2 research outputs found

    Genetic programming and serial processing for time series classification

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    This work describes an approach devised by the authors for time series classification. In our approach genetic programming is used in combination with a serial processing of data, where the last output is the result of the classification. The use of genetic programming for classification, although still a field where more research in needed, is not new. However, the application of genetic programming to classification tasks is normally done by considering the input data as a feature vector. That is, to the best of our knowledge, there are not examples in the genetic programming literature of approaches where the time series data are processed serially and the last output is considered as the classification result. The serial processing approach presented here fills a gap in the existing literature. This approach was tested in three different problems. Two of them are real world problems whose data were gathered for online or conference competitions. As there are published results of these two problems this gives us the chance to compare the performance of our approach against top performing methods. The serial processing of data in combination with genetic programming obtained competitive results in both competitions, showing its potential for solving time series classification problems. The main advantage of our serial processing approach is that it can easily handle very large datasets.Alfaro Cid, E.; Sharman, KC.; Esparcia Alcázar, AI. (2014). Genetic programming and serial processing for time series classification. Evolutionary Computation. 22(2):265-285. doi:10.1162/EVCO_a_00110S265285222Adeodato, P. J. L., Arnaud, A. L., Vasconcelos, G. C., Cunha, R. C. L. V., Gurgel, T. B., & Monteiro, D. S. M. P. (2009). 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