9 research outputs found

    An edge preserving differential image coding scheme

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    Differential encoding techniques are fast and easy to implement. However, a major problem with the use of differential encoding for images is the rapid edge degradation encountered when using such systems. This makes differential encoding techniques of limited utility especially when coding medical or scientific images, where edge preservation is of utmost importance. We present a simple, easy to implement differential image coding system with excellent edge preservation properties. The coding system can be used over variable rate channels which makes it especially attractive for use in the packet network environment

    Semiannual status report

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    The work performed in the previous six months can be divided into three main cases: (1) transmission of images over local area networks (LAN's); (2) coding of color mapped (pseudo-color) images; and (3) low rate video coding. A brief overview of the work done in the first two areas is presented. The third item is reported in somewhat more detail

    Implementation issues in source coding

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    An edge preserving image coding scheme which can be operated in both a lossy and a lossless manner was developed. The technique is an extension of the lossless encoding algorithm developed for the Mars observer spectral data. It can also be viewed as a modification of the DPCM algorithm. A packet video simulator was also developed from an existing modified packet network simulator. The coding scheme for this system is a modification of the mixture block coding (MBC) scheme described in the last report. Coding algorithms for packet video were also investigated

    Compression of digital images over local area networks. Appendix 1: Item 3

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    Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) has been used with speech for many years. It has not been as successful for images because of poor edge performance. The only corruption in DPC is quantizer error but this corruption becomes quite large in the region of an edge because of the abrupt changes in the statistics of the signal. We introduce two improved DPCM schemes; Edge correcting DPCM and Edge Preservation Differential Coding. These two coding schemes will detect the edges and take action to correct them. In an Edge Correcting scheme, the quantizer error for an edge is encoded using a recursive quantizer with entropy coding and sent to the receiver as side information. In an Edge Preserving scheme, when the quantizer input falls in the overload region, the quantizer error is encoded and sent to the receiver repeatedly until the quantizer input falls in the inner levels. Therefore these coding schemes increase the bit rate in the region of an edge and require variable rate channels. We implement these two variable rate coding schemes on a token wing network. Timed token protocol supports two classes of messages; asynchronous and synchronous. The synchronous class provides a pre-allocated bandwidth and guaranteed response time. The remaining bandwidth is dynamically allocated to the asynchronous class. The Edge Correcting DPCM is simulated by considering the edge information under the asynchronous class. For the simulation of the Edge Preserving scheme, the amount of information sent each time is fixed, but the length of the packet or the bit rate for that packet is chosen depending on the availability capacity. The performance of the network, and the performance of the image coding algorithms, is studied

    Study and simulation of low rate video coding schemes

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    The semiannual report is included. Topics covered include communication, information science, data compression, remote sensing, color mapped images, robust coding scheme for packet video, recursively indexed differential pulse code modulation, image compression technique for use on token ring networks, and joint source/channel coder design

    Studies on image compression and image reconstruction

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    During this six month period our works concentrated on three, somewhat different areas. We looked at and developed a number of error concealment schemes for use in a variety of video coding environments. This work is described in an accompanying (draft) Masters thesis. In the thesis we describe application of this techniques to the MPEG video coding scheme. We felt that the unique frame ordering approach used in the MPEG scheme would be a challenge to any error concealment/error recovery technique. We continued with our work in the vector quantization area. We have also developed a new type of vector quantizer, which we call a scan predictive vector quantization. The scan predictive VQ was tested on data processed at Goddard to approximate Landsat 7 HRMSI resolution and compared favorably with existing VQ techniques. A paper describing this work is included. The third area is concerned more with reconstruction than compression. While there is a variety of efficient lossless image compression schemes, they all have a common property that they use past data to encode future data. This is done either via taking differences, context modeling, or by building dictionaries. When encoding large images, this common property becomes a common flaw. When the user wishes to decode just a portion of the image, the requirement that the past history be available forces the decoding of a significantly larger portion of the image than desired by the user. Even with intelligent partitioning of the image dataset, the number of pixels decoded may be four times the number of pixels requested. We have developed an adaptive scanning strategy which can be used with any lossless compression scheme and which lowers the additional number of pixels to be decoded to about 7 percent of the number of pixels requested! A paper describing these results is included

    Design of joint source/channel coders

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    The need to transmit large amounts of data over a band limited channel has led to the development of various data compression schemes. Many of these schemes function by attempting to remove redundancy from the data stream. An unwanted side effect of this approach is to make the information transfer process more vulnerable to channel noise. Efforts at protecting against errors involve the reinsertion of redundancy and an increase in bandwidth requirements. The papers presented within this document attempt to deal with these problems from a number of different approaches

    Studies and simulations of the DigiCipher system

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    During this period the development of simulators for the various high definition television (HDTV) systems proposed to the FCC was continued. The FCC has indicated that it wants the various proposers to collaborate on a single system. Based on all available information this system will look very much like the advanced digital television (ADTV) system with major contributions only from the DigiCipher system. The results of our simulations of the DigiCipher system are described. This simulator was tested using test sequences from the MPEG committee. The results are extrapolated to HDTV video sequences. Once again, some caveats are in order. The sequences used for testing the simulator and generating the results are those used for testing the MPEG algorithm. The sequences are of much lower resolution than the HDTV sequences would be, and therefore the extrapolations are not totally accurate. One would expect to get significantly higher compression in terms of bits per pixel with sequences that are of higher resolution. However, the simulator itself is a valid one, and should HDTV sequences become available, they could be used directly with the simulator. A brief overview of the DigiCipher system is given. Some coding results obtained using the simulator are looked at. These results are compared to those obtained using the ADTV system. These results are evaluated in the context of the CCSDS specifications and make some suggestions as to how the DigiCipher system could be implemented in the NASA network. Simulations such as the ones reported can be biased depending on the particular source sequence used. In order to get more complete information about the system one needs to obtain a reasonable set of models which mirror the various kinds of sources encountered during video coding. A set of models which can be used to effectively model the various possible scenarios is provided. As this is somewhat tangential to the other work reported, the results are included as an appendix

    An edge preserving differential image coding scheme

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