229 research outputs found

    Overview of DFIG-based Wind Power System Resonances under Weak Networks

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    Harmonic Current Suppression Strategy for Grid-Connected PWM Converters with LCL Filters

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    Active power filter control strategy with novel dual-repetitive controller and neural network adaptive PI control

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    U ovom je radu analizirana konfiguracija karakteristična za razdjelni aktivni filtar snage (SAPF) s dvodijelnim kondenzatorom kao i njegov glavni dijagram i upravljački modul. U svrhu poboljšanja dinamičke performanse upravljačkog sustava i pojačanja dinamičkog odziva, predstavljena je kombinirana strategija zasnovana na dvostruko-ponavljajućem kontrolnom uređaju (DRC) i adaptivnom PI upravljanju. U DRC-u jedan ponavljajući kontrolni uređaj je za osiguranje točnosti strujnog toka, a drugi za poboljšanje dinamičkog odziva. Prihvaćeno je PI upravljanje neuronskom mrežom da bi se poboljšala brzina odziva prilagođavanjem PI parametara, postavljajući parametre K\u27x i K\u27y online. Takva je strategija upravljanja primijenjena na simulaciju industrijskog prototipa i terensko ispitivanje. U usporedbi s uobičajenom strategijom upravljanja, eksperimentalni rezultat pokazuje da bi se kompenzacijom sustava mogle učinkovito smanjiti vrijednosti ukupne harmonijske distorzije (THD) od 26,02 %, 27,76 % i 27,60 % do 4,25 %, 4,57 % i 4,35 % za svaku fazu struje. A i puno vrijeme odziva je manje od 10 ms te u potpunosti zadovoljava standard IEEE-519.In this paper, the configuration characteristic of shunt active power filter (SAPF) with split-capacitor was analysed, as well as its principle diagram and control module. In order to improve the dynamic performance of a control system and elevate dynamic response, a combination strategy based on dual-repetitive controller (DRC) and adaptive PI control is presented. In DRC, one repetitive controller is for ensuring the current tracking accuracy and the other one is for enhancing dynamic response. The neural network PI control is adopted to improve response speed by turning the PI parameters adaptively, setting parameters K\u27x and K\u27y online. This control strategy was applied on industrial prototype simulation and field test. Comparing with the conventional control strategy, the experimental result shows that system compensation could effectively reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) values from 26,02 %, 27,76 % and 27,60 % to 4,25 %, 4,57 % and 4,35 % for each phase of the current. And the full response time is all less than 10 ms, fully meeting the standard of IEEE-519

    Voltage support in weak grids:local control of grid-connected power electronic converters

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    Single-sensor control of LCL-filtered grid-connected inverters

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    Multirate Resonant Controllers for Grid-Connected Inverters with Harmonic Compensation Function

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