168 research outputs found

    An Efficient Rule-Hiding Method for Privacy Preserving in Transactional Databases

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    One of the obstacles in using data mining techniques such as association rules is the risk of leakage of sensitive data after the data is released to the public. Therefore, a trade-off between the data privacy and data mining is of a great importance and must be managed carefully. In this study an efficient algorithm is introduced for preserving the privacy of association rules according to distortion-based method, in which the sensitive association rules are hidden through deletion and reinsertion of items in the database. In this algorithm, in order to reduce the side effects on non-sensitive rules, the item correlation between sensitive and non-sensitive rules is calculated and the item with the minimum influence in non-sensitive rules is selected as the victim item. To reduce the distortion degree on data and preservation of data quality, transactions with highest number of sensitive items are selected for modification. The results show that the proposed algorithm has a better performance in the non-dense real database having less side effects and less data loss compared to its performance in dense real database. Further the results are far better in synthetic databases in compared to real databases

    Exploring the Existing and Unknown Side Effects of Privacy Preserving Data Mining Algorithms

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    The data mining sanitization process involves converting the data by masking the sensitive data and then releasing it to public domain. During the sanitization process, side effects such as hiding failure, missing cost and artificial cost of the data were observed. Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) algorithms were developed for the sanitization process to overcome information loss and yet maintain data integrity. While these PPDM algorithms did provide benefits for privacy preservation, they also made sure to solve the side effects that occurred during the sanitization process. Many PPDM algorithms were developed to reduce these side effects. There are several PPDM algorithms created based on different PPDM techniques. However, previous studies have not explored or justified why non-traditional side effects were not given much importance. This study reported the findings of the side effects for the PPDM algorithms in a newly created web repository. The research methodology adopted for this study was Design Science Research (DSR). This research was conducted in four phases, which were as follows. The first phase addressed the characteristics, similarities, differences, and relationships of existing side effects. The next phase found the characteristics of non-traditional side effects. The third phase used the Privacy Preservation and Security Framework (PPSF) tool to test if non-traditional side effects occur in PPDM algorithms. This phase also attempted to find additional unknown side effects which have not been found in prior studies. PPDM algorithms considered were Greedy, POS2DT, SIF_IDF, cpGA2DT, pGA2DT, sGA2DT. PPDM techniques associated were anonymization, perturbation, randomization, condensation, heuristic, reconstruction, and cryptography. The final phase involved creating a new online web repository to report all the side effects found for the PPDM algorithms. A Web repository was created using full stack web development. AngularJS, Spring, Spring Boot and Hibernate frameworks were used to build the web application. The results of the study implied various PPDM algorithms and their side effects. Additionally, the relationship and impact that hiding failure, missing cost, and artificial cost have on each other was also understood. Interestingly, the side effects and their relationship with the type of data (sensitive or non-sensitive or new) was observed. As the web repository acts as a quick reference domain for PPDM algorithms. Developing, improving, inventing, and reporting PPDM algorithms is necessary. This study will influence researchers or organizations to report, use, reuse, or develop better PPDM algorithms

    Data sanitization in association rule mining based on impact factor

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    Data sanitization is a process that is used to promote the sharing of transactional databases among organizations and businesses, it alleviates concerns for individuals and organizations regarding the disclosure of sensitive patterns. It transforms the source database into a released database so that counterparts cannot discover the sensitive patterns and so data confidentiality is preserved against association rule mining method. This process strongly rely on the minimizing the impact of data sanitization on the data utility by minimizing the number of lost patterns in the form of non-sensitive patterns which are not mined from sanitized database. This study proposes a data sanitization algorithm to hide sensitive patterns in the form of frequent itemsets from the database while controls the impact of sanitization on the data utility using estimation of impact factor of each modification on non-sensitive itemsets. The proposed algorithm has been compared with Sliding Window size Algorithm (SWA) and Max-Min1 in term of execution time, data utility and data accuracy. The data accuracy is defined as the ratio of deleted items to the total support values of sensitive itemsets in the source dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed algorithm outperforms SWA and Max-Min1 in terms of maximizing the data utility and data accuracy and it provides better execution time over SWA and Max-Min1 in high scalability for sensitive itemsets and transactions

