6 research outputs found

    State complexity of the multiples of the Thue-Morse set

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    The Thue-Morse set is the set of those nonnegative integers whose binary expansions have an even number of 11. We obtain an exact formula for the state complexity of the multiplication by a constant of the Thue-Morse set T\mathcal{T} with respect with any base bb which is a power of 22. Our proof is constructive and we are able to explicitly provide the minimal automaton of the language of all 2p2^p-expansions of the set of integers mTm\mathcal{T} for any positive integers mm and pp.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Ultimate periodicity problem for linear numeration systems

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    We address the following decision problem. Given a numeration system U and a U-recognizable subset X of N, i.e. the set of its greedy U-representations is recognized by a finite automaton, decide whether or not X is ultimately periodic. We prove that this problem is decidable for a large class of numeration systems built on linear recurrence sequences. Based on arithmetical considerations about the recurrence equation and on p-adic methods, the DFA given as input provides a bound on the admissible periods to test

    Complexité en états des multiples de l'ensemble de Thue-Morse

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    peer reviewedThe Thue-Morse set T is the set of those non-negative integers whose binary expansions have an even number of 1. The name of this set comes from the fact that its characteristic sequence is given by the famous Thue-Morse word abbabaabbaababba···, which is the fixed point starting with a of the word morphism a→ab, b→ba. The numbers in T are sometimes called the evil numbers. We obtain an exact formula for the state complexity (i.e. the number of states of its minimal automaton) of the multiplication by a constant of the Thue-Morse set with respect to any integer base b which is a power of 2. Our proof is constructive and we are able to explicitly provide the minimal automaton of the language of all 2^p-expansions of the set mT for any positive integers m and p. The used method is general for any b-recognizable set of integers. As an application, we obtain a decision procedure running in quadratic time for the problem of deciding whether a given 2^p-recognizable set is equal to some multiple of the Thue-Morse set

    Symbolic methods and automata

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    An efficient algorithm to decide periodicity of b-recognisable sets using MSDF convention

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    Given an integer base b>1, a set of integers is represented in base b by a language over {0,1,...,b-1}. The set is said to be b-recognisable if its representation is a regular language. It is known that eventually periodic sets are b-recognisable in every base b, and Cobham's theorem implies the converse: no other set is b-recognisable in every base b. We are interested in deciding whether a bb-recognisable set of integers (given as a finite automaton) is eventually periodic. Honkala showed that this problem is decidable in 1986 and recent developments give efficient decision algorithms. However, they only work when the integers are written with the least significant digit first. In this work, we consider the natural order of digits (Most Significant Digit First) and give a quasi-linear algorithm to solve the problem in this case