6,425 research outputs found

    Crowd Counting with Decomposed Uncertainty

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    Research in neural networks in the field of computer vision has achieved remarkable accuracy for point estimation. However, the uncertainty in the estimation is rarely addressed. Uncertainty quantification accompanied by point estimation can lead to a more informed decision, and even improve the prediction quality. In this work, we focus on uncertainty estimation in the domain of crowd counting. With increasing occurrences of heavily crowded events such as political rallies, protests, concerts, etc., automated crowd analysis is becoming an increasingly crucial task. The stakes can be very high in many of these real-world applications. We propose a scalable neural network framework with quantification of decomposed uncertainty using a bootstrap ensemble. We demonstrate that the proposed uncertainty quantification method provides additional insight to the crowd counting problem and is simple to implement. We also show that our proposed method exhibits the state of the art performances in many benchmark crowd counting datasets.Comment: Accepted in AAAI 2020 (Main Technical Track

    Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for p>1 million

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    Many have suggested a bootstrap procedure for estimating the sampling variability of principal component analysis (PCA) results. However, when the number of measurements per subject (pp) is much larger than the number of subjects (nn), the challenge of calculating and storing the leading principal components from each bootstrap sample can be computationally infeasible. To address this, we outline methods for fast, exact calculation of bootstrap principal components, eigenvalues, and scores. Our methods leverage the fact that all bootstrap samples occupy the same nn-dimensional subspace as the original sample. As a result, all bootstrap principal components are limited to the same nn-dimensional subspace and can be efficiently represented by their low dimensional coordinates in that subspace. Several uncertainty metrics can be computed solely based on the bootstrap distribution of these low dimensional coordinates, without calculating or storing the pp-dimensional bootstrap components. Fast bootstrap PCA is applied to a dataset of sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings (p=900p=900, n=392n=392), and to a dataset of brain magnetic resonance images (MRIs) (pā‰ˆp\approx 3 million, n=352n=352). For the brain MRI dataset, our method allows for standard errors for the first 3 principal components based on 1000 bootstrap samples to be calculated on a standard laptop in 47 minutes, as opposed to approximately 4 days with standard methods.Comment: 25 pages, including 9 figures and link to R package. 2014-05-14 update: final formatting edits for journal submission, condensed figure

    Bounded Influence Approaches to Constrained Mixed Vector Autoregressive Models

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    The proliferation of many clinical studies obtaining multiple biophysical signals from several individuals repeatedly in time is increasingly recognized, a recognition generating growth in statistical models that analyze cross-sectional time series data. In general, these statistical models try to answer two questions: (i) intra-individual dynamics of the response and its relation to some covariates; and, (ii) how this dynamics can be aggregated consistently in a group. In response to the first question, we propose a covariate-adjusted constrained Vector Autoregressive model, a technique similar to the STARMAX model (Stoffer, JASA 81, 762-772), to describe serial dependence of observations. In this way, the number of parameters to be estimated is kept minimal while offering flexibility for the model to explore higher order dependence. In response to (ii), we use mixed effects analysis that accommodates modelling of heterogeneity among cross-sections arising from covariate effects that vary from one cross-section to another. Although estimation of the model can proceed using standard maximum likelihood techniques, we believed it is advantageous to use bounded influence procedures in the modelling (such as choosing constraints) and parameter estimation so that the effects of outliers can be controlled. In particular, we use M-estimation with a redescending bounding function because its influence function is always bounded. Furthermore, assuming consistency, this influence function is useful to obtain the limiting distribution of the estimates. However, this distribution may not necessarily yield accurate inference in the presence of contamination as the actual asymptotic distribution might have wider tails. This led us to investigate bootstrap approximation techniques. A sampling scheme based on IID innovations is modified to accommodate the cross-sectional structure of the data. Then the M-estimation is applied to each bootstrap sample naively to obtain the asymptotic distribution of the estimates.We apply these strategies to the extracted BOLD activation from several regions of the brain from a group of individuals to describe joint dynamic behavior between these locations. We used simulated data with both innovation and additive outliers to test whether the estimation procedure is accurate despite contamination

    Random noise in Diffusion Tensor Imaging, its Destructive Impact and Some Corrections

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    The empirical origin of random noise is described, its influence on DTI variables is illustrated by a review of numerical and in vivo studies supplemented by new simulations investigating high noise levels. A stochastic model of noise propagation is presented to structure noise impact in DTI. Finally, basics of voxelwise and spatial denoising procedures are presented. Recent denoising procedures are reviewed and consequences of the stochastic model for convenient denoising strategies are discussed

    LIMO EEG: A Toolbox for hierarchical LInear MOdeling of ElectroEncephaloGraphic data

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    Magnetic- and electric-evoked brain responses have traditionally been analyzed by comparing the peaks or mean amplitudes of signals from selected channels and averaged across trials. More recently, tools have been developed to investigate single trial response variability (e.g., EEGLAB) and to test differences between averaged evoked responses over the entire scalp and time dimensions (e.g., SPM, Fieldtrip). LIMO EEG is a Matlab toolbox (EEGLAB compatible) to analyse evoked responses over all space and time dimensions, while accounting for single trial variability using a simple hierarchical linear modelling of the data. In addition, LIMO EEG provides robust parametric tests, therefore providing a new and complementary tool in the analysis of neural evoked responses
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