188 research outputs found

    Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model

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    Purpose - This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation , and knowledge management, we synergistically integrate d KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach - A conceptual model comprising three constructs was developed, namely KM-driven leadership, culture and innovation-based success of the company. To examine the conceptual model , quantitative research was conducted among selected companies from the SMEs offering knowledge-intensive business services. The companies were contacted by telephone and interviews were carried out with 111 key informants. The data was later analysed with exploratory and confirmatory statistical methods. We applied structural equation modelling techniques (SEM) with M plus 7.2 software package to investigate the effects of KM-driven leadership on culture, and consequently its effect on innovation-based success of the company. To investigate the meditational role of culture between KM-driven leadership and innovation-based success of the company a post-hoc analysis was undertaken. Originality/value - On the basis of the previous studies analysis, the following research gap has been identified. How does leadership based on knowledge management influences the innovation success of companies and what is the role of culture in this relation? By answering this question, the study contributes to the building of literature on the above topic twofold. First, it analyses the influence of KM-driven leadership in the creation of organizational culture, which in turn contributes to the innovation success of the company. Second, this research pioneers in that it explores the meditational role of culture among KM-driven leadership and innovation success. The results of the mediation analysis confirm that culture fully mediates the relationship of KM-driven leadership with innovation success . Practical implications - The paper proves the relation between KM-oriented leadership, culture and innovation-based success of the company. The analysis of the conceptual model confirms that culture mediates the relationship of leadership with innovation success. It highly contributes to the understanding of these phenomena in the context of small and medium-sized companies offering knowledge-intensive business services - still a topic at its early stage of research. The study also shows that KM-oriented leadership is a very important factor helping in the achievement of innovation success by companies. The relationships examined indicate the potential areas on which SME managers and executives should concentrate to achieve better innovation results

    Vision Statements and Road-Map Methodology for Knowledge Management Adoption

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    The present paper describes the strategy of introducing future knowledge management system at farms. The FUTUREFARM and PREZEM projects strive to apply new knowledge management methods in arable farming where they guarantee an easy adaptation of the farming sector to the everchanging conditions in short, middle and long-term perspective. The knowledge management methods have to be put into practice on strategic, tactic and operational planning levels. Based on the project analysis and workshops with farmers, the paper brings an outline of the main goals and obstacles for new knowledge management methods adoption and furthermore defines the target groups and relevant methods of dealing with them.Knowledge management, adaptation, arable farming, Farm Management, GA, IN,

    Factors Influencing Knowledge Protection Strategies in Small Businesses

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    Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are major contributors to economies. SMEs depend on upon knowledge sharing and collaboration with business partners and suppliers, which makes the protection of their knowledge (known as knowledge protection or ‘KP’) critical. KP assists an organisation to sustain competitive advantage, as well as protect organisational knowledge from leakage outside the business. However, specific KP strategies are often not considered in SMEs as the tools required are often costly and difficult for SMEs to use. This study develops a theoretical framework to identify the factors that influence the use of KP strategies by SMEs and the roles that information and communications technologies play in these strategies. The study will examine the extent that SMEs adopt KP strategies; the strategies they use to protect their knowledge, the role of ICTs in KP strategies and, most importantly, the factors that influence the adoption of KP strategies

    The Role of Organizational Motivations in Information Systems Implementation

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    Understanding successful information systems implementation is important to both information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners. Much of the current IS literature focuses on either the factors affecting IS adoption or processes through which IS are introduced in organizations, and fails to offer satisfactory explanations as to why different organizations initiate IS implementation processes differently. In this paper, we introduce the notion of organizational motivation for IS adoption and highlight its role in explaining IS implementation process by drawing on two recently undertaken research studies. We argue that organizational motives for IS adoption is an important notion that needs to be conceptualized differently for different types of information systems

    Knowledge management and academic performance: An empirical study of Iraqi HEIs

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    This study examines the relationship between the processes of Knowledge Management (KM) and educational organization outcome in respect to academic performance.The study is based on a survey design and cross-sectional.The survey was conducted on 41 quality improvement-adoption colleges in Iraqi higher-education institutions (HEIs).The study hypotheses were tested through correlation and regression analyses.The results supported the main hypotheses for the study, suggesting that Iraqi HEIs can benefit from KM processes. Pearson's correlation pointed out that all processes of KM have significant correlations with academic performance measures. Regression analysis showed significantly positive relationships.In addition, statistical analysis also indicated that the KM processes should be implemented collectively rather than separately.In conclusion, this study provided insight and further understanding of the effect of KM processes on academic performance, and therefore, allows decision-makers to get in-depth knowledge about the impact of KM processes in Iraqi HEIs context

    Indonesian Clothing SME’s Sustainable Supply Chain Operations: Mobility and Competitive Action on Competitive Advantage

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how mobility and competitive action affect the competitive advantage of SMEs business sector in the clothing industries in Indonesia. This research is based on a quantitative approach using a population of clothing industries in Bandung Regency. Samples are taken with random sampling techniques. Samples are 110 SMEs producing clothing. Data is processed using Descriptive Analysis and Path Analysis. The findings show that mobility has no impact on competitive advantaged but has high impact on competitive action also has a positive effect on competitive advantage in SMEs in Bandung Regency. This research shows that mobility and competitive action can create a competitive advantage in the clothing industries in Bandung Regency although in small impact
