9 research outputs found

    Underwater acoustic communications and adaptive signal processing

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    This dissertation proposes three new algorithms for underwater acoustic wireless communications. One is a new tail-biting circular MAP decoder for full tail-biting convolution (FTBC) codes for very short data blocks intended for Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT). The proposed algorithm was evaluated by ocean experiments and computer simulations on both Physical (PHY) and Media access control (MAC) layers. The ocean experimental results show that without channel equalization, the full tail-biting convolution (FTBC) codes with short packet lengths not only can perform similarly to zero-tailing convolution (ZTC) codes in terms of bit error rate (BER) in the PHY layer. Computer simulation results show that the FTBC codes outperform the ZTC codes in terms of MAC layer metrics, such as collision rate and bandwidth utilization, in a massive network of battery powered IoUT devices. Second, this dissertation also proposes a new approach to utilizing the underwater acoustic (UWA) wireless communication signals acquired in a real-world experiment as a tool for evaluating new coding and modulation schemes in realistic doubly spread UWA channels. This new approach, called passband data reuse, provides detailed procedures for testing the signals under test (SUT) that change or add error correction coding, change bit to symbol mapping (baseband modulation) schemes from a set of original experimental data --Abstract, page iv

    The Road From Classical to Quantum Codes: A Hashing Bound Approaching Design Procedure

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    Powerful Quantum Error Correction Codes (QECCs) are required for stabilizing and protecting fragile qubits against the undesirable effects of quantum decoherence. Similar to classical codes, hashing bound approaching QECCs may be designed by exploiting a concatenated code structure, which invokes iterative decoding. Therefore, in this paper we provide an extensive step-by-step tutorial for designing EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart aided concatenated quantum codes based on the underlying quantum-to-classical isomorphism. These design lessons are then exemplified in the context of our proposed Quantum Irregular Convolutional Code (QIRCC), which constitutes the outer component of a concatenated quantum code. The proposed QIRCC can be dynamically adapted to match any given inner code using EXIT charts, hence achieving a performance close to the hashing bound. It is demonstrated that our QIRCC-based optimized design is capable of operating within 0.4 dB of the noise limit

    Entanglement-assisted quantum turbo codes

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    An unexpected breakdown in the existing theory of quantum serial turbo coding is that a quantum convolutional encoder cannot simultaneously be recursive and non-catastrophic. These properties are essential for quantum turbo code families to have a minimum distance growing with blocklength and for their iterative decoding algorithm to converge, respectively. Here, we show that the entanglement-assisted paradigm simplifies the theory of quantum turbo codes, in the sense that an entanglement-assisted quantum (EAQ) convolutional encoder can possess both of the aforementioned desirable properties. We give several examples of EAQ convolutional encoders that are both recursive and non-catastrophic and detail their relevant parameters. We then modify the quantum turbo decoding algorithm of Poulin et al., in order to have the constituent decoders pass along only "extrinsic information" to each other rather than a posteriori probabilities as in the decoder of Poulin et al., and this leads to a significant improvement in the performance of unassisted quantum turbo codes. Other simulation results indicate that entanglement-assisted turbo codes can operate reliably in a noise regime 4.73 dB beyond that of standard quantum turbo codes, when used on a memoryless depolarizing channel. Furthermore, several of our quantum turbo codes are within 1 dB or less of their hashing limits, so that the performance of quantum turbo codes is now on par with that of classical turbo codes. Finally, we prove that entanglement is the resource that enables a convolutional encoder to be both non-catastrophic and recursive because an encoder acting on only information qubits, classical bits, gauge qubits, and ancilla qubits cannot simultaneously satisfy them.Comment: 31 pages, software for simulating EA turbo codes is available at http://code.google.com/p/ea-turbo/ and a presentation is available at http://markwilde.com/publications/10-10-EA-Turbo.ppt ; v2, revisions based on feedback from journal; v3, modification of the quantum turbo decoding algorithm that leads to improved performance over results in v2 and the results of Poulin et al. in arXiv:0712.288

