2 research outputs found

    Aspect Î’ased Classification Model for Social Reviews

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    Aspect based opinion mining investigates deeply, the emotions related to one’s aspects. Aspects and opinion word identification is the core task of aspect based opinion mining. In previous studies aspect based opinion mining have been applied on service or product domain. Moreover, product reviews are short and simple whereas, social reviews are long and complex. However, this study introduces an efficient model for social reviews which classifies aspects and opinion words related to social domain. The main contributions of this paper are auto tagging and data training phase, feature set definition and dictionary usage. Proposed model results are compared with CR model and Naïve Bayes classifier on same dataset having accuracy 98.17% and precision 96.01%, while recall and F1 are 96.00% and 96.01% respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed model performs better than the CR model and Naïve Bayes classifier


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    With increasing members in social media sites today, people tend to share their views about everything online. It is a convenient way to convey their messages to end users on a specific subject. Sentiment Analysis is a subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that refers to the identification of users’ opinions toward specific topics. It is used in several fields such as marketing, customer services, etc. However, limited works have been done on Persian Sentiment Analysis. On the other hand, deep learning has recently become popular because of its successful role in several Natural Language Processing tasks. The objective of this paper is to propose a novel hybrid deep learning architecture for Persian Sentiment Analysis. According to the proposed model, local features are extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and long-term dependencies are learned by Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Therefore, the model can harness both CNN's and LSTM's abilities. Furthermore, Word2vec is used for word representation as an unsupervised learning step. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt where a hybrid deep learning model is used for Persian Sentiment Analysis. We evaluate the model on a Persian dataset that is introduced in this study. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed model with an accuracy of 85%. ABSTRAK: Hari ini dengan ahli yang semakin meningkat di laman media sosial, orang cenderung untuk berkongsi pandangan mereka tentang segala-galanya dalam talian. Ini adalah cara mudah untuk menyampaikan mesej mereka kepada pengguna akhir mengenai subjek tertentu. Analisis Sentimen adalah subfield Pemprosesan Bahasa Semula Jadi yang merujuk kepada pengenalan pendapat pengguna ke arah topik tertentu. Ia digunakan dalam beberapa bidang seperti pemasaran, perkhidmatan pelanggan, dan sebagainya. Walau bagaimanapun, kerja-kerja terhad telah dilakukan ke atas Analisis Sentimen Parsi. Sebaliknya, pembelajaran mendalam baru menjadi popular kerana peranannya yang berjaya dalam beberapa tugas Pemprosesan Bahasa Asli (NLP). Objektif makalah ini adalah mencadangkan senibina pembelajaran hibrid yang baru dalam Analisis Sentimen Parsi. Menurut model yang dicadangkan, ciri-ciri tempatan ditangkap oleh Rangkaian Neural Convolutional (CNN) dan ketergantungan jangka panjang dipelajari oleh Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Oleh itu, model boleh memanfaatkan kebolehan CNN dan LSTM. Selain itu, Word2vec digunakan untuk perwakilan perkataan sebagai langkah pembelajaran tanpa pengawasan. Untuk pengetahuan yang terbaik, ini adalah percubaan pertama di mana model pembelajaran mendalam hibrid digunakan untuk Analisis Sentimen Persia. Kami menilai model pada dataset Persia yang memperkenalkan dalam kajian ini. Keputusan eksperimen menunjukkan keberkesanan model yang dicadangkan dengan ketepatan 85%