665 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Approaches to Minimizing Network Coding Resources

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    We wish to minimize the resources used for network coding while achieving the desired throughput in a multicast scenario. We employ evolutionary approaches, based on a genetic algorithm, that avoid the computational complexity that makes the problem NP-hard. Our experiments show great improvements over the sub-optimal solutions of prior methods. Our new algorithms improve over our previously proposed algorithm in three ways. First, whereas the previous algorithm can be applied only to acyclic networks, our new method works also with networks with cycles. Second, we enrich the set of components used in the genetic algorithm, which improves the performance. Third, we develop a novel distributed framework. Combining distributed random network coding with our distributed optimization yields a network coding protocol where the resources used for coding are optimized in the setup phase by running our evolutionary algorithm at each node of the network. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by carrying out simulations on a number of different sets of network topologies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted to the 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2007

    Throughput-Optimal Broadcast on Directed Acyclic Graphs

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    We study the problem of broadcasting packets in wireless networks. At each time slot, a network controller activates non-interfering links and forwards packets to all nodes at a common rate; the maximum rate is referred to as the broadcast capacity of the wireless network. Existing policies achieve the broadcast capacity by balancing traffic over a set of spanning trees, which are difficult to maintain in a large and time-varying wireless network. We propose a new dynamic algorithm that achieves the broadcast capacity when the underlying network topology is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). This algorithm utilizes local queue-length information, does not use any global topological structures such as spanning trees, and uses the idea of in-order packet delivery to all network nodes. Although the in-order packet delivery constraint leads to degraded throughput in cyclic graphs, we show that it is throughput optimal in DAGs and can be exploited to simplify the design and analysis of optimal algorithms. Our simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has superior delay performance as compared to tree-based approaches.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of INFOCOM, 201

    An effective genetic algorithm for network coding

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    The network coding problem (NCP), which aims to minimize network coding resources such as nodes and links, is a relatively new application of genetic algorithms (GAs) and hence little work has so far been reported in this area. Most of the existing literature on NCP has concentrated primarily on the static network coding problem (SNCP). There is a common assumption in work to date that a target rate is always achievable at every sink as long as coding is allowed at all nodes. In most real-world networks, such as wireless networks, any link could be disconnected at any time. This implies that every time a change occurs in the network topology, a new target rate must be determined. The SNCP software implementation then has to be re-run to try to optimize the coding based on the new target rate. In contrast, the GA proposed in this paper is designed with the dynamic network coding problem (DNCP) as the major concern. To this end, a more general formulation of the NCP is described. The new NCP model considers not only the minimization of network coding resources but also the maximization of the rate actually achieved at sinks. This is particularly important to the DNCP, where the target rate may become unachievable due to network topology changes. Based on the new NCP model, an effective GA is designed by integrating selected new problem-specific heuristic rules into the evolutionary process in order to better diversify chromosomes. In dynamic environments, the new GA does not need to recalculate target rate and also exhibits some degree of robustness against network topology changes. Comparative experiments on both SNCP and DNCP illustrate the effectiveness of our new model and algorithm

    Instantly Decodable Network Coding: From Centralized to Device-to-Device Communications

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    From its introduction to its quindecennial, network coding has built a strong reputation for enhancing packet recovery and achieving maximum information flow in both wired and wireless networks. Traditional studies focused on optimizing the throughput of the system by proposing elaborate schemes able to reach the network capacity. With the shift toward distributed computing on mobile devices, performance and complexity become both critical factors that affect the efficiency of a coding strategy. Instantly decodable network coding presents itself as a new paradigm in network coding that trades off these two aspects. This paper review instantly decodable network coding schemes by identifying, categorizing, and evaluating various algorithms proposed in the literature. The first part of the manuscript investigates the conventional centralized systems, in which all decisions are carried out by a central unit, e.g., a base-station. In particular, two successful approaches known as the strict and generalized instantly decodable network are compared in terms of reliability, performance, complexity, and packet selection methodology. The second part considers the use of instantly decodable codes in a device-to-device communication network, in which devices speed up the recovery of the missing packets by exchanging network coded packets. Although the performance improvements are directly proportional to the computational complexity increases, numerous successful schemes from both the performance and complexity viewpoints are identified

