1 research outputs found

    An Architecture For Dynamic Resource Adjustment In Vsdns Based On Traffic Demand

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    To access the Internet, companies define a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Nevertheless, the current Internet does not assure Quality of Service (QoS), what points toward the concept of network virtualization and software defined network (SDN) to support the Future Internet. Moreover, the initial parameters defined in SLAs may not withstand traffic changes, resulting in a lower quality experienced by users and a waste of resources for ISPs. Within this context, this paper proposes an architecture to deal with resource usage variations. The proposal aims to enhance the QoS provided by the ISPs, while improving the usage of network resources in dynamic scenarios. Experiments using real traffic demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture.20052010Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Serrat, J., Gorricho, J.L., Guo, T., Hu, Z., Zhang, P., A two-dimensional architecture for end-to-end resource management in virtual network environments (2012) IEEE Network, 26 (5), pp. 8-14Drutskoy, D., Keller, E., Rexford, J., Scalable network virtualization in software-defined networks (2013) IEEE Internet Computing, 17 (2)Sherwood, R., Chan, M., Covington, A., Gibb, G., Flajslik, M., Handigol, N., Huang, T.-Y., Parulkar, G., Carving research slices out of your production networks with openflow (2010) SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 40, pp. 129-130. , JanuaryZhang, M., Wu, C., Qe, Y., Jiang, M., Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)Gomes, R.L., Bittencourt, L.F., Madeira, E., A framework for sla establishment of virtual networks based on qos classes (2013) Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop on Management of the Future Internet (ManFI)Pouyllau, H., Douville, R., End-to-end qos negotiation in network federations (2010) 3rd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Bandwidth on Demand and Federation EconomicsZaheer, F., Xiao, J., Boutaba, R., Multi-provider service negotiation and contracting in network virtualization (2010) 12th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management SymposiumComuzzi, M., Kotsokalis, C., Rathfelder, C., Theilmann, W., Winkler, U., Zacco, G., A framework for multi-level sla management (2010) Service-Oriented Computing. ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 Workshops, 6275, pp. 187-196Skoldstrom, P., Yedavalli, K., Network virtualization and resource allocation in openflow-based wide area networks (2012) Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)Mahimkar, A., Chiu, A., Doverspike, R., Feuer, M.D., Magill, P., Mavrogiorgis, E., Pastor, J., Yates, J., Bandwidth on demand for inter-data center communication (2011) Proceedings of the 10th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, ser, pp. 241-246. , HotNets-X. New York, NY, USA: ACMGomes, R.L., Bittencourt, L.F., Madeira, E.R.M., A bandwidthfeasibility algorithm for reliable virtual network allocation (2014) 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA