4 research outputs found

    Ensemble feature learning of genomic data using support vector machine

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    © 2016 Anaissi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The identification of a subset of genes having the ability to capture the necessary information to distinguish classes of patients is crucial in bioinformatics applications. Ensemble and bagging methods have been shown to work effectively in the process of gene selection and classification. Testament to that is random forest which combines random decision trees with bagging to improve overall feature selection and classification accuracy. Surprisingly, the adoption of these methods in support vector machines has only recently received attention but mostly on classification not gene selection. This paper introduces an ensemble SVM-Recursive Feature Elimination (ESVM-RFE) for gene selection that follows the concepts of ensemble and bagging used in random forest but adopts the backward elimination strategy which is the rationale of RFE algorithm. The rationale behind this is, building ensemble SVM models using randomly drawn bootstrap samples from the training set, will produce different feature rankings which will be subsequently aggregated as one feature ranking. As a result, the decision for elimination of features is based upon the ranking of multiple SVM models instead of choosing one particular model. Moreover, this approach will address the problem of imbalanced datasets by constructing a nearly balanced bootstrap sample. Our experiments show that ESVM-RFE for gene selection substantially increased the classification performance on five microarray datasets compared to state-of-the-art methods. Experiments on the childhood leukaemia dataset show that an average 9% better accuracy is achieved by ESVM-RFE over SVM-RFE, and 5% over random forest based approach. The selected genes by the ESVM-RFE algorithm were further explored with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) which reveals significant clusters with the selected data

    An ensemble of SVM classifiers based on gene pairs

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    National Science Foundation of China [61100106]; Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China [2010J05137]; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [2010121038]In this paper, a genetic algorithm (GA) based ensemble support vector machine (SVM) classifier built on gene pairs (GA-ESP) is proposed. The SVMs (base classifiers of the ensemble system) are trained on different informative gene pairs. These gene pairs are selected by the top scoring pair (TSP) criterion. Each of these pairs projects the original microarray expression onto a 2-D space. Extensive permutation of gene pairs may reveal more useful information and potentially lead to an ensemble classifier with satisfactory accuracy and interpretability. GA is further applied to select an optimized combination of base classifiers. The effectiveness of the GA-ESP classifier is evaluated on both binary-class and multi-class datasets. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Kernel Methods and Measures for Classification with Transparency, Interpretability and Accuracy in Health Care

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    Support vector machines are a popular method in machine learning. They learn from data about a subject, for example, lung tumors in a set of patients, to classify new data, such as, a new patient’s tumor. The new tumor is classified as either cancerous or benign, depending on how similar it is to the tumors of other patients in those two classes—where similarity is judged by a kernel. The adoption and use of support vector machines in health care, however, is inhibited by a perceived and actual lack of rationale, understanding and transparency for how they work and how to interpret information and results from them. For example, a user must select the kernel, or similarity function, to be used, and there are many kernels to choose from but little to no useful guidance on choosing one. The primary goal of this thesis is to create accurate, transparent and interpretable kernels with rationale to select them for classification in health care using SVM—and to do so within a theoretical framework that advances rationale, understanding and transparency for kernel/model selection with atomic data types. The kernels and framework necessarily co-exist. The secondary goal of this thesis is to quantitatively measure model interpretability for kernel/model selection and identify the types of interpretable information which are available from different models for interpretation. Testing my framework and transparent kernels with empirical data I achieve classification accuracy that is better than or equivalent to the Gaussian RBF kernels. I also validate some of the model interpretability measures I propose