    Balancing between data utility and privacy preservation in data mining

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    Data Mining plays a vital role in today‟s information world where it has been widely applied in various organizations. The current trend needs to share data for mutual benefit. However, there has been a lot of concern over privacy in the recent years .It has also raised a potential threat of revealing sensitive data of an individual when the data is released publically. Various methods have been proposed to tackle the privacy preservation problem like anonymization and perturbation. But the natural consequence of privacy preservation is information loss. The loss of specific information about certain individuals may affect the data quality and in extreme case the data may become completely useless. There are methods like cryptography which completely anonymize the dataset and which renders the dataset useless. So the utility of the data is completely lost. We need to protect the private information and preserve the data utility as much as possible. So the objective of the thesis is to find an optimum balance between privacy and utility while publishing dataset of any organization. Privacy preservation is hard requirement that must be satisfied and utility is the measure to be optimized. One of the methods for preserving privacy is K-anonymization which also preserves privacy to a good extent. K-anonymity demands that every tuple in the dataset released be indistinguishably related to no fewer than k respondents. We used K-means algorithm for clustering the dataset and followed by k-anonymization. Decision stump classification is used to determine utility and privacy is determined by firing random queries on the anonymized dataset. The balancing point is where the utility and privacy curves intersect or they tend to converge. The balancing point will vary from dataset to dataset and the choice of Quasi-identifier and sensitive attribute. For our experiment the balancing point is found to be around 50-60 percent which is the intersecting point of privacy and utility curves

    Privacy-preserving data outsourcing in the cloud via semantic data splitting

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    Even though cloud computing provides many intrinsic benefits, privacy concerns related to the lack of control over the storage and management of the outsourced data still prevent many customers from migrating to the cloud. Several privacy-protection mechanisms based on a prior encryption of the data to be outsourced have been proposed. Data encryption offers robust security, but at the cost of hampering the efficiency of the service and limiting the functionalities that can be applied over the (encrypted) data stored on cloud premises. Because both efficiency and functionality are crucial advantages of cloud computing, in this paper we aim at retaining them by proposing a privacy-protection mechanism that relies on splitting (clear) data, and on the distributed storage offered by the increasingly popular notion of multi-clouds. We propose a semantically-grounded data splitting mechanism that is able to automatically detect pieces of data that may cause privacy risks and split them on local premises, so that each chunk does not incur in those risks; then, chunks of clear data are independently stored into the separate locations of a multi-cloud, so that external entities cannot have access to the whole confidential data. Because partial data are stored in clear on cloud premises, outsourced functionalities are seamlessly and efficiently supported by just broadcasting queries to the different cloud locations. To enforce a robust privacy notion, our proposal relies on a privacy model that offers a priori privacy guarantees; to ensure its feasibility, we have designed heuristic algorithms that minimize the number of cloud storage locations we need; to show its potential and generality, we have applied it to the least structured and most challenging data type: plain textual documents

    Investigations in Privacy Preserving Data Mining

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    Data Mining, Data Sharing and Privacy-Preserving are fast emerging as a field of the high level of the research study. A close review of the research based on Privacy Preserving Data Mining revealed the twin fold problems, first is the protection of private data (Data Hiding in Database) and second is the protection of sensitive rules (Knowledge) ingrained in data (Knowledge Hiding in the database). The first problem has its impetus on how to obtain accurate results even when private data is concealed. The second issue focuses on how to protect sensitive association rule contained in the database from being discovered, while non-sensitive association rules can still be mined with traditional data mining projects. Undoubtedly, performance is a major concern with knowledge hiding techniques. This paper focuses on the description of approaches for Knowledge Hiding in the database as well as discuss issues and challenges about the development of an integrated solution for Data Hiding in Database and Knowledge Hiding in Database. This study also highlights directions for the future studies so that suggestive pragmatic measures can be incorporated in ongoing research process on hiding sensitive association rules

    Big Data Research in Italy: A Perspective

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    The aim of this article is to synthetically describe the research projects that a selection of Italian universities is undertaking in the context of big data. Far from being exhaustive, this article has the objective of offering a sample of distinct applications that address the issue of managing huge amounts of data in Italy, collected in relation to diverse domains

    Sanitizing and Minimizing Databases for Software Application Test Outsourcing

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    Abstract—Testing software applications that use nontrivial databases is increasingly outsourced to test centers in order to achieve lower cost and higher quality. Not only do different data privacy laws prevent organizations from sharing this data with test centers because databases contain sensitive information, but also this situation is aggravated by big data – it is time consum-ing and difficult to anonymize, distribute, and test with large databases. Deleting data randomly often leads to significantly worsened test coverages and fewer uncovered faults, thereby reducing the quality of software applications. We propose a novel approach for Protecting and mInimizing databases for Software TestIng taSks (PISTIS) that both sanitizes and minimizes a database that comes along with an application. PISTIS uses a weight-based data clustering algorithm that partitions data in the database using information obtained using program analysis that describes how this data is used by the application. For each cluster, a centroid object is computed that represents different persons or entities in the cluster, and we use associative rule mining to compute and use constraints to ensure that the centroid objects are representative of the general population of the data in the cluster. Doing so also sanitizes information, since these centroid objects replace the original data to make it difficult for attackers to infer sensitive information. Thus, we reduce a large database to a few centroid objects and we show in our experiments with two applications that test coverage stays within a close range to its original level. I