    Entanglement-assisted quantum turbo codes

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    An unexpected breakdown in the existing theory of quantum serial turbo coding is that a quantum convolutional encoder cannot simultaneously be recursive and non-catastrophic. These properties are essential for quantum turbo code families to have a minimum distance growing with blocklength and for their iterative decoding algorithm to converge, respectively. Here, we show that the entanglement-assisted paradigm simplifies the theory of quantum turbo codes, in the sense that an entanglement-assisted quantum (EAQ) convolutional encoder can possess both of the aforementioned desirable properties. We give several examples of EAQ convolutional encoders that are both recursive and non-catastrophic and detail their relevant parameters. We then modify the quantum turbo decoding algorithm of Poulin , in order to have the constituent decoders pass along only extrinsic information to each other rather than a posteriori probabilities as in the decoder of Poulin , and this leads to a significant improvement in the performance of unassisted quantum turbo codes. Other simulation results indicate that entanglement-assisted turbo codes can operate reliably in a noise regime 4.73 dB beyond that of standard quantum turbo codes, when used on a memoryless depolarizing channel. Furthermore, several of our quantum turbo codes are within 1 dB or less of their hashing limits, so that the performance of quantum turbo codes is now on par with that of classical turbo codes. Finally, we prove that entanglement is the resource that enables a convolutional encoder to be both non-catastrophic and recursive because an encoder acting on only information qubits, classical bits, gauge qubits, and ancilla qubits cannot simultaneously satisfy them. © 1963-2012 IEEE

    Compute-and-Forward Relay Networks with Asynchronous, Mobile, and Delay-Sensitive Users

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    We consider a wireless network consisting of multiple source nodes, a set of relays and a destination node. Suppose the sources transmit their messages simultaneously to the relays and the destination aims to decode all the messages. At the physical layer, a conventional approach would be for the relay to decode the individual message one at a time while treating rest of the messages as interference. Compute-and-forward is a novel strategy which attempts to turn the situation around by treating the interference as a constructive phenomenon. In compute-and-forward, each relay attempts to directly compute a combination of the transmitted messages and then forwards it to the destination. Upon receiving the combinations of messages from the relays, the destination can recover all the messages by solving the received equations. When identical lattice codes are employed at the sources, error correction to integer combination of messages is a viable option by exploiting the algebraic structure of lattice codes. Therefore, compute-and-forward with lattice codes enables the relay to manage interference and perform error correction concurrently. It is shown that compute-and-forward exhibits substantial improvement in the achievable rate compared with other state-of-the-art schemes for medium to high signal-to-noise ratio regime. Despite several results that show the excellent performance of compute-and-forward, there are still important challenges to overcome before we can utilize compute-and- forward in practice. Some important challenges include the assumptions of \perfect timing synchronization "and \quasi-static fading", since these assumptions rarely hold in realistic wireless channels. So far, there are no conclusive answers to whether compute-and-forward can still provide substantial gains even when these assumptions are removed. When lattice codewords are misaligned and mixed up, decoding integer combination of messages is not straightforward since the linearity of lattice codes is generally not invariant to time shift. When channel exhibits time selectivity, it brings challenges to compute-and-forward since the linearity of lattice codes does not suit the time varying nature of the channel. Another challenge comes from the emerging technologies for future 5G communication, e.g., autonomous driving and virtual reality, where low-latency communication with high reliability is necessary. In this regard, powerful short channel codes with reasonable encoding/decoding complexity are indispensable. Although there are fruitful results on designing short channel codes for point-to-point communication, studies on short code design specifically for compute-and-forward are rarely found. The objective of this dissertation is threefold. First, we study compute-and-forward with timing-asynchronous users. Second, we consider the problem of compute-and- forward over block-fading channels. Finally, the problem of compute-and-forward for low-latency communication is studied. Throughout the dissertation, the research methods and proposed remedies will center around the design of lattice codes in order to facilitate the use of compute-and-forward in the presence of these challenges