1 research outputs found

    An efficient ECG data compression technique based on predefined signature and envelope vector banks

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    In this paper, a new method to compress ElectroCardioGram (ECG) Signal by means of "Predefined Signature and Envelope Vector Banks-PSEVB" is presented. In this work, on a frame basis, any ECG signal is modeled by multiplying three parameters as called the Predefined Signature Vector, Predefined Envelope Vector, and Frame-Scaling Coefficient. It has been demonstrated that the predefined signature vectors and predefined envelope vectors constitute a "PSEVB" to describe any measured ECG signal. In this case, ECG signal for each frame is described in terms of the two indices "R" and "K" of PSEVB and the frame-scaling coefficient. The new compression method achieve good compression ratios with low level reconstruction error while preserving diagnostic information in the reconstructed ECG signal. Furthermore, once PSEVB are stored on each communication node, transmission of ECG signals reduces to the transmission of indexes "R" and "K" of PSEVB and the frame-scaling coefficient which also result in considerable saving in the transmission band.Publisher's Versio