5 research outputs found

    An empirical study of relationships among extreme programming engineering activities

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    Extreme programming (XP) is an agile software process that promotes early and quick production of working code. In this paper, we investigated the relationship among three XP engineering activities: new design, refactoring, and error fix. We found that the more the new design performed to the system the less refactoring and error fix were performed. However, the refactoring and error fix efforts did not seem to be related. We also found that the error fix effort is related to number of days spent on each story, while new design is not. The relationship between the refactoring effort and number of days spent on each story was not conclusive

    An empirical study of relationships among extreme programming engineering activities

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    Extreme programming (XP) is an agile software process that promotes early and quick production of working code. In this paper, we investigated the relationship among three XP engineering activities: new design, refactoring, and error fix. We found that the more the new design performed to the system the less refactoring and error fix were performed. However, the refactoring and error fix efforts did not seem to be related. We also found that the error fix effort is related to number of days spent on each story, while new design is not. The relationship between the refactoring effort and number of days spent on each story was not conclusive

    Influence Factors for the Choice of a Software Development Methodology

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    The success rate of software development projects can be increased by using a methodology that is adequate for the specific characteristics of those projects. Over time a wide range of software development methodologies has been elaborated, therefore choosing one of them is not an easy task. Our research reviews the main categories of development methodologies and then focuses, for a detailed study, on three of them: Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Extreme Programming (XP). For each methodology it is presented the structure of software life cycle, there are identified the situations in which the methodology can be used successfully and the situations in which it tends to fail. Based on the literature review of software development methodologies and on a series of surveys, published by different researchers, exploring the state of practices in this field, we have identified a number of factors that influence the decision of choosing the most adequate development methodology for a specific project. The methodologies that are subject of this study are evaluated in relation to these factors to find out which development methodology is the most adequate depending on the level of the factors for a specific project. The results of our research are useful for the developers by helping them to identify what software development methodology can be used with success for a specific project.Software development methodology, Rational Unified Process, Rapid Application Development, Extreme Programming, choosing the adequate methodology


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    Salah satu hal yang menarik dalam bidang perangkat lunak adalah ditemukannya algoritma pengoptimisasian. Banyak pekerjaan yang rumit dan kompleks yang akan mustahil untuk dilakukan secara manual ataupun kalau terpaksa dilakukan dengan cara manual akan membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang sangat besar. Dengan adanya algoritma optimisasian pekerjaan yang rumit dan kompleks tadi dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Bahkan juga memeberikan jaminan secara teoritis, untuk mendapatkan solusi yang terbaik. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibangun sebuah model simulasi perangkat lunak untuk menyelesaikan masalah perjalanan penjual dengan menggunakan algoritma optimisasi koloni semut, untuk memberikan visual bagi pengguna bagaimana masalah tersebut dapat diselesaikan secara Langkah demi Langkah. Pembangunan program simulasi menggunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak Extreme Programming (XP) pada lingkungan system operasi Windows dengan menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman C# pada Visual Studio 2019. Hasil dari penelitian didapati, program dapat memberikan visualisasi/simulasi yang baik kepada pengguna

    Librería de activos para la gestión del conocimiento sobre procesos software: PAL-Wiki

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    La mejora de procesos de software describe las acciones a tomar para cambiar el proceso en la organización y así cumplir las necesidades de negocio y lograr sus objetivos de negocio más efectivamente. Para lograr la implementación de estrategias de mejora del proceso se debe crear una infraestructura con soporte a la definición, despliegue y realimentación del proceso y otras actividades relacionadas con el proceso Una de tales infraestructuras de soporte son las librerías de activos de proceso (Process Asset Library - PAL). Las PAL son repositorios de documentos con información útil para el personal que está definiendo, implementando, gestionando y ejecutando procesos en las organizaciones. Las PAL también contribuyen al aprendizaje de procesos por medio de la consulta de activos que incluyan ejemplos y material de formación para entender y aplicar los procesos definidos. Sin embargo, actualmente las PAL presentan algunos problemas: almacenan conocimiento formal pero sólo en algunas está estructurado y estandarizado según algún modelo de referencia; el conocimiento informal y tácito no está incluido; la medición y preservación de los activos es un proceso difícil de implementar; se requiere la definición de los activos de forma colaborativa, estrategias adecuadas de búsqueda de activos; y el almacenamiento de activos aplicados durante el desarrollo de proyectos específicos. Para solucionar estos problemas, esta tesis doctoral plantea la incorporación de técnicas de gestión del conocimiento basadas en tecnologías Web 2.0. Específicamente, se ha utilizado una wiki como mecanismo para desarrollar la solución propuesta denominada PAL-Wiki. La PAL-Wiki se caracteriza por implementar un conjunto de procesos de gestión del conocimiento que apoya el aprendizaje y uso de procesos de software. Las funciones de gestión del conocimiento incluyen: adquisición, organización, distribución, utilización, preservación y medición del conocimiento sobre el proceso de software. La PAL-Wiki ha sido validada por medio de su aplicación en procesos de desarrollo ágiles.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Software Process Improvement describes the actions to be taken to change the process in the organization and thus meeting the business needs and achieve their business objectives more effectively. To achieve the implementation of process improvement strategies should create an infrastructure to support the definition, deployment and feedback of the process and other activities related to the process. One such support infrastructure is the Process Asset Library - PAL. PALs are repositories of documents with useful information for staff that are defining, implementing, managing and executing processes in the organizations. The PAL also contributes to the learning process through the query of assets, including examples and training materials to understand and implement the defined processes. However, currently the PALs present some problems: formal knowledge stored but only some are structured and standardized according to a reference model, the informal and tacit knowledge is not included, and measuring and preservation of assets is a difficult process to implement; requires the definition of assets in a collaborative manner, appropriate strategies for searching assets and storage assets used during the development of specific projects. To solve these problems, this thesis proposes the incorporation of Knowledge Management techniques based on Web 2.0 technologies. Specifically, a wiki is used as a mechanism to develop the proposed solution called PAL-Wiki. The PAL-Wiki is characterized by implementing a set of knowledge management processes that support the learning and use of software processes. The knowledge management functions include: acquisition, organization, distribution, use, preservation and measurement of knowledge about the software process. The PAL-Wiki has been validated through its application in agile development processes