7 research outputs found

    Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica sobre Economía Experimental

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    La Economía Experimental (EE) es un método de trabajo de la Economía del comportamiento que desarrolla modelos teóricos de comportamiento humano en ámbitos económicos. Los experimentos económicos tienen ya una larga tradición, y han proporcionado resultados espectaculares y conclusiones ampliamente admitidas sobre la dinámica de mercados y el efecto de las instituciones económicas. Las nuevas tecnologías facilitan la realización y el análisis de estos experimentos. El objetivo principal de este estudio es la revisión sistemática de la producción científica sobre Economía Experimental, desde el año 1990 hasta finales de 2021, en las bases de datos de Web of Science Core Collection y Scopus. El análisis descriptivo de datos se realizó con el software Rstudio, mientras que el análisis de redes se hizo con el software Vosviewer. El estudio muestra, entre otras cosas, que la producción bibliográfica en este campo se ha intensificado exponencialmente; así como, que el país con más investigaciones es Estados Unidos y el autor más citado es Urs Fischbacher.Experimental Economics (EE) is a working method of behavioral economics that develops theoretical models of human behavior in economic settings. Economic experiments have a long tradition, and have provided spectacular results and widely accepted conclusions about market dynamics and the effect of economic institutions. New technologies facilitate the conduct and analysis of these experiments. The main objective of this study is the systematic review of the scientific production on Experimental Economics, from 1990 to the end of 2021, in the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus databases. Descriptive data analysis was performed with Rstudio software, while network analysis was performed with Vosviewer software. The study shows, among other things, that the bibliographic production in this field has intensified exponentially; as well as, that the country with the most research is 2 the United States and the most cited author is Urs Fischbacher.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Grado en Matemáticas y Estadístic

    An Economic Model of the Worldwide Web

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    We believe that much novel insight into the worldwide web can be obtained from taking into account the important fact that it is created, used, and run by selfish optimizing agents: users, document authors, and search engines. On-going theoretical and experimental analysis of a simple abstract model of www creation and search based on user utilities illustrates this point: We find that efficiency is higher when the utilities are more clustered, and that power-law statistics of document degrees emerge very naturally in this context. More importantly, our work sets up many more elaborate questions, related, e.g., to www search algorithms seen as author incentives, to search engine spam, and to search engine quality and competition

    Experiments with an economic model of the worldwide web

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    We present a simple model in which the worldwide web (www) is created by the interaction of selfish agents, namely document authors, users, and search engines. We show experimentally that power law statistics emerge very naturally in this context, and that the efficiency of the system has certain monotonicity properties. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005