1,604 research outputs found


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     Facial age estimation recently becomes active research topic in pattern recognition. As there are vast potential application in age specific human computer interaction security control and surveillance monitoring. Insufficient and incomplete training data, uncontrollable environment, facial expression are the most prominent challenges in facial age estimation. Degree of accuracy for age estimation is obtained by forming appropriate feature vector of a facial image. Feature vectors are constructed from facial features. Therefore comparative study of feature extraction from facial image by bio inspired feature (BIF), histogram of gradient (HOG), Gabor filter, wavelet transform and scattering transform is done. The propose approach exploits scattering transform gives more information about features of the facial images. Well organized system consist scattering transform that disperse gabber coefficients pulling with smooth gaussian process in number of layers which isused to calculate for facial feature representation. These extracted features are classified using support vector machine and artificial neural network

    Machine Learning-Based Classification of Hybrid BCI Signals using Mayfly-Optimized Multiclass Weighted Random Forest

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    The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technologies have excellent clinical and non-clinical uses. Among the most popular imaging methods adopted in BCI technologies is electroencephalography (EEG). But EEG signals are typically quite complicated, so analyzing them necessitates a significant amount of effort. With the help of machine learning (ML), this research investigates the feasibility of a BCI platform based on the motor imagery (MI) concept. The steps of pre-processing, feature extraction and classification are the underpinning of any conventional ML model. To train such a model, however, a large amount of data is needed. To address this gap, this work introduces a new mayfly-optimized multiclass weighted random forest (MFO-MWRF) technique that uses retrieved features as input to mitigate the need for this supplementary data. In this study, we gather a dataset of hybrid EEG and fNIRS motor imagery that can be pre-processed using a Wiener filter (WF) to filter out noisier signals without affecting the high-quality images. The characteristics are extracted using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The research results indicate that the proposed approach achieves the best performance compared to existing approaches for classifying motor movement images

    Classification of EMG signals to control a prosthetic hand using time-frequesncy representations and Support Vector Machines

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    Myoelectric signals (MES) are viable control signals for externally-powered prosthetic devices. They may improve both the functionality and the cosmetic appearance of these devices. Conventional controllers, based on the signal\u27s amplitude features in the control strategy, lack a large number of controllable states because signals from independent muscles are required for each degree of freedom (DoF) of the device. Myoelectric pattern recognition systems can overcome this problem by discriminating different residual muscle movements instead of contraction levels of individual muscles. However, the lack of long-term robustness in these systems and the design of counter-intuitive control/command interfaces have resulted in low clinical acceptance levels. As a result, the development of robust, easy to use myoelectric pattern recognition-based control systems is the main challenge in the field of prosthetic control. This dissertation addresses the need to improve the controller\u27s robustness by designing a pattern recognition-based control system that classifies the user\u27s intention to actuate the prosthesis. This system is part of a cost-effective prosthetic hand prototype developed to achieve an acceptable level of functional dexterity using a simple to use interface. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier implemented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) was created. It used wavelet features from multiple surface EMG channels strategically placed over five forearm muscles. The classifiers were evaluated across seven subjects. They were able to discriminate five wrist motions with an accuracy of 91.5%. Variations of electrode locations were artificially introduced at each recording session as part of the procedure, to obtain data that accounted for the changes in the user\u27s muscle patterns over time. The generalization ability of the SVM was able to capture most of the variability in the data and to maintain an average classification accuracy of 90%. Two principal component analysis (PCA) frameworks were also evaluated to study the relationship between EMG recording sites and the need for feature space reduction. The dimension of the new feature set was reduced with the goal of improving the classification accuracy and reducing the computation time. The analysis indicated that the projection of the wavelet features into a reduced feature space did not significantly improve the accuracy and the computation time. However, decreasing the number of wavelet decomposition levels did lower the computational load without compromising the average signal classification accuracy. Based on the results of this work, a myoelectric pattern recognition-based control system that uses an SVM classifier applied to time-frequency features may be used to discriminate muscle contraction patterns for prosthetic applications

    P300 detection and characterization for brain computer interface

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    Advances in cognitive neuroscience and brain imaging technologies have enabled the brain to directly interface with the computer. This technique is called as Brain Computer Interface (BCI). This ability is made possible through use of sensors that can monitor some of the physical processes that occur inside the brain. Researchers have used these kinds of technologies to build brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Computers or communication devices can be controlled by using the signals produced in the brain. This can be a real boon for all those who are not able to communicate with the outside world directly. They can easily forecast their emotions or feelings using this technology. In BCI we use oddball paradigms to generate event-related potentials (ERPs), like the P300 wave, on targets which have been selected by the user. The basic principle of a P300 speller is detection of P300 waves that allows the user to write characters. Two classification problems are encountered in the P300 speller. The first is to detect the presence of a P300 in the electroencephalogram (EEG). The second one refers to the combination of different P300 signals for determining the right character to spell. In this thesis both parts i.e., the classification as well as characterization part are presented in a simple and lucid way. First data is obtained using data set 2 of the third BCI competition. The raw data was processed through matlab software and the corresponding feature matrices were obtained. Several techniques such as normalization, feature extraction and feature reduction of the data are explained through the contents of this thesis. Then ANN algorithm is used to classify the data into P300 and no-P300 waves. Finally character recognition is carried out through the use of multiclass classifiers that enable the user to determine the right character to spell