    Throughput-Optimal Multihop Broadcast on Directed Acyclic Wireless Networks

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    We study the problem of efficiently broadcasting packets in multi-hop wireless networks. At each time slot the network controller activates a set of non-interfering links and forwards selected copies of packets on each activated link. A packet is considered jointly received only when all nodes in the network have obtained a copy of it. The maximum rate of jointly received packets is referred to as the broadcast capacity of the network. Existing policies achieve the broadcast capacity by balancing traffic over a set of spanning trees, which are difficult to maintain in a large and time-varying wireless network. We propose a new dynamic algorithm that achieves the broadcast capacity when the underlying network topology is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). This algorithm is decentralized, utilizes local queue-length information only and does not require the use of global topological structures such as spanning trees. The principal technical challenge inherent in the problem is the absence of work-conservation principle due to the duplication of packets, which renders traditional queuing modelling inapplicable. We overcome this difficulty by studying relative packet deficits and imposing in-order delivery constraints to every node in the network. Although in-order packet delivery, in general, leads to degraded throughput in graphs with cycles, we show that it is throughput optimal in DAGs and can be exploited to simplify the design and analysis of optimal algorithms. Our characterization leads to a polynomial time algorithm for computing the broadcast capacity of any wireless DAG under the primary interference constraints. Additionally, we propose an extension of our algorithm which can be effectively used for broadcasting in any network with arbitrary topology

    An Efficient and Reliable Data Transmission Service using Network Coding Algorithms in Peer-to-Peer Network

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    Network coding is a progressive enhancement in natural network routing that increases throughput and reliability for unicast, multicast, and even broadcast transmissions. P2P networks are ideal for implementing network coding algorithms for two reasons: I. A P2P network's topology isn't predetermined. As a result, designing a topology that is compatible with the network coding algorithm is much easier. II. Every peer is an end host in this network.  As a result, instead of saving and sending the message, complex network coding operations, such as encoding and decoding, are now easier to perform. The objective of this work is to use the best features of network coding algorithms and properly apply them to P2P networks to create an efficient and reliable data transmission service. The goal of the network coding algorithm is to make better use of network resources and thus increase P2P network capacity. An encoding algorithm that enables an intermediate peer to produce output messages by encoding (that is, computing a function of the data it receives. The decoder's role is to obtain enough encoded packets so that the original information can be recovered. This research work has measured an amount of hypothetical and applied consequences in which the network coding procedure or a variation of it is used to improve performance parameters such as throughput and reliability in P2P network data transmission based on network coding. The comparison of data transmission between network routing and network coding algorithms was the main focus of this paper.  According to our simulations, the new network coding systems can reach 15% to 20% upper throughput than supplementary P2P network routing systems

    On minimizing coding operations in network coding based multicast: an evolutionary algorithm

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    In telecommunications networks, to enable a valid data transmission based on network coding, any intermediate node within a given network is allowed, if necessary, to perform coding operations. The more coding operations needed, the more coding resources consumed and thus the more computational overhead and transmission delay incurred. This paper investigates an efficient evolutionary algorithm to minimize the amount of coding operations required in network coding based multicast. Based on genetic algorithms, we adapt two extensions in the proposed evolutionary algorithm, namely a new crossover operator and a neighbourhood search operator, to effectively solve the highly complex problem being concerned. The new crossover is based on logic OR operations to each pair of selected parent individuals, and the resulting offspring are more likely to become feasible. The aim of this operator is to intensify the search in regions with plenty of feasible individuals. The neighbourhood search consists of two moves which are based on greedy link removal and path reconstruction, respectively. Due to the specific problem feature, it is possible that each feasible individual corresponds to a number of, rather than a single, valid network coding based routing subgraphs. The neighbourhood search is applied to each feasible individual to find a better routing subgraph that consumes less coding resource. This operator not only improves solution quality but also accelerates the convergence. Experiments have been carried out on a number of fixed and randomly generated benchmark networks. The results demonstrate that with the two extensions, our evolutionary algorithm is effective and outperforms a number of state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of the ability of finding optimal solutions
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