4 research outputs found

    Integrating microbial and nutrient dynamics to improve waterway management

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    Eutrophication is driven by high concentrations of nutrients, namely phosphorus and nitrogen, entering waterways. Wastewater pollution contributes to these nutrient loads and accounts for approximately 15% of all river inflows worldwide. However, the ecological response of a waterway to eutrophication is difficult to assess using field observations, laboratory testing, or numerical models alone. As such, interdisciplinary studies are required to integrate the physical hydrodynamics and microbial processes of a waterway, and better inform best practice management. This thesis addresses the role of nutrient additions in riverine catchments worldwide, and potential eutrophication impacts, through a multidisciplinary study that links nutrient processing, via bacterial mineralisation, with an ecosystem hydrodynamic response model. The study integrates best practice techniques in microbial ecotoxicology and genomics, biogeochemical modelling, and hydrodynamic simulations to determine the role of microbial communities in responding to, and processing nutrients from, treated effluent. Initially, a series of novel field and laboratory investigations were completed to link pressure-stressor-response relationships. This information detailed the role of microbial community interactions, shifts and functional change in response to real-world exposure from wastewater pollution. Based on these findings, computational models were derived that highlight the importance of calibrating aquatic ecosystem response models with evidence-based parameterisation and net growth rates (i.e., sum of the growth minus loss rate parameter terms) of biological functional groups. The Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology employed to assess model performance provided new insights to understand the represented microbial processes and the sometimes-difficult trade-offs required to establish values for these parameters. The outcomes from this research were used to develop a detailed ecosystem response model containing an explicit representation of key bacterial processes, including the mineralisation of dissolved organic matter. The implementation of this model at a waterway in south-eastern Australia provided a more realistic representation of the broader aquatic ecosystem response and improved the prediction of common eutrophication indicators, such as chlorophyll-a. The outcomes of this study will assist with (i) developing data collection programs that further advance our understanding of microbial and nutrient dynamics in aquatic ecosystems, (ii) accurately representing microbial processes throughout an entire waterway, and (iii) developing integrated catchment management plans

    Sistema de pron贸stico de los niveles de marea en tiempo real en el R铆o de la Plata.

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    La investigaci贸n que da origen a los resultados presentados en el presente manuscrito recibi贸 fondos de la Agencia Nacional de Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸n bajo el c贸digo POS_NAC_2018_1_152257.El R铆o de la Plata y su Frente Mar铆timo es un cuerpo de agua complejo con caracter铆sticas estuariales. Desde la mec谩nica de fluidos, configura un sistema din谩mico y en cortos per铆odos de tiempo se producen variaciones muy significativas de las variables met-oce谩nicas, donde la marea meteorol贸gica tiene gran incidencia. La gran importancia del R铆o de la Plata para el Uruguay, y la regi贸n, potencia la necesidad de contar con una herramienta operacional (en tiempo real) que pronostique las mareas. Colaborando directamente en el abordaje de problemas asociados, por ejemplo, a la actividad portuaria, entre los cuales se destaca ayuda a la navegaci贸n. El sistema debe permitir apoyar la toma de decisiones en torno a diversas problem谩ticas: gesti贸n y control del tr谩fico mar铆timo; eventuales derrames producidos por embarcaciones o vertidos de sustancias contaminantes; b煤squeda y rescate de personas y/o materiales en accidentes mar铆timos; obras de ingenier铆a mar铆tima en el dominio. Este tipo de herramientas se basan en modelos num茅ricos de flujo que permiten simular un n煤mero importante de procesos f铆sicos. Dichas simulaciones involucran un conjunto de relaciones matem谩ticas y/o ecuaciones diferenciales con par谩metros que deben ser calibrados en cada aplicaci贸n particular. El conocimiento del 谩rea de estudio alcanzado durante las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por el grupo de trabajo en los 煤ltimos a帽os es la base que permite avanzar en una herramienta de pron贸stico para el 谩rea. En esta tesis se realiza, en primer lugar, una revisi贸n profunda de las componentes de los sistemas de pron贸sticos operacionales (sistemas de observaci贸n, modelos num茅ricos, t茅cnicas de asimilaci贸n de datos, etc.). Tambi茅n, se describen los modelos globales con pron贸sticos para el oc茅ano mundial y esfuerzos similares (pron贸sticos costeros y regionales). Por 煤ltimo, se resume el desarrollo de un sistema de base para la simulaci贸n operacional en el R铆o de la Plata y su Frente Mar铆timo a trav茅s de una primera herramienta a modo de prototipo para el pron贸stico de los niveles. Se utiliza el modelo num茅rico TELEMAC-2D calibrado y validado en estudios anteriores e incorporando como condiciones del borde oce谩nico los pron贸sticos del modelo global Real Time Ocean Forecast System, RTOFS HYCOM (NOAA) y como forzantes atmosf茅ricos los pron贸sticos del Global Forecast System, GFS (NOAA). Las salidas del modelo se comparan frente a los datos de mare贸grafos disponibles en tiempo real y se difunden a trav茅s de la web https://www.fing.edu.uy/imfia/pronostico-marea/ implementada para la publicaci贸n del sistema de pron贸stico. Se presenta la evaluaci贸n para los pron贸sticos generados durante 2018 y 2019. Entre las posibles mejoras al prototipo generado se delinea la incorporaci贸n de la asimilaci贸n de datos medidos de mare贸grafos a trav茅s de un esquema de filtro de Kalman por ensambles 4D-LETKF

    An efficient version of the RMA-11 model

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    RMA-11 is a numerical model widely used for studing the transport of constituents and water quality in rivers and estuaries. When applied to large water systems like the R麓谋o de la Plata, RMA-11 demands long execution times to compute a simulation. This pa- per presents the analysis of the computational efficiency for the RMA-11 applied to a transport model of the R麓谋o de la Plata, and introduces a proposal for improving the effi- ciency by using high performance computing techniques. The improved implementation modifies the linear system resolution methodology implemented in the model. A high performance computing strategy was applied to the FRONTALL routine of the RMA-11, by changing their logical structure and using a sparse storage format. The experimental results obtained when solving representative test cases show a significant improvement on the performance, achieving significant gains in computational speed: the execution time of the implemented version decreased up to one third of the time of the original implementation

    An efficient version of the RMA-11 model

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