799 research outputs found

    A numerical comparison of solvers for large-scale, continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations and LQR problems

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    In this paper, we discuss numerical methods for solving large-scale continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations. These methods have been the focus of intensive research in recent years, and significant progress has been made in both the theoretical understanding and efficient implementation of various competing algorithms. There are several goals of this manuscript: first, to gather in one place an overview of different approaches for solving large-scale Riccati equations, and to point to the recent advances in each of them. Second, to analyze and compare the main computational ingredients of these algorithms, to detect their strong points and their potential bottlenecks. And finally, to compare the effective implementations of all methods on a set of relevant benchmark examples, giving an indication of their relative performance

    Objective acceleration for unconstrained optimization

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    Acceleration schemes can dramatically improve existing optimization procedures. In most of the work on these schemes, such as nonlinear Generalized Minimal Residual (N-GMRES), acceleration is based on minimizing the â„“2\ell_2 norm of some target on subspaces of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. There are many numerical examples that show how accelerating general purpose and domain-specific optimizers with N-GMRES results in large improvements. We propose a natural modification to N-GMRES, which significantly improves the performance in a testing environment originally used to advocate N-GMRES. Our proposed approach, which we refer to as O-ACCEL (Objective Acceleration), is novel in that it minimizes an approximation to the \emph{objective function} on subspaces of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. We prove that O-ACCEL reduces to the Full Orthogonalization Method for linear systems when the objective is quadratic, which differentiates our proposed approach from existing acceleration methods. Comparisons with L-BFGS and N-CG indicate the competitiveness of O-ACCEL. As it can be combined with domain-specific optimizers, it may also be beneficial in areas where L-BFGS or N-CG are not suitable.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    CGIHT: Conjugate Gradient Iterative Hard Thresholding\ud for Compressed Sensing and Matrix Completion

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    We introduce the Conjugate Gradient Iterative Hard Thresholding (CGIHT) family of algorithms for the efficient solution of constrained underdetermined linear systems of equations arising in compressed sensing, row sparse approximation, and matrix completion. CGIHT is designed to balance the low per iteration complexity of simple hard thresholding algorithms with the fast asymptotic convergence rate of employing the conjugate gradient method. We establish provable recovery guarantees and stability to noise for variants of CGIHT with sufficient conditions in terms of the restricted isometry constants of the sensing operators. Extensive empirical performance comparisons establish significant computational advantages for CGIHT both in terms of the size of problems which can be accurately approximated and in terms of overall computation time

    A robust, open-source implementation of the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient for large eigenvalue problems in quantum chemistry

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    We present two open-source implementations of the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (lobpcg) algorithm to find a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large, possibly sparse matrices. We then test lobpcg for various quantum chemistry problems, encompassing medium to large, dense to sparse, well-behaved to ill-conditioned ones, where the standard method typically used is Davidson’s diagonalization. Numerical tests show that while Davidson’s method remains the best choice for most applications in quantum chemistry, LOBPCG represents a competitive alternative, especially when memory is an issue, and can even outperform Davidson for ill-conditioned, non-diagonally dominant problems
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