15 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap between Enumerative and Symbolic Model Checkers

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    We present a method to perform symbolic state space generation for languages with existing enumerative state generators. The method is largely independent from the chosen modelling language. We validated this on three different types of languages and tools: state-based languages (PROMELA), action-based process algebras (muCRL, mCRL2), and discrete abstractions of ODEs (Maple).\ud Only little information about the combinatorial structure of the\ud underlying model checking problem need to be provided. The key enabling data structure is the "PINS" dependency matrix. Moreover, it can be provided gradually (more precise information yield better results).\ud \ud Second, in addition to symbolic reachability, the same PINS matrix contains enough information to enable new optimizations in state space generation (transition caching), again independent from the chosen modelling language. We have also based existing optimizations, like (recursive) state collapsing, on top of PINS and hint at how to support partial order reduction techniques.\ud \ud Third, PINS allows interfacing of existing state generators to, e.g., distributed reachability tools. Thus, besides the stated novelties, the method we propose also significantly reduces the complexity of building modular yet still efficient model checking tools.\ud \ud Our experiments show that we can match or even outperform existing tools by reusing their own state generators, which we have linked into an implementation of our ideas

    Boosting Multi-Core Reachability Performance with Shared Hash Tables

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    This paper focuses on data structures for multi-core reachability, which is a key component in model checking algorithms and other verification methods. A cornerstone of an efficient solution is the storage of visited states. In related work, static partitioning of the state space was combined with thread-local storage and resulted in reasonable speedups, but left open whether improvements are possible. In this paper, we present a scaling solution for shared state storage which is based on a lockless hash table implementation. The solution is specifically designed for the cache architecture of modern CPUs. Because model checking algorithms impose loose requirements on the hash table operations, their design can be streamlined substantially compared to related work on lockless hash tables. Still, an implementation of the hash table presented here has dozens of sensitive performance parameters (bucket size, cache line size, data layout, probing sequence, etc.). We analyzed their impact and compared the resulting speedups with related tools. Our implementation outperforms two state-of-the-art multi-core model checkers (SPIN and DiVinE) by a substantial margin, while placing fewer constraints on the load balancing and search algorithms.Comment: preliminary repor

    Symbolic Reachability for Process Algebras with Recursive Data Types

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present a symbolic reachability algorithm for process algebras with recursive data types. Like the various saturation based algorithms of Ciardo et al, the algorithm is based on partitioning of the transition relation into events whose influence is local. As new fea-tures, our algorithm supports recursive data types and allows unbounded non-determinism, which is needed to support open systems with data. The algorithm does not use any specific features of process algebras. That is, it will work for any system that consists of a fixed number of communicating processes, where in each atomic step only a subset of the processes participate. As proof of concept we have implemented the algorithm in the context of the ĀµCRL toolset. We also compared the per-formance of this prototype with the performance of the existing explicit tools on a set of typical case studies.

    Verification of safety requirements for program code using data abstraction

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    Large systems in modern development consist of many concurrent processes. To prove safety properties formal modelling techniques are needed. When source code is the only available documentation for deriving the system's behaviour, it is a difficult task to create a suitable model. Implementations of a system usually describe behaviour in too much detail for a formal verification. Therefore automated methods are needed that directly abstract from the implementation, but maintain enough information for a formal system analysis. This paper describes and illustrates a method by which systems with a high degree of parallelism can be verified. The method consists of creating an over-approximation of the behaviour by abstracting from the values of program variables. The derived model, consisting of interface calls between processes, is checked for various safety properties with the mCRL2 tool set

    Verification of safety requirements for program code using data abstraction

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    Large systems in modern development consist of many concurrent processes. To prove safety properties formal modelling techniques are needed. When source code is the only available documentation for deriving the system's behaviour, it is a difficult task to create a suitable model. Implementations of a system usually describe behaviour in too much detail for a formal verification. Therefore automated methods are needed that directly abstract from the implementation, but maintain enough information for a formal system analysis. This paper describes and illustrates a method by which systems with a high degree of parallelism can be verified. The method consists of creating an over-approximation of the behaviour by abstracting from the values of program variables. The derived model, consisting of interface calls between processes, is checked for various safety properties with the mCRL2 tool set