that it is difficult to implement for COVID-19, since the incubation time is rather long, people are contagious before they feel sick, or maybe never feel sufficiently sick at all. We will investigate in future work if and how contact tracing can be used together with a restrictive, but not totally locked down regime. When opening up after lockdown, it would be important to know the true fraction of people who are already immune, since that would slow down the infection dynamics by itself. For Wuhan, the currently available numbers report that only about 0.1% of the population was infected, which would be very far away from “herd immunity”. However, there have been and still may be many unknown infections (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH 2020)

    Interacting Spreading Processes in Multilayer Networks: A Systematic Review

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    © 2013 IEEE. The world of network science is fascinating and filled with complex phenomena that we aspire to understand. One of them is the dynamics of spreading processes over complex networked structures. Building the knowledge-base in the field where we can face more than one spreading process propagating over a network that has more than one layer is a challenging task, as the complexity comes both from the environment in which the spread happens and from characteristics and interplay of spreads' propagation. As this cross-disciplinary field bringing together computer science, network science, biology and physics has rapidly grown over the last decade, there is a need to comprehensively review the current state-of-the-art and offer to the research community a roadmap that helps to organise the future research in this area. Thus, this survey is a first attempt to present the current landscape of the multi-processes spread over multilayer networks and to suggest the potential ways forward

    Social Interaction Layers in Complex Networks for the Dynamical Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in Brazil

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    We are currently living in a state of uncertainty due to the pandemic caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus. There are several factors involved in the epidemic spreading such as the individual characteristics of each city/country. The true shape of the epidemic dynamics is a large, complex system such as most of the social systems. In this context, Complex networks are a great candidate to analyze these systems due to their ability to tackle structural and dynamical properties. Therefore this study presents a new approach to model the COVID-19 epidemic using a multi-layer complex network, where nodes represent people, edges are social contacts, and layers represent different social activities. The model improves the traditional SIR and it is applied to study the Brazilian epidemic by analyzing possible future actions and their consequences. The network is characterized using statistics of infection, death, and hospitalization time. To simulate isolation, social distancing, or precautionary measures we remove layers and/or reduce the intensity of social contacts. Results show that even taking various optimistic assumptions, the current isolation levels in Brazil still may lead to a critical scenario for the healthcare system and a considerable death toll (average of 149,000). If all activities return to normal, the epidemic growth may suffer a steep increase, and the demand for ICU beds may surpass 3 times the country's capacity. This would surely lead to a catastrophic scenario, as our estimation reaches an average of 212,000 deaths even considering that all cases are effectively treated. The increase of isolation (up to a lockdown) shows to be the best option to keep the situation under the healthcare system capacity, aside from ensuring a faster decrease of new case occurrences (months of difference), and a significantly smaller death toll (average of 87,000).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    WSN Location Privacy Scheme Enhancement through Epidemical Information Dissemination

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are commonly used for animal tracking. Over the years, a significant number of studies have been presented for monitoring moving targets through WSN. At the same time, the location / position information of each target should be available only to authorized entities, e.g., Animal Protection Centers, thus, the position should be kept private. The iHIDE is a location privacy mechanism that uses a non-geographical based routing scheme for packet delivery over WSN. In this paper, we elaborate on that scheme by introducing a routing plan construction algorithm. Furthermore, we enhance iHIDE by adopting the use of epidemical data dissemination as an enforcing privacy technique. Finally, we evaluate through simulations the scheme against other commonly used location privacy overlays in terms of network overhead and safety period

    An Agent-based Decision Support for a Vaccination Campaign

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    We explore the Covid-19 diffusion with an agent-based model of an Italian region with a population on a scale of 1:1000. We also simulate different vaccination strategies. From a decision support system perspective, we investigate the adoption of artificial intelligence techniques to provide suggestions about more effective policies. We adopt the widely used multi-agent programmable modeling environment NetLogo, adding genetic algorithms to evolve the best vaccination criteria. The results suggest a promising methodology for defining vaccine rates by population types over time. The results are encouraging towards a more extensive application of agent-oriented methods in public healthcare policies

    A multi-layer network model to assess school opening policies during a vaccination campaign:a case study on COVID-19 in France

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    We propose a multi-layer network model for the spread of an infectious disease that accounts for interactions within the family, between children in classes and schools, and casual contacts in the population. The proposed framework is designed to test several what-if scenarios on school openings during the vaccination campaigns, thereby assessing the safety of different policies, including testing practices in schools, diverse home-isolation policies, and targeted vaccination. We demonstrate the potentialities of our model by calibrating it on epidemiological and demographic data of the spring 2021 COVID-19 vaccination campaign in France. Specifically, we consider scenarios in which a fraction of the population is vaccinated, and we focus our analysis on the role of schools as drivers of the contagions and on the implementation of targeted intervention policies oriented to children and their families. We perform our analysis by means of a campaign of Monte Carlo simulations. Our findings suggest that transmission in schools may play a key role in the spreading of a disease. Interestingly, we show that children’s testing might be an important tool to flatten the epidemic curve, in particular when combined with enacting temporary online education for classes in which infected students are detected. Finally, we test a vaccination strategy that prioritizes the members of large families and we demonstrate its good performance. We believe that our modeling framework and our findings could be of help for public health authorities for planning their current and future interventions, as well as to increase preparedness for future epidemic outbreaks
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