2 research outputs found

    The development of user requirements as a framework for the design and evaluation of a fit-for-purpose missing person locator system for underground mines

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    Entrapments are a huge risk in underground mines. This happens when miners (or any other persons who have entered underground) survive the initial event of an accident, become trapped or lost in unknown and life-threatening locations after evacuation, and remain unaccounted for. At this point, every second counts, and emergency response is highly desired for any chances of saving survivors. The survival chances of the missing persons depend on how quickly they can be located. Rescue teams are often deployed to search for the missing persons underground. However, the rescue teams are forced to search in random and presumed areas of the mine. This is due to the unavailability of information pertaining to the whereabouts of the missing persons. Not only the provision of accurate locations, but various other types of information such as post-accident two-way communication can enhance the survival chances of the missing persons. This information can be provided by a fit-for-purpose missing person locator system. A wide variety of missing person locator systems are already commercially available, some are in testing phases and others in prototype and development phases. This includes tracking, tracing, location detectors and post-accident two-way communication systems. These systems have unique functionalities, capabilities and limitations; making it difficult for mines to select the most effective, applicable and suitable system specific to their mine. In this study, the user requirements for a fit-for-purpose missing person locator system were developed. The purpose of the user requirements was to provide a guideline to facilitate the system selection process. The user requirements can also be used as a tool to measure and evaluate the performance of the selected missing person locator system. The user requirements were also used to predict the success of the selected system under different missing person incident scenarios. The development of the user requirements showed a potential for many other benefits for missing person locator systems.The MHSC. Open access funding provided by University of Pretoria.https://link.springer.com/journal/42461hj2024Mining EngineeringNon

    Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de un sistema de telemetr铆a en apoyo a la optimizaci贸n de la productividad en la unidad operativa Inmaculada, de la compa帽铆a minera Ares

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    En la mina subterr谩nea Inmaculada, de la Compa帽铆a Minera Ares, el procedimiento de adquisici贸n y registro de informaci贸n de producci贸n, del proceso de extracci贸n de mineral, no se realiza de manera 贸ptima y presenta distintas falencias, ya que, por ser un procedimiento manual, no se encuentra exento del error humano e interpretaciones durante la adquisici贸n y registro de datos, lo cual genera incertidumbre y desconfianza en la informaci贸n de producci贸n obtenida. Asimismo, esta informaci贸n es actualizada una 煤nica vez al d铆a, lo que ocasiona demoras con los datos recopilados, y conlleva a una respuesta y toma de decisiones tard铆a. Adicionalmente, debido a que solo se cuenta con informaci贸n, declarada manualmente por operadores, respecto del trabajo realizado por los veh铆culos que forman parte del proceso de extracci贸n de mineral, no es posible obtener una medici贸n exacta de su rendimiento. Con el sistema de telemetr铆a desarrollado en el presente proyecto, haciendo uso de tecnolog铆as inal谩mbricas y sensores, se logra automatizar y contar con un eficiente procedimiento de adquisici贸n y registro de informaci贸n de producci贸n, correspondiente al proceso de extracci贸n de mineral, minimizando la intervenci贸n y error humano, reduciendo el tiempo de adquisici贸n de datos, y monitoreando de manera remota el rendimiento de los veh铆culos, lo que permite obtener informaci贸n precisa y oportuna para la correcta toma de decisiones y optimizar la productividad de la operaci贸n.Campus Lima Centr