4 research outputs found

    An effective method for refining predicted protein complexes based on protein activity and the mechanism of protein complex formation

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    BACKGROUND: Identifying protein complexes from protein-protein interaction network is fundamental for understanding the mechanism of cellular component and protein function. At present, many methods to identify protein complexes are mainly based on the topological characteristics or the functional similarity features, neglecting the fact that proteins must be in their active forms to interact with others and the formation of protein complex is following a just-in-time mechanism. RESULTS: This paper firstly presents a protein complex formation model based on the just-in-time mechanism. By investigating known protein complexes combined with gene expression data, we find that most protein complexes can be formed in continuous time points, and the average overlapping rate of the known complexes during the formation is large. A method is proposed to refine the protein complexes predicted by clustering algorithms based on the protein complex formation model and the properties of known protein complexes. After refinement, the number of known complexes that are matched by predicted complexes, Sensitivity, Specificity, and f-measure are significantly improved, when compared with those of the original predicted complexes. CONCLUSION: The refining method can discard the spurious proteins by protein activity and generate new complexes by just-in-time assemble mechanism, which can enhance the ability to predict complex

    Detecting Conserved Protein Complexes Using a Dividing-and-Matching Algorithm and Unequally Lenient Criteria for Network Comparison

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    The increase of protein–protein interaction (PPI) data of different species makes it possible to identify common subnetworks (conserved protein complexes) across species via local alignment of their PPI networks, which benefits us to study biological evolution. Local alignment algorithms compare PPI network of different species at both protein sequence and network structure levels. For computational and biological reasons, it is hard to find common subnetworks with strict similar topology from two input PPI networks. Consequently some methods introduce less strict criteria for topological similarity. However those methods fail to consider the differences of the two input networks and adopt equally lenient criteria on them. In this work, a new dividing-and-matching-based method, namely UEDAMAlign is proposed to detect conserved protein complexes. This method firstly uses known protein complexes or computational methods to divide one of the two input PPI networks into subnetworks and then maps the proteins in these subnetworks to the other PPI network to get their homologous proteins. After that, UEDAMAlign conducts unequally lenient criteria on the two input networks to find common connected components from the proteins in the subnetworks and their homologous proteins in the other network. We carry out network alignments between S. cerevisiae and D. melanogaster, H. sapiens and D. melanogaster, respectively. Comparisons are made between other six existing methods and UEDAMAlign. The experimental results show that UEDAMAlign outperforms other existing methods in recovering conserved protein complexes that both match well with known protein complexes and have similar functions

    Mining Biological Networks towards Protein complex Detection and Gene-Disease Association

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    Large amounts of biological data are continuously generated nowadays, thanks to the advancements of high-throughput experimental techniques. Mining valuable knowledge from such data still motivates the design of suitable computational methods, to complement the experimental work which is often bound by considerable time and cost requirements. Protein complexes or groups of interacting proteins, are key players in most cellular events. The identification of complexes not only allows to better understand normal biological processes but also to uncover Disease-triggering malfunctions. Ultimately, findings in this research branch can highly enhance the design of effective medical treatments. The aim of this research is to detect protein complexes in protein-protein interaction networks and to associate the detected entities to diseases. The work is divided into three main objectives: first, develop a suitable method for the identification of protein complexes in static interaction networks; second, model the dynamic aspect of protein interaction networks and detect complexes accordingly; and third, design a learning model to link proteins, and subsequently protein complexes, to diseases. In response to these objectives, we present, ProRank+, a novel complex-detection approach based on a ranking algorithm and a merging procedure. Then, we introduce DyCluster, which uses gene expression data, to model the dynamics of the interaction networks, and we adapt the detection algorithm accordingly. Finally, we integrate network topology attributes and several biological features of proteins to form a classification model for gene-disease association. The reliability of the proposed methods is supported by various experimental studies conducted to compare them with existing approaches. Pro Rank+ detects more protein complexes than other state-of-the-art methods. DyCluster goes a step further and achieves a better performance than similar techniques. Then, our learning model shows that combining topological and biological features can greatly enhance the gene-disease association process. Finally, we present a comprehensive case study of breast cancer in which we pinpoint disease genes using our learning model; subsequently, we detect favorable groupings of those genes in a protein interaction network using the Pro-rank+ algorithm