2 research outputs found

    Improved graph cut model with features of superpixels and neighborhood patches for myocardium segmentation from ultrasound image

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    Ultrasound (US) imaging has the technical advantages for the functional evaluation of myocardium compared with other imaging modalities. However, it is a challenge of extracting the myocardial tissues from the background due to low quality of US imaging. To better extract the myocardial tissues, this study proposes a semi-supervised segmentation method of fast Superpixels and Neighborhood Patches based Continuous Min-Cut (fSP-CMC). The US image is represented by a graph, which is constructed depending on the features of superpixels and neighborhood patches

    An Efficient Segmentation Method for Ultrasound Images based on a Semi-supervised Approach and Patch-based Features

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    Segmenting ultrasound images is a challenging problemwhere standard unsupervised segmentation methods such asthe well-known Chan-Vese method fail. We propose in thispaper an efficient segmentation method for this class ofimages. Our proposed algorithm is based on asemi-supervised approach (user labels) and the use ofimage patches as data features. We also consider thePearson distance between patches, which has been shown tobe robust w.r.t speckle noise present in ultrasoundimages. Our results on phantom and clinical data show avery high similarity agreement with the ground truthprovided by a medical expert